how do projects become front paged... and how long do they stay on the front page?
The Scratch team pick project from the forums here and displays ones they think qualify on the front page. They stay there until they get pushed off or about 1 week.
Top Loved: 10 days (The top 10 top loved projects created less than 10 days ago)
Top Viewed: 4 days (The top 10 top viewed projects created less than 10 days ago)
Featured: Depends on how often projects are added (Selected by Admins)
Top Remixed: (The top 10 top remixed projects created less than 10 days ago)
Yea. Thanx
There's also the "Projects selected by *usernamehere*" slot, commonly known as the curator slot where the user listed gets to pick projects to be in that row on the front page.
How you get in each section:
Newest Projects- Every single project uploaded is in this section at least once. It is randomized.
Featured Projects- To get in this section, an admin needs to add it. An easier way to get in is to make a very good project, and then if someone likes it, they make propose it to get featured Here
My Friends' Latest Projects: Only people that have added you can see your projects in this section.
The Curator Section: A curator needs to add the project to get in this sectoin.
Projects from Scratch Design Studio: Anyone can get in this section, as long as they submit a project to the newest gallery and it fits the requirements.
What the Community is Remixing: If enough people remix your project, it can get in this section. The top 10 remixed projects get in here.
What the Community is Loving: If enough people love your project, it can get in this section. The top 10 loved projects get in here.
What the Community is Viewing: If enough people view your project, it can get in this section. The top 10 viewed projects get in here.
How long the projects stay on the section-
Newest Projects: It depends on what time you upload and how many other projects are uploaded at the same time. This one ranges from 5 minutes to 60 minutes.
Featured Projects: These projects stay in until 3 other projects have been added by admins.
The Curator Section: These projects also stay in until 3 other projects have been added by the current curator. Or 3 new projects are added if a new curator comes.
Projects from Scratch Design Studio: These projects stay here until a new gallery has been added.
What the Community is Remixing: These projects stay here until 10 days after the project has been made.
What the Community is Loving: These projects stay here until 10 days after the project has been made.
What the Community is Viewing: These projects stay here until 4 days after the project has been made.
I hope this helped!