Hi all,
I have a quick (and what I hope is basic) question. I'm working on a game at the moment where presents have escaped and Santa is trying to collect them. The Grinch is floating around the screen trying to hinder dear Santa. You get one score for every present you collect and the game is over if you bump into the Grinch, so I've created a variable called "score" which increases by one per present.
I would like to make the game harder as you play. When the score gets to 20, I would like a second Grinch to appear. This is what I have used and it's not working:
<when green flag clicked><forever if><( <{SCORE}><=> 20<broadcast[ SECOND GRINCH )>
So the script for the second grinch looks like this:
<when green flag clicked><hide>
<when I receive[ SECOND GRINCH]><show>
Any suggestions would be great - thanks
Hrmph... Maybe you could upload the project? Or a picture?
The forum block BBcode needs work. I can't really understand the code
The scripts you posted seen alright, so maybe check that there isn't another counterracting script somewhere else?
Sorry about that Rabbit - it was my first time trying to use the blocks in a post so I'm surprised anyone was able to make any kind of sense of them.
Kayybee - perfect suggestion - worked a treat.
Thanks for all your help guys.
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