I'm gonna' make another space-based game, Following up the finished Space Pirate. It's called (original!) Spice Pirate! Yeah.
So, I'm wondering if you have any ideas for it. I'm planning to make it free-play, with a two-way scrollong top down. You shoot spaceships like civilian vehicles and freighters to get spice and loot, which you can sell to nearby planets. However, if you attack someone while there is a fighter in view, the fighter will attack you.
So, here are most of the features I have so far, some of them are on the spot.
-You can attack any ships, at any time.
-If fighters see you attacking someone, or if you attack them, they will fight back.
-Freighters will generally yield more spice and loot than civilians.
-Reputation perhaps?
-Sell spice and loot to planets.
-Bonuses that modify health points, attack rating, shields, and whatever.
So, any ideas?
Happy pies
Could you add that somewhere?
undefeatedgames wrote:
Happy pies
Could you add that somewhere?
maybe a super rare loot that is worth HEAPS!!! AWW YEAH
Happypieman wrote:
undefeatedgames wrote:
Happy pies
Could you add that somewhere?maybe a super rare loot that is worth HEAPS!!! AWW YEAH
There you go
i'll need MOAR!!! MOAR I TELL YOU HA HA HA HA HA!!!! *goes crazy and is locked up in an asylum* no, jk. But I will need more.
Oh, and update, I have made a half-demo, you can shoot, there are boundaries, and if you touch the boundaries, you respawn at the start point. Ok, so maybe it's a fifth of a demo.
Upu-dateu: Finished freighter movement and started loot. Added two more planets. Compiling list of loot, with undefeatedgames suggestion of Happypies taken in as thehiegst, rarest kind of loot you can get. Freighter movement all thanks to keileymeister!
Have upgrades for better weapons and faster speed.
treebark1313 wrote:
Have upgrades for better weapons and faster speed.
Yeah, i'm planning that.
kelpow wrote:
I have an idea for a saving feature without a mod that you could use. Please quote me if you'd like to know more.
I see. Quoting...
kelpow wrote:
I have an idea for a saving feature without a mod that you could use. Please quote me if you'd like to know more.
Yes, i have implemented it into the Beta.1. It's released if you want to see it! Sorry for the late reply. If your saving/loading thing is different, jus' tell me!
drcharms wrote:
What an excellent post. I have been thinking along the same lines but have could never channel my thoughts that well or grasp the concept completely. Your post absolutely states what I always intended to say.
What exactly do you mean?