I gave my sister a old game for the DS.
Best reaction ever.
100codelyoko wrote:
I gave my sister a old game for the DS.
Best reaction ever.When I was a little kid, I gave my sister my DS.
i gave my sister all my DS games and now she doesn't let me play them
where is the logic in that?
When you forget to floss for a single day.
C'mon, dentists, our dental problems give you money!
stevetheipad wrote:
Ha! Nice mom.
08jackt wrote:
100codelyoko wrote:
I gave my sister a old game for the DS.
Best reaction ever.When I was a little kid, I gave my sister my DS.
i gave my sister all my DS games and now she doesn't let me play them
where is the logic in that?
I did something similar. I sold most of my games online and then gave it to my sister
Oh and every year since like first grade I've had the same bus driver for school
So we get her presents for Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas and whatnot. Never really all that much, just a mug full of candy or a gift card to Wal-mart or something. But she always gets pretty ecstatic and gives us one of those little bears full of honey (She's a beekeeper) and a card telling of how glad she is to know us, what wonderful people we are, etc
Despite the fact that I openly harass people on the bus and often shout the names of Mexican dishes with my friends while this girl tries to call her mom every day