Hello, I post today in need of knowledge on how to create a list that allows random talking for say, a game character. For example, in an RTS video game, such as Command and Conquer when you select a unit they would say a random question like
"Yes sir?" or "Yeah, what is it?" or when you give them a command they would say something like "Moving there now." or "Yes sir!" So what I'm asking is how do I create a list for voices or sounds?
Sorry but what you are asking is immpossible for scratch.
You could record the voice-overs yourself, then save them in a sprite and make it play a random one of the possible things it could say when you do that action.
Captain26618 wrote:
So what I'm asking is how do I create a list for voices or sounds?
So you would have to do a list of numbers or strings - that you used as a trigger for voices, possibly using broadcasts to trigger a unit to look to see what they need to say.
The actual voices would be handled by a long list of if's
Complicated (which with scratch can mean slower especially on the web) impossible to do easily, but the result might be reachable (I have never tried it)
download and look at the script. hope that helps.
You can simply use a (pick random [num]) block for that.
<when [whatever happens]>
<play sound[ <pick random( 1 )to( number of soundtracks ]and waits>
Same for "say" blocks.
forgot about that. do my red nuptunes way then as mine has more lagg.