When i was playing around with scratch earlier, due to haven gotten used to flash, i found that the lack of a trace feature turned out quite annoying.
for the benefit of those who do not know what im talking about, a trace is a output 'popup' you can add to your code. for example (and this is using flash code)
var i:Number = 0 onEnterFrame = function () { if(i>=5){ trace(i) } i++ }
Basicly what is happening in this code, every frame a variable of i is being incremented and if it has a value of 5 or above, a trace, or a popup menu, is telling me what the value of i is. traces can also use string values
var i:Number = 0 onEnterFrame = function () { if(i>=5){ trace("i is above or equal to 5") } i++ }
now all that's being traced is a text output that says i is above or equal to 5 ("" is string value).
i am awear that this would probally sound very confusing to alot of people, but I hope most of you can understand roughly where im going with this.
A trace has no real use to code, however it is a very commonly used function to detect any errors that occur in code, or when/what happens when a number of diffrent elements are being used.
i think it could be quite usefull to add this to scratch, and mabye the output box could be a small popup in the corner of the screen.
thanx 4 listening
JSO wrote:
For now, I use the say[] block, it usually does it's thing xD
i forgot about that ;P