In a new project that I am making, I made a script that at one part in the script you are supposed to press the up key to run a script. When I scroll up and to the right, the program thinks I am pressing the up key.
sorry about the bad grammer!
Last edited by battlekid (2009-04-13 18:56:34)
Scratch, for some reason or another, maps the scroll wheel to the up and down keys. When you scroll up, up key is pressed, and the down key is pressed when scrolling down. This behavior does not happen online, but is unavoidable in Scratch itself
Last edited by HaiTek (2009-04-13 20:25:46)
instead of using the block head, use a if statement.
<if><key[ UP ]pressed?>
It is only the bloack head that makes this occur
<when[ UP ]key pressed>
HaiTek wrote:
Scratch, for some reason or another, maps the scroll wheel to the up and down keys. When you scroll up, up key is pressed, and the down key is pressed when scrolling down. This behavior does not happen online, but is unavoidable in Scratch itself
It will work online if you do
Wehn up arrow key pressed
if not up arrow key pressed