Processing is a really cool programming language
It's based on java, but it's a lot more simple than it
Then there's ProcessingJS, a version of processing built in javascript. You can use both javascript and processing, and it shows the sketch in an html5 canvas element, which i would suggest using if you want to put the sketch on the web.
discuss this language here
also, veggie is the one who showed me this, thanks to him, i've been able to make some cool things with this (thanks again veggie)
Last edited by blazerv82 (2012-01-29 12:22:29)
Yer welcome! The coolest thing I've done with Processing(.js) is porting my classic Scratch game Gammy.
veggieman001 wrote:
Yer welcome! The coolest thing I've done with Processing(.js) is porting my classic Scratch game Gammy.
I got 309!!!
puppetadventurer wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
Yer welcome! The coolest thing I've done with Processing(.js) is porting my classic Scratch game Gammy.
I got 309!!!
Cool. I got 335.
Awesome! I'm downloading it right now!
EDIT: It's complicated for me.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-01-29 14:06:25)
Although it's pretty simplified, it's still really powerful. And you can call Java/Javascript functions with it as well for more complicated things.
my website now has a painting program available on the main page
i plan on making the entire website a processing sketch
because why not
bump also
blazerv82 wrote:
my website now has a painting program available on the main page
i plan on making the entire website a processing sketch
because why not
bump also
Haha that'll be great
aqualung wrote:
i saw your website from pallurongo!!!
so did i !!!!!
Oh yay! A p5 topic! So I don't have to make one!
EDIT: here's a little treat: just make sure to take out the &
int i=-2,j=1;size(500,500);background(255);smooth();while(j<3000){while(i++<j/2){stroke((i<&<j)*2000);rotate(i%j);line(width/2,height/2,i/2,i/2);}i-=5;j++;}
Last edited by scratchisthebest (2012-01-31 20:11:13)
scratchisthebest wrote:
Oh yay! A p5 topic! So I don't have to make one!
EDIT: here's a little treat: just make sure to take out the &
int i=-2,j=1;size(500,500);background(255);smooth();while(j<3000){while(i++<j/2){stroke((i<&<j)*2000);rotate(i%j);line(width/2,height/2,i/2,i/2);}i-=5;j++;}
Haha that's cool.
Sounds like something slightly more advanced than Scratch, but not too complicated, either.
I'm downloading this.
It's really a good stepping stone, though I think it requires knowledge of programming outside Scratch. I'm going to be working on porting Scratch to Processing at some point in the next couple weeks, to make the transition better. It'll use Scratch block names with Processing parenthetical syntax, and include collision sensing built in like Scratch does. Once I have a significant portion done, I'll upload it somewhere and make it an open source project.
Look! I found! Cool!
If you haz Antidote, you can see the pic. If you don't, click on teh link.
Shorten this fractal program (to less than or equal to 289 characters) while leaving in all the features to win a cookie.
int w,j,i,s;PVector b;PVector[]v=new PVector[4];void setup(){size(w=255,w);background(w);for(j=-1;j++<3;)v[j]=new PVector(r(w),r(w));b=v[0];}void draw(){for(i=0;++i<w;){s=r(3);b.x=(b.x+v[s].x)/2;b.y=(b.y+v[s].y)/2;point(b.x,b.y);}if(keyPressed)setup();}int r(int x){return ceil(random(x));}
Last edited by scratchisthebest (2012-03-12 16:11:17)
This might be a bump, because I couldn't find the topic and had to search for it.
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Hey, where'd everyone go?
I didn't, I survived >:D
Looks cool. I'll have to download it sometime.
Last edited by RedRocker227 (2012-03-31 11:20:59)
Hey veggie want a code-off?
Here's mine: a musicvisulazation with VIDEOFEEDBACK!
//Get your mic out, plug it in, and crank up some muzak next to it. //And be quiet so the mic doesn't pick up you. import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.FFT; Minim minim; AudioInput in; FFT fft; float vol; float sc = 0; void setup() { size(500,500); background(0); minim = new Minim(this); in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO, 512); fft = new FFT(in.bufferSize(),in.sampleRate()); strokeWeight(20); strokeJoin(ROUND); } void draw() { fft.forward(in.mix); noStroke(); fill(0,10); rect(0,0,width,height); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2,height/2); vol += (abs(in.mix.get(0)/2)-vol)*0.05; rotate(vol * (sin(frameCount/20f)*70)); scale(vol*sc); image(get(),-width/2,-height/2); popMatrix(); float acc = 0; colorMode(HSB); stroke((frameCount/3)%255,255,255); colorMode(RGB); noFill(); beginShape(); for(int i=0; i < fft.specSize()/12; i++) { int x = (int) map(i,0,fft.specSize()/12,0,width); vertex(x, height - fft.getBand(i)*(i/1.5)); acc += fft.getBand(i)*(i/1.5); } vertex(width,height); endShape(); sc += (acc/4.5-sc)*0.2; stroke(255,200); noFill(); rect(0,0,width,height); } void stop() { in.close(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); }
edit: made code epicer
Last edited by scratchisthebest (2012-04-10 12:18:35)