Ok, I am not trying to spam! I just have some questions about this.
I heard about SOPA and how it censors certain images. Then I heard a story about someone getting A LOT OF FINES FOR THIS!!!! I can live with my project being taken down, but FINING ME?!?!?! I recorded some music off YouTube because I don't know how to get outside music files on Scratch. I'm uncomfortable enough about my project possibly getting blocked, but getting FINES?? Could someone, (preferabley staff) tell me whether this is true or not?????!!!!!
this is most definitely not spam
but I'm not sure about the new laws and stuff.
originally, the Creative Commons protects us allowing us to use any copyrighted or not material in our projects as long as anyone can take our work if they want. but I'm not sure about the new laws and SOPA so you might have to wait for some more answers.
I'm guessing you're a minor, so they couldn't sue you anyway.
I don't think they could fine you... By the way I added this to this topic: http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 8#p1093788