English: Anyone ever try the langue Ubbi Dubbi? Maybe for one day only, we could get it to have it's own category on scratch. You may think it's dumb, but it'd be fun!
Ubbi Dubbi: Ubanubyubone ubevuber truby thube lubangue Ububbubi Dububbubi? Mubaybe fubor ubone dubay ubonluby, wube cubould gubet ubit tubo hubave ubit's ubown cubateguboruby ubon scrubatch. Yubou mubay thubink ubit's dubumb, bubut ubit'd bube fubun!
Ubi spubeubak Ubbi Dubbi.
Ubi ubagrubeube.
Ubbi Dubbi ubis fubun.
Ubit ubevunen lubouboks lubikube uba rubeubal lubangubuubagube. Ubexcubept fubor wubords wubith wubay tuboubo mubanuby vubowubels ubor cubonsubanubants.
Last edited by Dinoclor (2012-01-26 23:19:12)
Dinoclor wrote:
Ubi spubeubak Ubbi Dubbi.
Cubool! It'd bube nubeat ubif muborube pubeoplube knubew ubit. Dubo yubou ubagrubee thubat wube shubould mubakube uban Ubbubi Dububbubi cubatubegubory ubon scrubatch fubor uba dubay?
elfin8er wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
Ubi spubeubak Ubbi Dubbi.
Cubool! It'd bube nubeat ubif muborube pubeoplube knubew ubit. Dubo yubou ubagrubee thubat wube shubould mubakube uban Ubbubi Dububbubi cubatubegubory ubon scrubatch fubor uba dubay?
ubif thuberube ubis uban uboffubicubiubal Ubbi Dubbi dubay
Last edited by Dinoclor (2012-01-26 23:26:16)
Dinoclor wrote:
elfin8er wrote:
Dinoclor wrote:
Ubi spubeubak Ubbi Dubbi.
Cubool! It'd bube nubeat ubif muborube pubeoplube knubew ubit. Dubo yubou ubagrubee thubat wube shubould mubakube uban Ubbubi Dububbubi cubatubegubory ubon scrubatch fubor uba dubay?
ubif thuberube ubis uban uboffubicubiubal Ubbi Dubbi dubay
UbI Duboubt thuberube ubis, bubut thubat wubould bube cubool.