What specifically does it say is not recognized?
Woah! This is awesome
lol, nice job. Now everyone's going to whine at me to work on this some more
I have too many projects going on >_<
But thanks for the compliment anyway
Last edited by meowmeow55 (2011-10-23 22:27:31)
I can't! what can I type?
Okay, I think I might actually start writing a GUI for this now.
I can use it! Is said"'choice' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
What version of Windows are you running?
Just letting you know, I'm still following your thread here. Did you complete any of my requests?
Not yet, but the GUI should incorporate all of the features suggested. I actually started on the NSI file for the GUI. It's just a header right now, but it's better than nothing
nice job!
meowmeow55 wrote:
Not yet, but the GUI should incorporate all of the features suggested. I actually started on the NSI file for the GUI. It's just a header right now, but it's better than nothing
I'm waiting .
Anyone up for making a header image for the GUI? It should be 150x57 pixels.
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=1038044 and now it works WITHOUT darwine. JUST TURN IT INTO A JAR AND HAVE IT RUN ON ALL OSes.[blocks]<say[ ]for( )secs>[/blocks]
Sorry about that.
<when green flag clicked><say[ link to download scratch EXE creator http://concat.jcshome.org/stuff/ScratchEXECreator1.1.zip]<if><mouse down?><say[good day ]for( 2 )secs>
meowmeow55 wrote:
Anyone up for making a header image for the GUI? It should be 150x57 pixels.
Whats in this header image? And why can't you do it?
LiquidMetal wrote:
meowmeow55 wrote:
Anyone up for making a header image for the GUI? It should be 150x57 pixels.
Whats in this header image? And why can't you do it?
It should just be some sort of flowing background with a logo in the middle. And I can't really do it because I suck at graphics
I might try it eventually though..,
Anyway, the reason I haven't been working on this is because I've been trying to put my Minecraft server up and get all the plugins configured and such. Here's my current "priority list" with regards to jobs I have to do:
-Minecraft server (top priority because I've kept them waiting for a while; hopefully completed by Jan. 14th)
-Scratch EXE Creator (shouldn't be too hard...if I work hard enough on it)
-Installer for some game mod on another forum (kinda on the same level as Scratch EXE Creator because I said I'd make it a while ago and I still haven't finished it...sounds familiar, doesn't it? )
-Block library site (on hold until their site's database issues get resolved)
You can do this using NO other software than scratch on a PC:
But it includes bundling scratch and the project together.
Scratch 2.0 Should include exporting directly to a .exe file,
Like running in windowed state
Wahahaha you went through that!? I'll show you a better way to do it WITHOUT DOWNLOADING ANYTHING! For Windows XP press start and select Run, in run type iexpress and do the rest yourself!
TextBook wrote:
You can do this using NO other software than scratch on a PC:
But it includes bundling scratch and the project together.
Scratch 2.0 Should include exporting directly to a .exe file,
Like running in windowed state
Its going to include compiling to an SWF, but I don't think there will be compileto exe or app.
It won't work because it won't go into full screen. It just comes up as normal Scratch. (Unless I didn't do the instructions right because the questions were a bit unclear)
<repeat until> I understand
<think[ What to do?
alroo123 wrote:
It won't work because it won't go into full screen. It just comes up as normal Scratch. (Unless I didn't do the instructions right because the questions were a bit unclear)
<repeat until> I understand
<think[ What to do?
Did everything seem okay when you were creating the file? What options did you use? You can also send me the generated EXE file so I can have a look and see what's wrong with it.
Last edited by meowmeow55 (2012-01-24 02:56:56)