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Title: Jelly cubes
Meal Type: Dessert
Beginner - Easy
Author: Laternenpfahl
1 cup fruit juice
I packet gelatin (preferably Knox)
Maybe a bit of sugar
•1. Put 1/4 of the fruit juice into a small plastic container. Pour the rest into a pot.
•2. Put the pot on the range thingy and turn it to medium heat. Take the plastic container and sprinkle the gelatin over it.
•3. Wait until the fruit juice in the pot gets a few small bubbles, then pour the contents of the plastic container into the pot.
•4. Stir the mix in the pot with a (preferably wooden) spoon for about 3-5 minutes or until the gelatin is completely dissolved. You may want to add a bit of sugar.
•5. Now, put the mix into a standard ice cube mold and let rest in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
You can also use other things like margarita mix instead of juice.
You can also use shaped ice cube molds.
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