ssant wrote:
What is the easiest way to learn about programming?? I want to start from the basics and eventually get a job doing programming. Please help
The easiest way to learn programming is to start making simple programs using basic programming commands. Scratch is pretty good for using the basic concepts of computer programming. It has if statements and variables and every thing you need to make your own little program. If you want to go into text based programming languages the best place to start would be choosing a language to learn.
Scratch is one of the best places to start learning programming.
Unfortuantely, there are no books yet to take you through the language a little at a time, though there are some tutorials and other advice on
I moved this topic from "Advanced Topics" to "All about Scratch".
Here is a simple script to make your sprite move:
<when green flag clicked>
<if> <key[ right arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( 5
<if> <key[ left arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( -5
My first project was a simple animation. You can make one.
music_man's script will work, but it may make the sprite move too fast when the key is pressed. You probably want a
<wait( 0.05 )secsc>
in the loop.
Without the wait, the speed depends very much on what else is running at the same time and on how fast the computer is.
It is best to have the animations work the same on all sufficiently fast computers.
These is one of the most simple ways to make your sprite do stuff.
<when[ space ]key pressed>
<play sound[ pop
<when[ left arrow ]key pressed>
<point in direction( -90
<move( 10 )steps>
<when[ right arrow ]key pressed>
<point in direction( 90
<move( 10 )steps>
2 ways to make the sprite go to your pointer
<when green flag clicked>
<go to x <mouse x> )y <mouse y>
<when green flag clicked>
<go to[ mouse-pointer
actually you would have to do
[blocks] <when[ left arrow ]key pressed>
<move( -10 )steps>
to make a sprite go left. if you use the block
<point in direction( -90
it will go upside down [/blocks]
Last edited by funkymonkey (2007-11-23 09:37:43)