woahfreaky wrote:
Not much to do wit such a small size ^^
Thanks that's great!
Anyone who is good at making high quality sprites I need a 2-D sprite for a side-scroller with maybe 2-4 attacks, a jump, and walk cycle. The sprite should be based off of these pictures:
http://images.elfwood.com/art/e/l/elsto … aladin.jpg
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/EPIC_ … kguard.jpg
http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/enc … /druid.jpg
http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/4e/20 … _4full.jpg
I won't the sprite to have sort of a magic/type power and physical attacks.
Open again. I need some more practice. Compared with these other guys, I suck >.<
More recent works
Last edited by Bluestributee (2009-04-22 18:23:03)
Two templates free to use just made them in Photoshop
Cmon. I know you guys need some new sigs or game intros
Can you do one with like a war scene in the background and have the text be:
War doesn't determine who's right, it determines who's left.
bosox397 wrote:
Can you do one with like a war scene in the background and have the text be:
War doesn't determine who's right, it determines who's left.
I can, but a few things:
This being so simple, can't you do it in any photo editor? Only adding text?
What is it for (so I can get a good idea size wise)
Do you want a real war scene or a drawn one?