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#1 2011-12-21 03:17:00

Registered: 2011-11-07
Posts: 100+

Scratch Rating System

This is just an idea i had in my head for ages. So yeah. Maybe add a rating system for scratch.
Here is the ratings:
FE FOR EVERYONE: These projects are very mild in content and can be frontpaged and all ages can view.
6+: these projects may not be for young kids and are more recomended for 6+. Contant:
Blood: little to none
Gore: None
Violence: mild
Cursing: VERY mild
se*ual stuff: very mild to none
These projects may only be viewed if the scratcher is 6+ and age is verefied. Can only hit front page at the time between 12am-3pm and 3pm+ or when -5 are usally not on scratch.
A Hint Of Strong:  a BIT stronger than 6+ but less than NOT FOR EVERYONE projects. These projects rarely hit front page and need age verifeaction: Example: asking REALLY hard questions that cant be found on google)
Blood: mild to medium
lyrics: mild
cursing: mild
se*ual stuff: mild
violence: midl- not so mild but not strong
Gore: mild
NOT FOR EVERYONE: These projects can NEVER hit front page and need strong age verification to view.
NOT FOR SCRATCH: these projects are too innapropiate for scratch and should be flagged of and removed.
This will also make flagging projects easier aswell




#2 2011-12-21 08:31:13

Registered: 2009-04-24
Posts: 24

Re: Scratch Rating System

I agree with some of this stuff, but I think if there's a warning before the actual project it's self the blood and other stuff is fine (just not too much blood and the other stuff). And I think those projects should still get front paged, just only for a day or something like that.

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#3 2011-12-24 11:15:24

Registered: 2011-12-08
Posts: 1000+

Re: Scratch Rating System

bubsythebobcat wrote:

This is just an idea i had in my head for ages. So yeah. Maybe add a rating system for scratch.
Here is the ratings:
FE FOR EVERYONE: These projects are very mild in content and can be frontpaged and all ages can view.
6+: these projects may not be for young kids and are more recomended for 6+. Contant:
Blood: little to none
Gore: None
Violence: mild
Cursing: VERY mild
se*ual stuff: very mild to none
These projects may only be viewed if the scratcher is 6+ and age is verefied. Can only hit front page at the time between 12am-3pm and 3pm+ or when -5 are usally not on scratch.
A Hint Of Strong:  a BIT stronger than 6+ but less than NOT FOR EVERYONE projects. These projects rarely hit front page and need age verifeaction: Example: asking REALLY hard questions that cant be found on google)
Blood: mild to medium
lyrics: mild
cursing: mild
se*ual stuff: mild
violence: midl- not so mild but not strong
Gore: mild
NOT FOR EVERYONE: These projects can NEVER hit front page and need strong age verification to view.
NOT FOR SCRATCH: these projects are too innapropiate for scratch and should be flagged of and removed.
This will also make flagging projects easier aswell

Wouldn't it just be easier to rate it like they rate movies? (u know, g, pg, pg13, r) Anythiing that is rated strong should be flagged. Also, how would you keep it so that you need parent's verification for certain projects? Because someone could pretend to be a parent or have a friend (a real life friend) be the "parent" or something. It might even just be easier to have the Scratch team go through and see if anything has blood, violence, gory, etc. and just make a warning before the actual project, just so people are forewarned. I like your line of thingking though...



#4 2011-12-25 09:18:44

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: Scratch Rating System

I don't think tis will work.
After all, people do lie about their age just to do something.
And this site is meant for kids 8+, so this wouldn't work.
Learning to Program in a Nutshell:  "You're missing a closing parentheses" - LS97



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