the block (If On Edge Bounce) does a perfect bounce but i would like to be able to use such a block to bounce so you can do somthing like
(If <touching (Sprite1)>)
nice idea! I like it! Except, you can just do this
(if <touching sprite1>)
change x by (-1)
FreshStudios wrote:
nice idea! I like it! Except, you can just do this
(if <touching sprite1>)
change x by (-1)
Bouncing is a bit more complicated then that.
Yes! Support!
I have always wanted a Bounce on sprite/color block!
Last edited by CheeseMunchy (2012-01-15 14:58:00)
okay i would like to make a suporters list on this topic how do i do that
that doesnt quite bounce it turns it around the bounce i use is
Turn 180 degrees
point in direction (0-(dirrection))
but it isnt working right
slayerrobe7 wrote:
that doesnt quite bounce it turns it around the bounce i use is
Turn 180 degrees
point in direction (0-(dirrection))
but it isnt working right
Yeah, when you point it, it turns again.
Try removing the point direction block.