Mayhem wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
Mayhem wrote:
If these books have been chosen to be non-god inspired (an impossible, untrue claim, btw), why do so many legitimate Christian sects still use them?
Or are you going to write off the majority of Christains as being wrong, and claim that only you and your tiny little branch of Christianity are right? How can you be sure? That smacks of monumental arrogance.It is not impossible for a large group of people to be wrong.
There are multiple errors and false teachings in the books as well. It contains several chronological and geographical errors in Baruch 1:2, Bel and the Dragon 22, and Tobit 1:4.There are chronological errors and contradictions in the whole bible, which you choose to ignore. So, yes, you *are* going to claim that only your sect with your differing view of the bible is correct, without admiting for any possability of error.
Zelda123 wrote:
It is not impossible for a large group of people to be wrong
I know, and (given that Christians are the single religion), I'm counting on it
Can you point out the places in which there are errors in the Bible?
Wow, this might mean something. Israel did invade Gaza on the day they are not supposed to work. And in the Old Testament, which Jews belive in, says that no one will know God. Now I am scared because I am not a christian or the other 2 religions.
Uncanny wrote:
The reason that I am a christian is is just how many prophecies are constantly being fulfilled, like Israel invading Gaza ON THE SABBATH DAY! Jews are not supposed to work on that day, and as the Bible says in the last days 'no one will know God.'
Also there is stuff like Russia becoming more powerful with the ecenomic crisis, and revelation 16 also predicts that 'he [gog] will invade from the far north.' Of course, what he is going to invade is Israel. Someone might say 'What!? this is far fetched!' but think about it. Russia has already invaded southwards towards georgia, and if they overtake israel, it is a hotspot for three of the worlds most popular religions, judasim, christiany and islam.
To those people who have read this, I hope that this small part of prophecy will make you more interested, and I will be expecting abuse from most of the community.
I do hope this doesn't offend people either, it does not mean I hate everyone that isn't a christian, nor that i discriminate against russians. The leader is just in prophecy.
I just looked it up, there are many Atheist believers in Russia. Russia's population is big, but not big enough excluding the Atheists'. If they try to take over with a small population of people, they're dead. If my info is wrong, could someone please tell me?
Last edited by adriangl (2009-02-18 14:24:10)
Im atheist, for these main reasons:
The only evience that Jesus was son of God is in the bible, the bible lied, because its full of stuff thats wrong. The other evidence of Jesus being son of God is that he comes and talk to crazy people, and thats CAUSE THEYRE CRAZY. I simply see know difference between believing in Jesus then in Santa, or the flying spaghetti monster, if he wrote a spaghetti bible.
Christians say that atheists have no morals, but its christians who have no morals. We do the right thig because its the right thing. They do it for fear of punishment. So, technically, according to them, if the bible sayd murder was good, murder would be good. They have no morals, they just obey the bible.
Just because science doesn't know everything about the universe, doesn't mean we need to fill holes with stories about Gods.
Bentheneighbor wrote:
Im atheist, for these main reasons:
The only evience that Jesus was son of God is in the bible, the bible lied, because its full of stuff thats wrong. The other evidence of Jesus being son of God is that he comes and talk to crazy people, and thats CAUSE THEYRE CRAZY. I simply see know difference between believing in Jesus then in Santa, or the flying spaghetti monster, if he wrote a spaghetti bible.
Christians say that atheists have no morals, but its christians who have no morals. We do the right thig because its the right thing. They do it for fear of punishment. So, technically, according to them, if the bible sayd murder was good, murder would be good. They have no morals, they just obey the bible.
Just because science doesn't know everything about the universe, doesn't mean we need to fill holes with stories about Gods.
Before anybody yells, I'd like to point out that I (being an atheist) view the Bible as something to judge yourself with and do not take it seriously. It is merely a collection of fables, telling how to act, and be kind to other people. These traits are things to use in your daily life.
I Don't Get Mad At People With Different Religions just not worry about their religion
Bentheneighbor wrote:
Im atheist, for these main reasons:
The only evience that Jesus was son of God is in the bible, the bible lied, because its full of stuff thats wrong. The other evidence of Jesus being son of God is that he comes and talk to crazy people, and thats CAUSE THEYRE CRAZY. I simply see know difference between believing in Jesus then in Santa, or the flying spaghetti monster, if he wrote a spaghetti bible.
Christians say that atheists have no morals, but its christians who have no morals. We do the right thig because its the right thing. They do it for fear of punishment. So, technically, according to them, if the bible sayd murder was good, murder would be good. They have no morals, they just obey the bible.
Just because science doesn't know everything about the universe, doesn't mean we need to fill holes with stories about Gods.
I'll try not to absolutely freak out about this post... I'll responding to each part of the post, in order.
How much can you prove is "wrong" in the Bible? Even Christians don't know which things could be literal vs. figurative, which would have an impact on the validity of some claims in the Bible, obviously.
What do you mean "crazy people". Stop making ridiculous claims like that without backing them up immediately afterwards. And no, "thats CAUSE THEYRE CRAZY" doesn't count.
The fact is... neither the flying spaghetti monster nor Santa have a Bible or any sacred text. That's one difference right there.
Yes... SOME Christians say Atheists don't have morals. I say some people... regardless of religion... don't have morals. So I don't really know how to address that point. The fact is, "atheist morals" are relatively similar to "Christian morals"... if you can even classify them as such. Morals are morals in my eyes. Until I find some statistic that says "X number of Atheists commit crimes (or break some moral 'code'), and X number of Christians do it." then it can only be measured on an individual basis. Also, what makes you so sure that Christians do all good deeds for fear of punishment?
Again, the hypothetical situations you bring up don't really mean anything. The fact is... The Bible doesn't say that murder is good...
The Bible is basically a code of morals... Even big-bang just said it can 'tell you how to act'... So even if they 'just obey the Bible', it would still be morally right... in our view at least.
Last sentence is interesting, I must say. Considering religion has been around for a very very long time before people realized that there were even holes to fill in science... I'm not so sure I buy that either.
That's all I have time to say right now... Responses welcome.
EDIT- By the way I'm not mad. Simply responding to your views with my own.
Last edited by fbboi999 (2009-03-02 22:55:41)
Bentheneighbor wrote:
Im atheist, for these main reasons:
The only evience that Jesus was son of God is in the bible, the bible lied, because its full of stuff thats wrong. The other evidence of Jesus being son of God is that he comes and talk to crazy people, and thats CAUSE THEYRE CRAZY. I simply see know difference between believing in Jesus then in Santa, or the flying spaghetti monster, if he wrote a spaghetti bible.
Christians say that atheists have no morals, but its christians who have no morals. We do the right thig because its the right thing. They do it for fear of punishment. So, technically, according to them, if the bible sayd murder was good, murder would be good. They have no morals, they just obey the bible.
Just because science doesn't know everything about the universe, doesn't mean we need to fill holes with stories about Gods.
I am kinda on your side, being an agonistic. The Bible has been proven wrong many time and Christians for the most part just ignore what they don't like. Many things in the Bible cannot be proved but it is just unlikely that these things occurred. Jesus, basically, was the son of a magic man in the sky who came back to life and then when in the sky to meet up with his magic daddy. Is that logical at all? The Bible was written at a time when there was no science so they had to make up stories to explain things. Religions have existed since ancient times and have gained such a following that they still exist despite the numerous contradictions.
However, I don't expect any truly faithful person to even consider what I just typed. Faith hasn't survived because its followers were open minded.
Have you ever seen the documentary "Daniel's Timeline"?
Really, my view on religion is that the main principles that people follow are the only important aspect. The whole God figure exists to enforce these principles and to explain the unknown. To me, the best approach is to use facts to back up your actions, and to try to make the most amount of people happy. Because arrogance is rather someone who reveals facts that disprove what you think.
Oh just one thing I notice, we all look back at Greek Myths and say, "Those were good stories, but they aren't true." This is just because we don't believe in a mountain with lots of gods. I don't see how mainstream religions are any different.
demosthenes wrote:
Oh just one thing I notice, we all look back at Greek Myths and say, "Those were good stories, but they aren't true." This is just because we don't believe in a mountain with lots of gods. I don't see how mainstream religions are any different.
Once again, people are failing to look at their own logic. This happened more in the Doody scenario. (Don't ask, I don't need another "Doody was so, like, innocent!" thread on my hands.)
Zelda123 wrote:
Would anyone like to share the "many errors, mistakes, and contradictions" that they found in the Bible?
Well it said the earth was firmly in place.
demosthenes wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
Would anyone like to share the "many errors, mistakes, and contradictions" that they found in the Bible?
Well it said the earth was firmly in place.
What verses are you referring to?
Zelda123 wrote:
Would anyone like to share the "many errors, mistakes, and contradictions" that they found in the Bible?
Google has lots, here is the first search result for mistakes in the bible.
didn't the moderator just ask for the fighting to stop? can you please bring the arguments to my website?
Last edited by Uncanny (2009-03-05 23:49:56)
I think this is on the original topic: I asked a while ago (as IrishArcher) if you had seen Daniel's Timeline. It is a very interesting documentary about the exact timing of things prophesied. I don't know where to find it, but I think you might like it.
What exactly are we arguing about? Religion is an ethical philosophy. Science is a study of the world surrounding us.
Being a real Christian is not knowing that "God created the Earth and the rest of the Universe", but following the Ten Commandments and being a nice person. How do we distinguish between good and bad? Religion offers a model of "perfectness" - which is God. Religion is oriented mainly on the perfection of the soul - which science does not offer. On the other hand, religion cannot tell us about dinosaurs and the Solar System.
The soul and the mind are two of the aspects of human nature. Both the soul and the mind need their own "food". Yet they are part of a whole. True religion and true science can coexist together perfectly.
Of course, nobody will ever know exactly and have pure evidence for what is "true". And that's why we believe. Human nature is such that we always need to just believe in something - whether it's God or fairytales. It is totally natural. People could not and should not know everything - or else the world will be dull and uninteresting.
There is no need to think that religious people are "ignorant, crazy fanatics", or that atheists are "unemotional freaks with no morals" - neither of them are "perfect" and neither knows "everything".
But the world is so awesome! ^^
*runs around in circles being happy*
MyRedNeptune wrote:
What exactly are we arguing about? Religion is an ethical philosophy. Science is a study of the world surrounding us.
Being a real Christian is not knowing that "God created the Earth and the rest of the Universe", but following the Ten Commandments and being a nice person. How do we distinguish between good and bad? Religion offers a model of "perfectness" - which is God. Religion is oriented mainly on the perfection of the soul - which science does not offer. On the other hand, religion cannot tell us about dinosaurs and the Solar System.
The soul and the mind are two of the aspects of human nature. Both the soul and the mind need their own "food". Yet they are part of a whole. True religion and true science can coexist together perfectly.
Of course, nobody will ever know exactly and have pure evidence for what is "true". And that's why we believe. Human nature is such that we always need to just believe in something - whether it's God or fairytales. It is totally natural. People could not and should not know everything - or else the world will be dull and uninteresting.
There is no need to think that religious people are "ignorant, crazy fanatics", or that atheists are "unemotional freaks with no morals" - neither of them are "perfect" and neither knows "everything".
But the world is so awesome! ^^
*runs around in circles being happy*
May I join you? *runs around with Neptune being happy and laughing*
Yeah, religion, though comes in many forms, help us achieve one goal, which is to be a better person. Though anyone can say "Well there is no proof that god exists, thus, he does not!" There are things in science that can't be explained either, without some sorta biased (as in religious) view point. Religion and science are two different things yet they both achieve us to the same goal, which is to give us a better understanding of the world. Morally and..... *looks in dictionary*..... Ethnically?........ *shrugs* Btw.... *Points down at sig.*
Last edited by torterra (2009-04-03 12:50:15)
torterra wrote:
Btw.... *Points down at sig.*
Ah, lol! ^_^
MyRedNeptune wrote:
torterra wrote:
Btw.... *Points down at sig.*
Ah, lol! ^_^
Yes, I know..... Running around in circles IS serious business
MrTeacher wrote:
dis is getting off-topic =[
It was always off-topic. ^_^
You should be happy!