How do I make the walls on my video game solid? :p
you could do this
add this script to the wall
when green flag clicked
set (variable) to one
forever start
if touching (the sprite you want it to be solid to)
set (variable) to one
if end
if not touching (the sprite you want it to be solid to)
set (variable) to zero
forever end
You may be asking: How does this help? well here's how
put this script under the sprite you want it to be solid too
when green flag clicked
forever start
if key right pressed start
change x by (amount)
if (variable) equals one
change x by -(amount that you put above)
both ifs end
forever end
Hope this helps.
Sensing is a very hard thing to accomplish. A really good sensing I recommend is RHY3756547's Perfect Platformer Base