I made a website
Check it out while its online
Just get dream weaver and you don't need to know html
The website I posted above was coded using php. It is useful for making dynamic websites.
archmage wrote:
Just get dream weaver and you don't need to know html
The website I posted above was coded using php. It is useful for making dynamic websites.
Hmm, I'll try it. But don't you have to buy it?
Yeah unfortunately, you have to purchase dreamweaver if you go past the 30 day trial. But there are many free html editors out there, just check google.
Once you understand html there is no reason to raw code in html. You do need an understand of it for php and other things.
hmm thats no good...
That is a problem with the server I am running. It works on machines connected to my network.
Last edited by archmage (2009-03-29 23:17:35)
archmage wrote:
I made a website
Check it out while its online
Well, my cousin tried going here, instead it took us to the main computer server on our network.