So the other day, I was on a flight, and the man in front of us had a cap on. We were a 1/4 to a 1/2 of the way through ascent, and we dropped a little bit. His cap flew right off of his head! Then it went back down.
Discuss funny events during travel.
My sister said that we were going to China (on a plane) and she was I'm a separate row from us and sitting next to some lady, and she couldn't eat the cup noodles the flight gave us because she "couldn't eat soup with chopsticks" or something, and he fight attendant said something along the lines of "Ma'am, we're going to Beijing. You'll have to use chopsticks" (which is true because I never even saw anything else to eat with except in fast food places and those weird ladle-like spoons).
Also once my sister puked watermelon in an airport. The floor was really clean, too. Poor janitor.