You should make a resident evil game. T'would be awesome
here's what you do, never be repetitive, if you make the same project it will be boring unless it is an updated version of an older game, but make new formats of games and if you can make an undiscovered format (ex: when I started the split screens)
Here are some of the possible themes from the latest Ludum's programming competition - and some of my thoughts. They ended up with
Advancing wall of doom
and I created this
Advancing Wall of Doom Maze game with 50% where you can't walk you can push it back
All Your Base Complete the circuit to take over security one after another
Any Fiction 100 years + old Invisible Man
Board Game
Cards Throwing cards with deadly power
Circuits Grab pieces and complete circuit
Defense Mechanic with shield in robot war
Epidemic Administer antibiotics to population against zombie plague
Flying Bi plane type game
Game within a game
Globe Planetary bombardment
HG Wells Story Invisible Man attacks
Hold the Line Attack of putty
Invasive advertisements Email Sorting
Irony Magnetism things that are like iron
Jules Verne Story World in 80 days
Mountain Goats
Multiple types of health meters
Nintendo Hard
Non Sequitur
Online high scores
Paper Paper Airplane
Randomness (never the same twice)
Rogue Nanobots Epidemic idea – dropping magnets to kill them
Roundabout methods
Sandbox Lone bug takes over the sand box
Science Fiction Invisible Man attacks alines
Social interaction Tag
To be played in a public place Tag
Track Race Game
Turbo Hyper Ultra Mega Laser Ninjas 3000 Fighter
Werewolves Good guys racing to free other werewolves
Winter snowball fight
Xylophone Throwing mallets and playing music