3 days for top viewed, a week or 10 days for top loved if I recall correctly
veggieman001 wrote:
3 days for top viewed, a week or 10 days for top loved if I recall correctly
4 days for top viewed, ten days for both top loved and remixed.
cheddargirl wrote:
veggieman001 wrote:
3 days for top viewed, a week or 10 days for top loved if I recall correctly
4 days for top viewed, ten days for both top loved and remixed.
Oh okay. Thanks
Four days for top loved, ten days for top loved, and up to two weeks for curated. It's extremely rare for a curator to curate the same project for their whole shift though.
partyman wrote:
Thanks! All of mine have been in viewed. Can something go from viewed to loved?
Yes, it can
Just so there is no confusion...the projects selected for the top viewed recently and top loved recently lists can be no older than four and ten days respectively. And the ones actually shown on the front page are randomly selected from the top ten in the lists. So actual front page time can be considerably less than four and ten days.
partyman wrote:
So for example 4 days and 5 hours can be chosen? (my 3D Twin Tower projects has been front paged for views, and is 16th top loved, and is like 3 days 17 hours old)
Yep. Randomly the top 20 or 30 top viewed recently list projects get randomly chosen to be on the front page, as long as they are less than 4 days old.