Dinoclor wrote:
I made one, but it's WAY complicated.
I'll make a simpler one later.
Fubor nubow, ububbubi dububbubi.
you just put ub in random places.
SpriteMaster wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
I made one, but it's WAY complicated.
I'll make a simpler one later.
Fubor nubow, ububbubi dububbubi.you just put ub in random places.
I think it's just before vowels
Work this one out:
Hlleo, you cna slyeai rdea thsi btu cna you wrko tou hwo ti wrkso? Prbblyoa sncie I thghtou fo ti so qcklyui...
werdna123 wrote:
Work this one out:
Hlleo, you cna slyeai rdea thsi btu cna you wrko tou hwo ti wrkso? Prbblyoa sncie I thghtou fo ti so qcklyui...
You took the vowels of each word and put it at the end of the word.
Last edited by Magnie (2012-01-28 11:57:49)
My language, Ecfet
Rule #1: All vowels are switched
A = U
E = O
I = EY
O = E
U = A
Y (vowel form) = I
OU = I
EE or EA as in "ear" = OU
EA as in "break" = AO
Rule #2: -ing suffix is just -ng if the base word's last letter is a vowel
Example: Holle, hew aro yi deng. Mi namo eys jslembu. Whut eys yirs?
Last edited by jslomba (2012-01-28 12:22:36)
Magnie wrote:
werdna123 wrote:
Work this one out:
Hlleo, you cna slyeai rdea thsi btu cna you wrko tou hwo ti wrkso? Prbblyoa sncie I thghtou fo ti so qcklyui...You took the vowels of each word and put it at the end of the word.
Yep, shall I do more things to work out?
gbear605 wrote:
The ancient language (Eragon)
-- Compiled from the end of Inheritance and from throughout Eragon--
Agaetí -- Celebration
Agaetí Blödhren -- Blood-oath Celebration (held once a century to honor the original pact beween Elves and Dragon (Eragon specific))
Blödhren -- Blood-oath
Blöd -- Blood
Hren -- Oath
älfa -- elf (plural is älfya)
ono -- over (watch over?)
varda -- you (?)
du -- the
Atra -- may (as in "May the stars watch over you", not May the month)
More (LOTS MORE) coming soon
Heh, I just started reading Inheritance today. ^^
English: I am disappointed in you.
MY LANGUAGE: Son, I am of disappoint.
gbear605 wrote:
The ancient language (Eragon)
-- Compiled from the end of Inheritance and from throughout Eragon--
Agaetí -- Celebration
Agaetí Blödhren -- Blood-oath Celebration (held once a century to honor the original pact beween Elves and Dragon (Eragon specific))
Blödhren -- Blood-oath
Blöd -- Blood
Hren -- Oath
älfa -- elf (plural is älfya)
ono -- over (watch over?)
varda -- you (?)
du -- the
Atra -- may (as in "May the stars watch over you", not May the month)
More (LOTS MORE) coming soon
I love you xD
I'm currently on Brisingr. :3
1. Take these languages
2. Pig-latin them
3. Write them in Greek
4. .....
... why doesn't the Search page work?! I knew this existed-- but you necroposted. Thanks.
all languages are "made-up" :0
Ubi spubeak Ububbubi Dububbubi subometubimes
undefeatedgames wrote:
Ubi spubeak Ububbubi Dububbubi subometubimes
Translation to English:
I speak [language name] sometimes.
EDIT: I made a conlang in another thread.
---My Conlang---
-eye: to signify that the rest of the word shows part of a word meaning the emotion that occurs when English people say the word in English. (letter before suffix must be not a vowel!)
-peye: same as eye, but the letter before this suffix must be a vowel.
-aya: a suffix meaning that there is no defined emotion, and instead it means the rest of the word is part of a synonim for that English word.
-paya: same as aya, but used with a vowel before the actual suffix.
-now/pow: for verbs, present tense.
-lef/elf: for verbs, past tense.
-aien/payen: for verbs, future tense.
-ane/pane: basic emotion words. Like -eye and -peye, but the emotions are basic.
Pronouncation rules
- e or a at the end of any suffix is silent. e.g. Hapeye is pronounced "Hap-ey"
- y in a suffix can be pronounced "z" when surrounded by "a". e.g. Nigopaya is pronounced "Nigo-paz" but Hafupayen is still pronounced "Hafu-pay", because there's not an A right after the Y.
- "Sl" is replaced with "Sal"
- a 26th letter, "-" is introduced. It's like a space inbetween words, but the speaking gap is slower and it does not mean a new word.
No dialects!
- Hello: Hapeye
- Bye: Sahapeye
- I: Mepaya
- am: Eqobjaya
- Good/Nice: Nigopaya
- Bad/Ugly: Ugnapaya
- Her: Girlimaya
- He: Boylimaya
- Girl: Girlaya
- Boy: Boyapaya
- Age: Olobjscipaya
- Plus: Addnumaya
- Takeaway: Remnumaya
- Multiply: Multnumaya
- Divide: Divnumaya
- Power of: Multtimenumaya
- Divide by 0: Divnomzererraya
- abs: Positinumaya
- sqrt: Divnomthrepaya
- Anything that is used for transport: Transobjaya
- Any healthy food: Goodehunaya
- Any unhealthy food: Badehunaya
- Any game controller: Playobjaya
- Any person: Livobjperaya
- Any animal: Livobjanipaya
- Scientific items: Sciobjaya
- Hehe/Haha/laughing: Hapsapaya!
- Sad: Sab-apane...
- Crying: Cr-ey-epeye...
- Happy: Hagopane!
very funny jokes: Supercalifragaya! / Ayayeyepaya!
even funnier: Supawoopadoopagaya! / Chunorrispaya!
- playing: Hafupow/Hafulef/Hafupayen
- running: Lofagopow/Lofagolef/Lofagopayen
- swimming: Watranow/Wantranelf/Watrapayen
- walking: Salfabapow/Salfabalef/Salfwabapayen
Feedback is wanted.
Oh, and by the way, althrough this might not be creative, it's both complicated (like gibberish) but understandable in a way.
Last edited by rdococ (2012-02-15 19:22:12)
I will make a language.
It is weather-based.
Hi- Stol (pronounced "stall")
Hello- Stolec (pronounced "stall-ek")
Good-bye- Monmonmon (pronounced "mawn-mawn-mawn")
Bye- Mokon (pronounced "MOW-kawn")
Good morning- Stolsos (pronounced "stall-SOWs")
Good afternoon- Stolhih (pronounced "stall-HI")
Good night- Stolmon (pronounced "stall-MAHN")
Moon- Monus (pronounced "MAH-nuss")
Sun- Sohtig (pronounced "SOW-tig")
Sky- Pharr (pronounced "far")
Clouds- Pharrus (pronounced "far-uss")
Morning- Sohs (pronounced "SOWs")
Afternoon- Hih (pronounced "HI")
Night- Mon (pronounced "MAHN")
(Note: In the culture that speaks this language, Sohtig, Monus, and Pharr are the gods, Sohtig's messengers are Sohs and Hih, Monus's messenger is Mon, and Pharr's messenger is Pharrus.)
Me/my/I- Sulfus (pronounced "sull-fuss")
You/your- Sulpah (pronounced "sull-puh")
We/us- Sulfuhmi (pronounced "sull-fuh-MEE")
Them/they- Sulpahmi (pronounced "sull-puh-MEE")
Who- Sulkir (pronounced "sull-KEER")
What- Thikir (pronounced "THI-KEER")
When- Pharkir (pronounced "far-KEER")
Where- Haykir (pronounced "HAY-KEER")
Why- Kwunkir (pronounced "kwunn-KEER")
How- Rahkir (pronounced "raah-KEER")
Linking word (ex. "and")- Rae (pronounced "RAY")
Choice (ex. "or")- Alo (pronounced "aah-LOW")
The- Erk (pronounced "erhk")
Add "s" to make something plural, like in English.
Example sentence: "Erk pharr sulfuhmi sulpah." May the gods be with you. (The gods we you.) (Note: By looking at the actual translation of this sentence, you can tell this is not a very complicated language.)
More coming soon!
CatPerson wrote:
A- @
B- !3
C- (
D- !)
E- !=
F- !-
G- !_-
H- !-!
I- !
J- )_
K- !<
L- !_
M- !\/!
N- !\!
O- ()
P- !*
Q- #-
R- !*\
S- <>
T- *!*
U- (_)
V- \/
W- !^!
X- ***
Y- \!/
Z- -/_
!_ () !_
@ <> ( ! !
!*\ () ( !< <>
Looks pretty nice...
i made a conlang for a fantasy world. The culture is similar to Aztecs so i based it off the Aztec language with a little bit of spanish and latin mixed in.
hello: tecuzura
Bye: nahuchi
Earth: kame (pronounced kau- meh)
Person: sapotec
rdococ wrote:
CatPerson wrote:
A- @
B- !3
C- (
D- !)
E- !=
F- !-
G- !_-
H- !-!
I- !
J- )_
K- !<
L- !_
M- !\/!
N- !\!
O- ()
P- !*
Q- #-
R- !*\
S- <>
T- *!*
U- (_)
V- \/
W- !^!
X- ***
Y- \!/
Z- -/_!_ () !_
@ <> ( ! !
!*\ () ( !< <>
Looks pretty nice...
You said:
CatPerson wrote:
rdococ wrote:
CatPerson wrote:
!_ () !_
@ <> ( ! !
!*\ () ( !< <>
Looks pretty nice...You said:
Correct translation! xD
\!/ () ( !<
!*\ () ( !<
*!* () ()
You could make codes by turning everything you say backwards, for example: hello, how are you today? would be.. : olleh woh era ouy yadot?