I know i've posted it before, but it's something that could benefit, not just me, but everyone who wants to make a 3d game.
Please implement a 'Clear for this sprite' block. It will be useful for when you need multiple 3d objects, but they need to clear at different times. Another idea that i have also already posted is an'only if' block. The block encases other blocks and means that it will check at each individual block if the boolean inside the 'only if' is true.
I think that these are very useful blocks, and I hope that you read this and implement them, and this would improve not just my, but everyone's experience.
Thank you.
Built-in 3D with probably will never come to Scratch, but there are ways to render 3D graphics in Scratch. There is a Scratch Wiki article on this. Also check out Alice. A 3D programming language.
Bsteward wrote:
Built-in 3D with probably will never come to Scratch, but there are ways to render 3D graphics in Scratch. There is a Scratch Wiki article on this. Also check out Alice. A 3D programming language.
I know how to make '3D' on scratch. I want a block that will make it 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times easier.
It could've taken one letter to make that funny.