Type in you frist impression of Scratch and the Scartch Website here!
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I think you are supposed to tell if you need help and why.
Anyway, I have been struggling for months until one day I was exploring(5 days ago) and found a "new" button that said,"need help?" and that is how I found out how to use Scratch and how it's coming.^_^
Anyone else?
BaVB wrote:
Hey BaVB - This is a pretty cool image...but it doesn't seem to fit in with the topic being discussed. Please start a new topic if you can't find a topic that fits your post. Thanks!
Newbies find Scratch with there teachers or google.That's how I found out about Scratch 3 years ago.
I found out about it like this: I wanted to learn computer language, so wile he was at work he emailed me a link to this. This is my first day and I'm stuck already.
P.S. See "Hi. I'm A New Scratcher" by karma for full details.
i was up at my grandparent's house with my cousins and i saw one of them using scratch and then my uncle showed me it and i made my first project
I do it in school and I love doing it! I am probably the best Scratcher in my class, (not off of my words but of my teachers!) His account is smac19 and has 2 projects. One is his and the other project is mine!
How I found out about Scratch? that was ssssssssooooooooooo long ago! Let me see...
I wanted to know how people made reactions in video games, and animations on TV and stuff like that. So I asked my mom if she know how. she said programming, I already knew that, I just wanted to know how they programmed, and what they used, ect. So I ask my mom just that. She said she didn't know. I was mad because I didn't know how, but I wanted to do it on my own. But the next day after school my mom asks my computers teacher my questions and she told me about Scratch. When I got home I immediately went to the computer ecstatic about Scratch. I go to the internet google "scrath" (i had messed up my typing) but that was enough to show Scratch|download I click on the link and it takes me to a scratch page where i download scratch!
My mom and dad thought scratch was going to be a simplified programming language that they would know and have to lead me through... Well, now when I try to talk about scratch they know what I am talking about --barely. It seems like a simplified programming language that I have to lead them through.
I found Scratch through a professor who taught programming. She was using it as a visual aid in teaching C++ concepts.
I found out about it by....... uh............. hmmmm... er......... Google?
Google Image History: cat scratch out eyeball
lol true story
Blade-Edge wrote:
I found out about it by....... uh............. hmmmm... er......... Google?
Google Image History: cat scratch out eyeball
lol true story
LOL I guess naming the programming language "Scratch" paid off!
School at first, but I downloaded it at home and began working on more complicated things than "When d button clicked, move 10 steps" and moved on to numbers, sensing, and variables. The only thing I don't get is the pen...