Ok, say I want to go about making an enemy die on contact with a bullet, how would I do that?
Also, how would I make an enemy take more than one shot?
Die when hit by a bullet:
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><touching[ Bullet
<change{ Dead }by( 1
Multiple hits:
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><touching[ Bullet
<change{ Dead }by( 1
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><( <{ dead}> <=> 10 )>
<broadcast[ dead
That means if he is hit 10 times he dies. To change this to 5 or something else; change the <( <{ dead }><=> ???)>
And use this to hide him when he dies:
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><touching[bullet
<hide> or "<switch to costume[deads
then <hide>"
You'd have to use broadcasting for that. You can use the broadcast block in the control section that will send a message to the enemy telling it to fall backwards.