On the sprite with the level costumes on, put this script. Then on the sprite that is getting to the level goal, put this script
do this and if you are still stuck please upload your project
Oh, and I forgot to mention, make sure you label the costumes "1", "2" and so on. That bit's vital!
Well umm ive only had this for 3 days and i have put this script stuff in but i cant get it to work im not doing it right and i dont know how so i there anything else i can try. I just want the red box to go from 1 level to the other.
Can someone please help me make a new level? I've tried what you've all said, but it still doesn't work. Could you perhaps check out my game?
Sure! Is it uploaded?
It's called yellow man in pink btw.
Please help me. It's for a school assignment due later tomorrow
I've made the game a little bit harder. I'll upload the newer one if someone wants to see it...
Oh I Got It! Ok, so you know the change level variable you have, change the script using that so the variable is the level one you have from earlier. Then under the go to start block on that script, put a wait until not touching finish.
Last edited by catfan8 (2012-01-25 19:52:41)
Okay, so just to be clear, do you think you should show me using the blocks?
Also, thank you for the help
Ok, out of these 3 scripts, the bottom two are the only that matter. You have to change the bottom left script to the bottom right script. http://i.imgur.com/o909e.gif