My gallery, Scratch Extensions, was accidentally deleted by me a couple weeks ago. I went to recreate it, but it says that the gallery already exists. So i went to the "galleries with my projects in them" page and attempted to access the gallery. Much to my suprise, the site reported the gallery had been deleted ! Can one of the Scratch admins do some database-diving and figure out how to get my gallery out of this limbo? I don't care which direction it goes in (deleted or created), because I can recreate it, there was only one project in it anyway.
I am running Windows Vista SP1
I am browsing on Google Chrome, but the problem occurs on Firefox 3 as well
I am on using cable internet thru a router, and the problem occurs on Wi-Fi and ethernet.
I am using only Windows Firewall for a firewall.
This happens on both my laptop and desktop.
Thanks in advance,
Either that or the system had a delay.It's deleted but maybe the server still thinks it there.
Why not just use another name for the gallery? Scratch Extension Projects? Beyond Scratch?
Nice Idea Paddle2see!
Paddle2See wrote:
Why not just use another name for the gallery? Scratch Extension Projects? Beyond Scratch?
Ah, thanks. I can't believe I didn't think of that
Okay, I hate to revive an old topic but it seemed a better idea than posting a new thread. When I go to ScratchChat and click on the "3 galleries" link to show what galleries it's in, Scratch Extensions appears! I don't know how bad that is from a person who's going to be clicking that link's point of view, but it sure bugs me, and I was wondering if there was some way to fix that. If I'm just being picky-uney, just say so and I'll shut up about this for good
HaiTek wrote:
Okay, I hate to revive an old topic but it seemed a better idea than posting a new thread. When I go to ScratchChat and click on the "3 galleries" link to show what galleries it's in, Scratch Extensions appears! I don't know how bad that is from a person who's going to be clicking that link's point of view, but it sure bugs me, and I was wondering if there was some way to fix that. If I'm just being picky-uney, just say so and I'll shut up about this for good
Okay, now THAT is a bug! I have written it up and submitted it to the development team for resolution. Thanks for pointing it out.