Hi! I was working on a collab with wolves4ever10 on my other account. It's so fun! You do some of the project, then the other person does some, then you do some more and etc. etc. etc. So yeah, that's why they're so popular; it's fun and the project is rather interesting because two to a few people are working on it together.
gameminer wrote:
Well, I was meaning why do people make so many collaberation OSs?
I know what OSs are. :p
Heh heh...I don't know a lot about collabs other than what I just posted so yeah...I'm not going to be very helpful. 3:
gameminer wrote:
Thank you all for taking your time to welcome me. :)
I think it'll be hard to upload something now since a lot of my projects are unpolished and in progress.
But there's a lot to expect, I guess. :)
You're welcome! I can't wait to see your projects! ;D
Hai gameminer! I think you commented on one of your projects Well, welcome to scratch! I hope to see some good games from you, pal!
Thanking you all again for the kind words.
CoolPenguin wrote:
Hai gameminer! I think you commented on one of your projects Well, welcome to scratch! I hope to see some good games from you, pal!
I commented on one of my projects? I don't have any uploaded.
No, but seriously though, thank you all.
*Not revealing project until completion*