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So here are a couple of rules that you should try to follow when you're writing to make your writing even better
Correct spelling is essentail
Don't use, unnecessary commas
About them sentence fragments
Avoid cliches like the plague
Don't use no double negatives
ok those were essentially jokes but still follow them
also i can't write anything that isn't fiction that doesn't suck
so uh
Ok so if you want to write something good then you have to make sure you have a good plot
this is by far the hardest part!
so you think and you think
not just what you want your story to be about
but you plan the entire story through
sometimes it helps if you write it down unless you wnat to commit it to memory
then you go back
and see if you can make the plot any better
avoid cliche like MAD here
if it's been in other books people don't usually want to read about it
for example uh
a brave adventurer goes on a journey to rescue the lost princess
mega cliche!
but uh say
a young girl is trapped in an underground city, and the secrets of the city unravel as she travels to get out, and she finds a secret that could save her own world
that's ok
but then you have to add more
so add characters
fully plan it out
and then you're about done in that respect
I'd like to add that uh apperently many authors don't plan out their stories so uh whatever works best for you
ok so i wrote something with a couple of characters and i had no idea what i was going to do with them but then it came out alright
wrote it a lot faster
this is a kind of neat little trick that i started using a while ago and i find it really works
you've probably seen it in a movie
so what you do is you start in the middle of a scene, instead of the beginning
so like instead of;
"elise got out of bed early this morning, for her mother was tired and she would have to make breakfast for the family"
you would go
"Her hand shook under the weight of the pan as she prepared eggs that morning. "
only that kind of sucks so don't write it like that but you see what i mean, right?
Actually, no it's not
be sure to edit your work!
but when you're writing a rough draft do NOT edit
it will take too much time and you'll never get anything done
I personally am really bad at this myself but it's still a good rule to follow!
write too much
just because a book is long doesn't mean it's great
it just means the author put a lot of time into it
and don't just state things either
IMPLY them
so instead of
"The car slammed through the solid glass building and hit a tree"
you could say
"Glass sprinkled to the floor as the vehicle swerved into the tree on the other side of the building"
ok that's a bad example but hopefully you see what i mean
"Good writers imply, good readers infer"
if there's something i forgot which there probably was i'll add it later
Last edited by bananaman114 (2012-02-09 15:45:07)
A+ thread, would read again.
veggieman001 wrote:
A+ thread, would read again.
Oh boy that's the highest mark i've gotten today
Trying this out
Chapter One
One, Wensday morning, their was this girl her name was Hariet Potter and she liked to read a lot but she coldn’t visit the libary becouse the Durzleys woldn’t let her leave the cubberd under the stairs, and then that morning Hariet got this letter but the Durzleys woldn’t “let her read it”! She was sad.
Wickimen wrote:
Trying this out
Chapter One
One, Wensday morning, their was this girl her name was Hariet Potter and she liked to read a lot but she coldn’t visit the libary becouse the Durzleys woldn’t let her leave the cubberd under the stairs, and then that morning Hariet got this letter but the Durzleys woldn’t “let her read it”! She was sad.
dud u bork evvy rul i gav u der
Wickimen wrote:
I followed the rools, to, the best of my abilitee
which obviously is not substantial
Wickimen wrote:
Wayt doez tat mean my first atempt was gude :0
it meenz good tri!
Wickimen wrote:
Yey my chapter one is so talinted
u shud mak it a seriez wif 7 bookz
Wickimen wrote:
Then mebbe someune mayk it intoo eigt moovies
doze monney wannin holliwood guise!
seriously though wicki was an example of what to do
if you want to make a terribo fanfic
bananaman114 wrote:
seriously though wicki was an example of what to do
if you want to make a terribo fanfic
Dude don't be mean!
veggieman001 wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
seriously though wicki was an example of what to do
if you want to make a terribo fanficDude don't be mean!
I'm sorry but it's true!!!
bananaman114 wrote:
So here are a couple of rules that you should try to follow when you're writing to make your writing even better
Correct spelling is essentail
Actually terribo fanfics are more like this
[insert terrible opening such as] Hi my name is Annalissa Rosalina Castleway [or some other ridiculously pompous/long name] but you can call me Lissy because I hate being called the samething [insert some spelling phails] as my mom who is also Annalissa Rosalina [subtlety fail]. I have golden white hair, dyed purple at the tips, that fans out behind me in the wind and bright emerald green eyes with little flecks of golden blue in them [or some other ridiculously described and horribly irrealistic personal appearance]. Today I was wearing [randomly switch past/present/future tense] a rose pink t-shirt with silvery stripes and dark blue skinny jeans I purchased at Hollister [stupid description of popular clothes]. My family is poor and we don’t have alot [spelling phail] of money [unrelated statement that makes no sense with the previously described kind of clothes the character is wearing, and is also an infodump], because we are a big family there’s [grammer failing] Bennie, Jack, Greg, Sue [everyone else has very short un-thought-out names, grammer failing].
Last edited by Wickimen (2012-02-08 19:08:05)
jji7skyline wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
So here are a couple of rules that you should try to follow when you're writing to make your writing even better
Correct spelling is essentailO_o
that was intentional if you didn't notice
i said terribo, though
not bad
terribo is worse!
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