This is a new forum game, I'm trying making one for the first time. What you do in this game is create weird situations with commands for example:
The sentence below is the truth.
The sentence above is a lie.
Go to the next sentence
Go to the previous sentence.
Here's one that's a bit like your first one:
This sentence is false.
And another one:
Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Murphy's Paradox: If Murphy's Law can be wrong, it will be wrong.
Therefore, if Murphy's Law can be wrong, it must be wrong, which means that even if it can be wrong, it is not necessarily wrong because we just disproved Murphy's Law, so it must be right, therefore if it can, it will be wrong...
...and so forth.
heres mine.
3/3=.9 repeating
How you ask? i have to ways of proving it. i'll use the simplar way
1/3=.3 repeating
2/3= .6 repeating
3/3 has to = .9 repeating. but it can't because it has to equal a whole.
yes this isn't very convincing but i can't rite the other one because its a huge math problem and i can't get it to come out right on a computer
A group of gang members captured one of the other gang and told him this:
"You have one sentence left, if it is true then we shoot you if it is a lie then we stab you"
And you know what he said back?
"I will die from stabbing"
If they stab him then it is true and they need to shoot him but if they shoot him then he lied and they need to stab him.
Get it?
Last edited by Buddy_ca111 (2009-03-07 01:37:14)
bosox397 wrote:
heres mine.
3/3=.9 repeating
How you ask? i have to ways of proving it. i'll use the simplar way
1/3=.3 repeating
2/3= .6 repeating
3/3 has to = .9 repeating. but it can't because it has to equal a whole.
yes this isn't very convincing but i can't rite the other one because its a huge math problem and i can't get it to come out right on a computer
On the other hand, .6 repeating rounds to .66667, which, if added to .33333, makes a whole.
SmartIrishKid wrote:
bosox397 wrote:
heres mine.
3/3=.9 repeating
How you ask? i have to ways of proving it. i'll use the simplar way
1/3=.3 repeating
2/3= .6 repeating
3/3 has to = .9 repeating. but it can't because it has to equal a whole.
yes this isn't very convincing but i can't rite the other one because its a huge math problem and i can't get it to come out right on a computerOn the other hand, .6 repeating rounds to .66667, which, if added to .33333, makes a whole.
That's because when the calculator shows .66667, it's rounding up. However, .9 repeating equals 1.
And math doesn't lie.
Last edited by boinoinoi (2009-03-07 15:47:51)
How about we try solving the paradox (for every paradox does have a solution). For example:
Buddy_ca111 wrote:
A group of gang members captured one of the other gang and told him this:
"You have one sentence left, if it is true then we shoot you if it is a lie then we stab you"
And you know what he said back?
"I will die from stabbing"
If they stab him then it is true and they need to shoot him but if they shoot him then he lied and they need to stab him.
The gangsters were lying.
The shortest paradox I know:
I always lie.
Last edited by floppy_gunk (2009-03-07 14:39:27)
This thread reminds me of oxymorons.
- Found Missing
- Happily Married
- Non-stick glue
- Press release
- Deafening silence
- Microsoft Works
Basically when two words in a sentence conflict with each other.
"Found Missing", "Press Release", and "Deafening Silence"are two complete opposites.
I also like how "This sucks" and "This blows" mean the exact same thing.
I saw these somewhere. They aren't oxymorons, but they are funny!
Tornado rips through cemetery; Hundreds dead
Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
London Couple Killed; Police Suspect Homicide
I'll edit to add more if I think of them.
Last edited by BalletViolinist98 (2009-03-20 21:34:11)
Zeno's First Paradox: Motion is impossible, because before you get from point A to point B, you must first travel to the halfway mark, and before that to the quarter mark, and before that to the eighth mark...
Second Paradox: If the tortoise and the hare are racing, and the tortoise has a head start, then the hare can never pass it, because by the time the hare has reached the turtle's starting point, it will have moved to another point further ahead, and by the time he reaches that point, it will have moved still further ahead, and so on.
Here's a doctor who paradox - If you don't know who Doctor Who is, yankees, just BUY ALL THE DVDS! Anyway:
you go back in time and kill your grandfather.
your grandfather's dead, so your father can't be alive, so you can't be alive.
you're not alive, so you didn't kill your grandfather, so your grandfather's alive.
your grandfather's alive, so your father's alive, so your alive.
your alive so you did kill your grandfather. so...
your grandfather's dead, so your father can't be alive, so you can't be alive.
etc etc
djmoomoo wrote:
Here's a doctor who paradox - If you don't know who Doctor Who is, yankees, just BUY ALL THE DVDS! Anyway:
you go back in time and kill your grandfather.
your grandfather's dead, so your father can't be alive, so you can't be alive.
you're not alive, so you didn't kill your grandfather, so your grandfather's alive.
your grandfather's alive, so your father's alive, so your alive.
your alive so you did kill your grandfather. so...
your grandfather's dead, so your father can't be alive, so you can't be alive.
etc etc
THAT is a classic pardox
okay... if you've seen Avatar then you know the comit gives them stregth but... if fire can't be in space and a comit is made of ice rock how do they get power from the comit
they=fire jerks
binxs wrote:
okay... if you've seen Avatar then you know the comit gives them stregth but... if fire can't be in space and a comit is made of ice rock how do they get power from the comit
they=fire jerks
Simple wind buildup. (I think)
SmartIrishKid wrote:
binxs wrote:
okay... if you've seen Avatar then you know the comit gives them stregth but... if fire can't be in space and a comit is made of ice rock how do they get power from the comit
they=fire jerksSimple wind buildup. (I think)
The comet could serve as a massive frigid mirror, reflecting more sunlight onto the world.
tHE end of my game called twisted ninja 2 is a paradox. it goes something like this:
If you make it to the end, the game starts showing you a video, in the video, u get captured and the game is over. So you technically won because u made it to the end but u lost cause u got captured but thats supposed to happen cuz i programed it like that so you win but u got captured, ect.
bosox397 wrote:
tHE end of my game called twisted ninja 2 is a paradox. it goes something like this:
If you make it to the end, the game starts showing you a video, in the video, u get captured and the game is over. So you technically won because u made it to the end but u lost cause u got captured but thats supposed to happen cuz i programed it like that so you win but u got captured, ect.
What's the point, other than demotivating the winner?
Last edited by SmartIrishKid (2009-04-01 17:11:50)
I played The Person Below Me forum game and I posted a paradox!
You see, I posted:
"TBPM (the person below me) will say no."
If TBPM says no, he will have had to say yes, but if he says yes, he will have had to say no, which means he's lucky to be able to lie or have more than one word posted.
This was already posted. But its more like this:
The sentence below is false
The sentence above is true
It is very hard to make paradoxes, so that's why this is not popular.
True Or False Test:
1.The sentence below is true.
2.The sentence above is false.
Something I got from a book!
You have been touched by Project Front Page.
Look down 1 line.
Look down 1+1 line.
Look down 100 line, because you cheated!!!
Look up 3-1 line. (second time looking here: look at the post down from here)
heers one i put on croupt wish:
I wish this does not get croupted.
If they don't croupt it they break the rules, if they do,they would not granted it, and deaft the point of the game.