That's my project, heres what I'm stuck on:
Ok so I want my game to have the dots evenly spread out from the right to the left side of the screen on on the X axis. I have to make sure that they stamp the amount of times the user imputs. Mine, doesn't stamp in the middle. It somehow needs to be moved over or something.
Like this:
( | ) = Side
( x ) = Sprite or stamp
| X X X X X |
Currently I have:
| X X X X X X| Help please?
You are probably doing something like this:
repeat (5) change x by (20) stamp endYou should do:
goto (-225) (0) repeat (5) stamp change x by (10) endinstead.
Last edited by Magnie (2012-02-02 18:17:19)
if you want you can look at my screen generator script which works out the centre point of the square the user wants generate and the draws based on that. (it uses pre set tiles to generate so you could just replace them with dots)