We plan to archive this forum on Monday, Oct 10. This means that this forum will no longer appear when you visit the forums.
You will still be able to access this forum by doing the following:
1. Go to any forum.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
3. Click on the drop down menu labeled "Jump To"
4. Scroll down to "Archived Forums" and select "Collab Camp 2011".
If you have any content here that you'd like to save, you're welcome to copy and paste it. If you think that you really need to keep a forum topic, "report" the topic and request for it to be moved to the "Collaboration" forum.
Scratch on!
I was about to suggest this
theyre too quick for ya
I'll be able to see it.
You actually cannot view the forum anymore, except If you posted in it, where you go to it from the my posts section. It is not accessible by the drop down jump to box.
just curious but why is it hidden and not closed
that's a bit of a pain