im posting this because this forum wont exist tomorrow. Anyway, on topic, I made a fantasy culture influenced by the Aztecs, and i learned the mesoamericans did not use money, so they used the cacao bean. I want to use a economic system that does not envolve coins yet i want to stay away from the cacao beans. Any suggestions?
Why do you need a currency system
Are you starting your own country
Animals. Farm animals in particular, such as chickens, pigs etc.
RedRocker227 wrote:
Animals. Farm animals in particular, such as chickens, pigs etc.
that be good, but i want something small and portable that can only be obtained through careers. i originally went with corn kernals, but since in reality Aztecs had lots of corn (a.k.a. maize) and realized that would be to easy to get.
wiimaster wrote:
Well, what kind of culture is it? Are they advanced? Where do they live? Is this in the future or a long time ago? What kinds of materials do they commonly use?
Its kind of like the Aztecs, but thousands of years older.
Garr8 wrote:
wiimaster wrote:
Well, what kind of culture is it? Are they advanced? Where do they live? Is this in the future or a long time ago? What kinds of materials do they commonly use?
Its kind of like the Aztecs, but thousands of years older.
Ok, how about chunks of precious stone?
Or amulets or jewels?
Maybe seeds, for growing plants.
wiimaster wrote:
Garr8 wrote:
wiimaster wrote:
Well, what kind of culture is it? Are they advanced? Where do they live? Is this in the future or a long time ago? What kinds of materials do they commonly use?
Its kind of like the Aztecs, but thousands of years older.
Ok, how about chunks of precious stone?
Or amulets or jewels?
Maybe seeds, for growing plants.
i think ill use jade, but the problem is u cant make jade, so if they run out wahts a back up choice
I agree with the above. Pieces of jewels would work, or maybe gold (like, the nearby river has gold in it, but not so much that it's easy to get), and it could be measured in weight (they have pocket scales).
Also, they could use something like a rare type of shell (maybe they eat shellfish a lot?) or a feather from a rare bird that molts a lot.
How about... Silk? I dunno, I'm rubbish at thinking up ideas
I think feathers is the best one.
Garr8 wrote:
RedRocker227 wrote:
I think feathers is the best one.
state ur reason why
Um... I don't really know why.
RedRocker227 wrote:
Garr8 wrote:
RedRocker227 wrote:
I think feathers is the best one.
state ur reason why
Um... I don't really know why.
i still think its a good idea, but i want something tahts readily available for workers to receive as pay, maybe a rare bird that sheds anually
I like feathers. They're nice and light. Maybe they could be cleaned and trimmed into uniform shapes? Also, I'm right now picturing this awesome aviary/money factory.
well the Zapotans (thats what i called the culture,) dont ride birds, they ride dinosaurs and have attack jaguars. They only use birds to pluck out the eyes of their victims and also use them as messangers
Maybe make seeds the currency, or something.