What's the weather where you are right now?
Here it's a thunderstorm, and the power went out about 30 minutes ago while i was playing Runescape(and i was about to win a game of Fist of Guthix!!!!) and it's in the 40s and my brother thinks there's going to be a tornado(Which there's not!)
There was snow outside yesterday, but it all melted and know everything is wet. Spring is coming soon.
Fairly warm (but you'll still need a spring jacket) with scattered drizzle around the area.
Bright sun, clear skies! But really cold.
Guess what it's like if i'm in the uk? (Rainy and dull)
Really hot (about 25 degrees Celsius), powerful thunderstorm (almost hurricane!) ripped through a few hours ago, power outage. Was sunny before. Now it's about 20. Really hot for April, it's summer weather. Funny, because just a few days ago it was snowing.
Extremely hot and sunny, even though it's usually cold here.
95!!!! Whew Its Hot
it is very nice weather over here! very calm and cool.
coolstuff wrote:
Really hot (about 25 degrees Celsius), powerful thunderstorm (almost hurricane!) ripped through a few hours ago, power outage. Was sunny before. Now it's about 20. Really hot for April, it's summer weather. Funny, because just a few days ago it was snowing.
Basiclly the same thing here. No power outage but a extremely loud lightning bolt hit(not our house though) about 5 minutes ago. About as loud as being a foot away from a lawn mower
BWOG wrote:
coolstuff wrote:
Really hot (about 25 degrees Celsius), powerful thunderstorm (almost hurricane!) ripped through a few hours ago, power outage. Was sunny before. Now it's about 20. Really hot for April, it's summer weather. Funny, because just a few days ago it was snowing.
Basiclly the same thing here. No power outage but a extremely loud lightning bolt hit(not our house though) about 5 minutes ago. About as loud as being a foot away from a lawn mower
It just stopped raining and i can see the sun 8-|