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I'm trying to create a credits page for a movie I'm making, but I need help on scrolling. Not using arrow keys, or anything like that, but just having it automatically scroll down, like you seen in the theaters. Any ideas?
Like the method in this project?
A really simple method is to time it. Make the scrolling items <set y to( -180 )><wait( x )secs><glide( y )secs to x )y 180 )>
Last edited by Flait7 (2011-12-29 04:34:32)
Yes, exactly like that! Except a bit faster.
Try:When I receive 'Start credits'Go to x: 0 y: 180Glide [#] seconds to x: 0 y: -180I hope this helps!
Last edited by RedRocker227 (2011-12-29 13:57:33)