Hi all
I wonder if you can help me. I have created a puzzle game with various levels, I need to create a score list that does the following:
1 - after completing the level i am on the scores go into the score box for that level
2 - the user can play that level again if they like, if the moves are less than before the old score for that level is wiped
3 - The user can also input their name which goes in the score list box with the score
If anyone can guide me with this at all I would be extremley appreciative!
All the best
I think this can be done using lists
gaz003 wrote:
Hi all
I wonder if you can help me. I have created a puzzle game with various levels, I need to create a score list that does the following:
1 - after completing the level i am on the scores go into the score box for that level
2 - the user can play that level again if they like, if the moves are less than before the old score for that level is wiped
3 - The user can also input their name which goes in the score list box with the score
If anyone can guide me with this at all I would be extremley appreciative!
All the best
I can't really understand what you're saying, but it sounds like you need to use a list. Go to the variables section and click "make a list". Call your list "scores". you will also need a variable, called "score". programme this script:
|change [score] by [{what you want to change the score by (e.g:time, no. of moves, ect...)}]|
|ask [name] and wait|
|add (join (answer) and (score)) to [scores]|
I'm a little confused.
Can you please post a little clearer?
What you need to do for 1 and 2 is use lists and some variables. For example:
when I recieve [Level Complete!]
if (current moves) < item (level) of Scores
replace item (level) of Scores with (current moves)
ask "What is your name?"
replace item (level) of Names with (answer)
Tell me if any of this doesn't make sense. If so, I will post in Scratch images.
Guys this is an Open University assignment question. Best if you don't tell the answer.