If anyone knows Visual basic, we recommend you use source. It's very robust, and you could even make a weapon which gives you health for each time you shoot someone.
ATVR9999 wrote:
get cool mod
follow instructions
Once again, well done for failing to ignore the topic. He meant CREATE MOD. Not INSTALL MOD.
I would say an easy step would be mods for Fallout 3/Oblivion as they have their own "creation kits" which allows easy modding. Then you got millions of tutorials on youtube aswell
Stickman704 wrote:
I would say an easy step would be mods for Fallout 3/Oblivion as they have their own "creation kits" which allows easy modding. Then you got millions of tutorials on youtube aswell
One problem with the creation kit's is that, firstly, they are for M rated titles, which means some people can't use it, and secondly, it makes no sense to me whatsoever. At least with the source SDK it feels welcoming, and I don't need to script trees into my world.
A bit of a revision on the mapping difficulty scaled:
Super easy: Counter strike: Source.
All you need to do is add the spawns for both teams, and you just made a elimantion match!
Easy: Portal 2
Doors are now prebuilt. Hooray!
medium: Team fortress 2
we recommend a CTF map is you are gonna map for TF2.
Hard: Portal or Half life 2
These games need a LOT of entities.
One thing I like about the portal 2 SDK is that there is a plugin for google sketchup, that allows you to turn a creation into an ingame model.