Ok! Hello everyone. If you check my projects, you'll see a project showing a sneek preview of my new animation. I have teh characters and the plot ALLL planned out. BUT - I'm stuck on actually creating it. Im a new scratcher, and I really wanna be a pro. So please could someone tell me either:
A - How do I make the character blink or make their mouth move?
B - How do I make the characters move?
C - How to I make buttons actualyl work??
- Bubzi.
Hello Bubzi,
Firstly, welcome to Scratch! I hope you have a great time. Now, just so you know, this should be in a different forum and belongs in Help with Scripts.
Let's address your questions anyways:
A. For the characters blinking, you can use the
switch to costume [costume1]block. You go to the "Costumes" section of your sprite, then select "Paint" to draw an entirely new one. To modify one you already have, select "Copy" from an existing costume and then select "Edit" on your copy to modify it. You can then use the "switch to costume" block to determine what costume your character will have. You can also make it switch to costumes in order (like the lips moving) like this:
forever next costume wait (0.03) secsI'll let you figure that out on your own so you can experiment.
glide [1] secs to x: [0] y: [0]or
move [10] stepsblocks. You can probably figure that out. (Tip: x and y are the positions the sprites have on the screen)
when [Button] clicked broadcast [Start animation] when I receive [Start animation] glide [1] secs to x: [0] y: [0]The blocks broadcast a signal, and then the sprite reacts to it.
Legolas_Greenleaf wrote:
forever next costume wait (0.1) secs
woah woah woah!
that will make it so the mouth is always moveing!
do this insted!
and also if you have more than just talking sprites then it will do them all!
forever if <(name of guy talking) = (1)> switch to costume [talk1 v] wait (0.1) secs switch to costume [talk2 v] wait (0.1) secs
Last edited by Bklecka (2012-02-02 17:17:44)
Mouth-moving/blinking looks smoother when the costumes switch quickly
Well... I just made this quick tutorial here...
Hope it helps! Download to see all the scripts.
@Blecka: That was an example.