Its not online ;_;
I got on, and accidentally found Videogame9's underground house. Also, what do you need to do to be a trusted
schusteralex2 wrote:
I got on, and accidentally found Videogame9's underground house. Also, what do you need to do to be a trusted
6 hours of total game play. Do /totalplaytime and tell an admin when you get equal to or past 6 hours.
laptop97 wrote:
schusteralex2 wrote:
I got on, and accidentally found Videogame9's underground house. Also, what do you need to do to be a trusted
6 hours of total game play. Do /totalplaytime and tell an admin when you get equal to or past 6 hours.
OK, thanks.
Can i join?
I got griefed. AGAIN. Let's see... this is the... 5th time I have been griefed since the map reset.
Yeah, I just got griefed. They tore through my house, stealing...
at least a stack of wood of building damage
at lease a few glass
20 pickaxes
1 chest
1 crafting table
3 furnaces
20 meat
5 coal
Gosh, Sunrise, for some reason I think you have a griefer on your server!
I wanna play :3
Someone is stealing every1's stuff, including mine
Yeah, so major grief. I think we should do a map reset. I have a few ideas on how to almost positively prevent griefing unless it's an old and trusted player that could be applied to the new map.
Also, everyone welcome the new mods Ekaj35 and Videogame9. We'll be having a mod election for one more mod soon.
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
Yeah, so major grief. I think we should do a map reset. I have a few ideas on how to almost positively prevent griefing unless it's an old and trusted player that could be applied to the new map.
Also, everyone welcome the new mods Ekaj35 and Videogame9. We'll be having a mod election for one more mod soon.
Yay! Another fresh start
Yay, now every1 will have no stuff like me!!
Mod elections starting now! If you'd like to run, post a speech.
I would like to be a server moderator. I have experience in moderating servers. (On one (stealthycraft) I do so well I have a rank higher than admin and second only to owner) I am also pretty good with plug-ins. Except worldedit's region thing. I've always had trouble with region selection I also only ban, kick, jail or punish in any way for valid reasons. Due to the fact I find it slightly more fun to get my own items, I will not gift unless it is to repair a major grief and I will normally use my legitimate stuff to repair it before I turn to gifting, because gifting ruins some of the fun of the game. I hope to be mod and wish you all good luck and hope no more alts come. Thank you.
Many years ago, like 2, I was a newb at Minecraft. In fact, I didn't know how to play. years later, the present, I'm actually quite good, and extremely responsible.
I am pretty old, at 15.
I am quite mature.
People have a large ammount of respect for me.
I have played on many, many MC servers.
I hate griefing, because of how mean it is. I would actively patrol for greifing and theft to repair the damage. It is my philosophy that a MC server should be fun for all, not just those who wish to destroy what we work hard to create! I say a fair and safe server for everyone!
Who's with me?!
EBJ for mod '12
Guys, I think I should be mod because this server's really cool. I love SunriseMoon because he's just such a great admin. I'm not lazy and I totally know all the commands. My favorite is /banall. I've never griefed in my life and I'm just a really cool guy.
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
Guys, I think I should be mod because this server's really cool. I love SunriseMoon because he's just such a great admin. I'm not lazy and I totally know all the commands. My favorite is /banall. I've never griefed in my life and I'm just a really cool guy.
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
Guys, I think I should be mod because this server's really cool. I love SunriseMoon because he's just such a great admin. I'm not lazy and I totally know all the commands. My favorite is /banall. I've never griefed in my life and I'm just a really cool guy.
Nice try bro'
I really would be honored to be a mod. I think that I'm worthy because I really get all these greifers and I think I could make a change.
If I became server moderator, I think I would try to stop these greifings. I would help with everything else also, such as defaults. But I would really focus on that a lot.
Thanks for your time and I hope that the best man is elected. Even if it isn't me.
My house was griefed again.I think I hold the record for most griefs on one server. I think this is the 11th time my house has been griefed."
Every day when I come on this server, before I connect to it, I think: "I bet my house got griefed again." and then I connect to the server and find out it was griefed, and then I'm like "Oh, what a surprise. I got griefed again. It's not like I wasn't expecting that."
Last edited by slapperbob (2012-02-04 14:37:54)
slapperbob wrote:
My house was griefed again.I think I hold the record for most griefs on one server. I think this is the 11th time my house has been griefed."
Every day when I come on this server, before I connect to it, I think: "I bet my house got griefed again." and then I connect to the server and find out it was griefed, and then I'm like "Oh, what a surprise. I got griefed again. It's not like I wasn't expecting that."
Yep, either whitelist, new map, or both. I'd prefer both.
All new players must have a reference on how they found the server due to griefing. In fact, I'm going to make the server whitelist very soon. A few minutes.
But first, I need to get these mooshrooms 3000 blocks over to my house.