My son and I, working together, created a simulation of the Think-A-Dot toy.
Rather than put this under my name, we created a new user, kevin_and_abe, for our joint projects. The registration page made us make up a birthdate for the two of us.
What policy *should* the Scratch Team have for joint projects?
They'd like to have one-person-one-login (it makes gathering statistics easier), but they currently have no mechanism other than fake users for group projects.
There needs to be more support for group projects. It is, after all, completely standard for computer programs to have multiple authors. Perhaps there should be a way to register a "group user" that consists of a set of ordinary users. The "my stuff" page would have projects and pointers to the mystuff pages of the members of the group.
There could be a group leader, like a gallery owner, who can decide who is in the group.
great idea! to add to that, the mystuff page could also have "Projects Announced", "Projects in Construction", and "Released projects" for that group.
You are unlikely to entice anyone to be your partner with statements like "my projects suck and i can't do good projects". Why would anyone *want* to work with you?
Instead, work on improving your skills. Read programs that you like and figure out how they did things. Try doing some little projects (like names projects) to practice techniques. Once you have some of the basic skills, then you can look for a partner with messages like
"I'm still a beginner, but I have taught myself how to do scrolling backgrounds and simple gravity games. I know how to make a character fire multiple bullets. I need a partner with good ideas who can draw sprites, but has trouble programming them."
Having something to offer makes it much more likely that you can find a partner to work with.