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I want to be able to convert any decimal number into any base (base 10, 16, 32, etc.) specified by a list (if your way uses lists) because I plan on making a converting project.
I deleted a 5-minute older topic similar to this one, but I decided to make something else instead.
I'd do it with a formula, rather.
Being ignorant in this subject my way would be count upwards in decimal and add a digit every "base" numbers, but there must be a faster, easier way. Google could help!
LS97 wrote:
I'd do it with a formula, rather.
Being ignorant in this subject my way would be count upwards in decimal and add a digit every "base" numbers, but there must be a faster, easier way. Google could help!
Yeah, I just had that thought but can't get it working.
Here's a script:
when gf clicked delete (all v) of [remainders v] ask [Give a decimal number] and wait set [number v] to (answer) ask [Choose a base to convert to] and wait set [base v] to (answer) repeat until <(number) = [0]> set [rounded down v] to [] //mini script from wiki set [count v] to [0] repeat until <<(letter (count) of ((number) / (base))) = [.]> or <(count) = (length of ((number) / (base)))>> set [rounded down v] to (join (rounded down) (letter (count) of ((number) / (base)))) change [count v] by (1) //end mini script end add (item (((number) mod (base)) + (1)) of [in base v]) to [remainders v] set [number v] to (rounded down) end set [count v] to (length of [remainders v]) //mini script to join digits set [new num v] to [] repeat (length of [remainders v]) set [new num v] to (join (new num)(item (count) of [remainders v])) change [count v] by (-1) end say (join (join([Your number in base](base))[ is ](new num))Does that work for you?
Last edited by scimonster (2012-02-02 14:29:01)
This should work for bases less than 10, for bases greater than ten, you will need to create alphabets to stand in for numbers and modify the script accordingly.
I made it work with conversion to binary, but it still isn't working with base 3.
Sorry everyone, I'm about to explode in confusion.
I'm sure I found a small and simple way, why isn't it working in Scratch?
demosthenes wrote:
Am I seeing a screenshot there
when green flag clicked set [base v] to (answer) ask [Input a number] and wait set [number v] to (answer) delete (all v) of [value v] repeat (10) add [0] to [value v] end set [difference v] to (number) repeat until <(difference) = [0] set [index v] to [0] set [temp v] to [1] repeat until <(temp) > (difference)> set [temp v] to ((base) * (temp)) change [index v] by (1) end replace item (index) of [value v] with (round (((difference) - ((difference) mod ((temp) / (base)))) / ((temp) / (base)))) set [difference v] to ((difference) - ((item (index) of [value v])*((temp) / (base)))) end
Did you see my post? It works for anything up to base 36. It would be an even shorter script of Scratch has a (round [up/down v] ()) block.
Last edited by scimonster (2012-02-02 15:01:45)
scimonster wrote:
Did you see my post? It works for anything up to base 36. It would be an even shorter script of Scratch has a (round [up/down v] ()) block.
Yes, but it's just too long...
scimonster wrote:
Did you see my post? It works for anything up to base 36. It would be an even shorter script of Scratch has a (round [up/down v] ()) block.
Rounding up or down (called 'floor' or 'ceil' in a lot of programming languages) can already be done in Scratch
The solution is actually fairly simple:
say (round ((value) + (0.5))) //round up say (round ((value) - (0.5))) //round down
scimonster wrote:
Did you see my post? It works for anything up to base 36. It would be an even shorter script of Scratch has a (round [up/down v] ()) block.
You can just put:
(round ((value) + (0.5)))and
(round ((value) - (0.5)))
scimonster wrote:
Here's a script:
when gf clicked delete (all v) of [remainders v] ask [Give a decimal number] and wait set [number v] to (answer) ask [Choose a base to convert to] and wait set [base v] to (answer) repeat until <(number) = [0]> set [rounded down v] to [] //mini script from wiki set [count v] to [0] repeat until <<(letter (count) of ((number) / (base))) = [.]> or <(count) = (length of ((number) / (base)))>> set [rounded down v] to (join (rounded down) (letter (count) of ((number) / (base)))) change [count v] by (1) //end mini script end add (item (((number) mod (base)) + (1)) of [in base v]) to [remainders v] set [number v] to (rounded down) end set [count v] to (length of [remainders v]) //mini script to join digits set [new num v] to [] repeat (length of [remainders v]) set [new num v] to (join (new num)(item (count) of [remainders v])) change [count v] by (-1) end say (join (join([Your number in base](base))[ is ](new num))Does that work for you?
You'll need a list called "in bases" that has all the characters in the bases. Item 1 of the list should be 0.
BTW, Google helped. XD
How long did it take you to figure that out?! D:
JSO wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Did you see my post? It works for anything up to base 36. It would be an even shorter script of Scratch has a (round [up/down v] ()) block.
Rounding up or down (called 'floor' or 'ceil' in a lot of programming languages) can already be done in Scratch
The solution is actually fairly simple:say (round ((value) + (0.5))) //round up say (round ((value) - (0.5))) //round down
I know what it is in other languages. Cool, thanks for the workaround.
RedRocker227 wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Here's a script:
when gf clicked delete (all v) of [remainders v] ask [Give a decimal number] and wait set [number v] to (answer) ask [Choose a base to convert to] and wait set [base v] to (answer) repeat until <(number) = [0]> set [rounded down v] to [] //mini script from wiki set [count v] to [0] repeat until <<(letter (count) of ((number) / (base))) = [.]> or <(count) = (length of ((number) / (base)))>> set [rounded down v] to (join (rounded down) (letter (count) of ((number) / (base)))) change [count v] by (1) //end mini script end add (item (((number) mod (base)) + (1)) of [in base v]) to [remainders v] set [number v] to (rounded down) end set [count v] to (length of [remainders v]) //mini script to join digits set [new num v] to [] repeat (length of [remainders v]) set [new num v] to (join (new num)(item (count) of [remainders v])) change [count v] by (-1) end say (join (join([Your number in base](base))[ is ](new num))Does that work for you?
You'll need a list called "in bases" that has all the characters in the bases. Item 1 of the list should be 0.
BTW, Google helped. XDHow long did it take you to figure that out?! D:
Oh, 5 minutes, once I had the algorithm.
Here's an updated version of the script:
when gf clicked delete (all v) of [remainders v] ask [Give a decimal number] and wait set [number v] to (answer) ask [Choose a base to convert to] and wait set [base v] to (answer) repeat until <(number) = [0]> add (item (((number) mod (base)) + (1)) of [in base v]) to [remainders v] set [number v] to (round ((number) - (0.5))) end set [count v] to (length of [remainders v]) //mini script to join digits set [new num v] to [] repeat (length of [remainders v]) set [new num v] to (join (new num)(item (count) of [remainders v])) change [count v] by (-1) end say (join(join [Your number in base](base))(join [ is ](new num)))
Last edited by scimonster (2012-02-04 12:54:40)
I'm doing something similar, building a base conversion block in BYOB... it keeps outputting 0.
base (base =13) 2 digit number (orignum =54) to base 10 set [baseout v] to <<letter (1) of (orignum)> + <(base)*<letter (2) of (orignum)>>>report baseout
Last edited by wilsonbiggs (2012-02-04 18:55:10)
wilsonbiggs wrote:
I'm doing something similar, building a base conversion block in BYOB... it keeps outputting 0.
base (base =13) 2 digit number (orignum =54) to base 10 set [baseout v] to <<letter (1) of (orignum)> + <(base)*<letter (2) of (orignum)>>> report baseout
Try using my script.
wilsonbiggs wrote:
I'm doing something similar, building a base conversion block in BYOB... it keeps outputting 0.
base (base =13) 2 digit number (orignum =54) to base 10 set [baseout v] to <<letter (1) of (orignum)> + <(base)*<letter (2) of (orignum)>>>report baseout
That's funny... I calculated and the answer should be 56. Use the
report [stuff]in the Control category and place it onto the end of the script.
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