A while ago, I bought a 1G flash drive. It has always worked, and now, all of a sudden, every computer I try it on fails to recognize it. It shows the icon for the flash drive, but when I click on it, it says "Please insert a disk into drive F." I don't know if I accidentally held it too close to a magnet or something, but I'm wondering if anything else could be wrong.
Try right clicking then formatting the drive. If that doesn't work then throw it away.
archmage wrote:
Try right clicking then formatting the drive. If that doesn't work then throw it away.
Could I get a walkthrough of that? Because it doesn't seem to be working...it must have been too close to that magnet...
Just do a google search on how to format flash drives
All right, it's not working. And that thing cost 20 bucks! Aargh...
You formatted and still nothing?
It wouldn't let me format it. It still said "Please insert a device into drive F" or something like that.