i want people to view my projects. I post in the forums and dont spam, but i tend to get only a few views. Can someone show me another method or at leeast advertise my projects? I'm not trying to become famous, im just want decent views
put a pic with a link of your project in your signature, advertise it in show and tell, that's how I would do it^^
try this: AdvertHome
oh and I forgot: make as many friends as you can (so don't just add them, but speak to them, e.g. in Misc. forum)
Advertising in your signature is good. Also, the "Show and Tell" part of the forums are a great place for telling people about your projects! But remember to never spam, because people will definitely not view your projects if you spam.
Freakish wrote:
Advertising in your signature is good. Also, the "Show and Tell" part of the forums are a great place for telling people about your projects! But remember to never spam, because people will definitely not view your projects if you spam.
There are many ways to get views. You can advertise a project in your signature, post in the Show & Tell forum, or make a lot of friends! Having some friends will certainly give you some views. Also, make sure your project has an interesting thumbnail, it will make people think "Oh, that project looks cool! I think i'll go click it and check it out!".
Hope this helps!
Sorry, I don't know what a thumbnail is (embarrassingly )
A lot of the above are great suggestions are great. It bears mentioning that making friends doesn't directly increase your views, because for them to see your projects, they have to friend you back, which isn't guaranteed.
Overall, there isn't an easy way to get more views (aside from curation). Perhaps the easiest way is to participate in the Scratch Design Studio. The theme changes every month (maybe?). For instance, right now the focus is on projects that use the pen blocks. Creating one of those guarantees your project some front-page time, and may also indirectly increase the views of your other projects.
But to get more views, the absolute best thing you can do is make quality projects for a long period of time. You'll get noticed for good projects, but it will take a while.
Put it in your signature then POST THE HELL out of Misc.