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#1 2011-11-30 18:57:32

Registered: 2011-01-10
Posts: 100+

How do you make a game?

I don`t really know the pieces and so I need help. If you know it can you please post it here. THANK YOU!  smile




#2 2011-11-30 19:47:54

Registered: 2011-11-05
Posts: 4

Re: How do you make a game?

There are many ways to make a game, and many types. If you'd like to learn go to the scratch wiki at . If you want an actualy game to see, look up a simple game like cube world, download it and look at the scripts to learn simple scripts like jumping and moving. If you still don't get it, you can look around the forum for posts that tell you how to make games. Have fun and scratch on! May the scratch be with you  big_smile !

--MineMaster who is a very experienced scratcher but still can't use signiture  tongue  oh well.



#3 2011-12-01 02:03:40

Registered: 2009-04-09
Posts: 50

Re: How do you make a game?

My best advice: Look at the scripts, right click and press help. You can learn many things off of this method. Secondly; you can download games (simple ones if your new) and look at the variables and sprite's scripts. I suggest you don't look at complex games, because they are always heavily coded and you'd get more lost than before. D: If even this prevails, then just experiment. Trial and error! Find out what lists and variables can do!  smile Lolwut?



#4 2011-12-01 03:25:21

Registered: 2011-10-26
Posts: 1000+

Re: How do you make a game?

Scratch is made up of loads of 'blocks' which you van put together to make scripts. Some blocks are self-explanatory, but others you may need to right-click on them and select help. If you ANY help at all, don't be afraid to ask in the 'All About Scratch' forum or you could look at the Scratch Wikismile

Last edited by RedRocker227 (2011-12-01 03:27:51)




#5 2011-12-01 09:34:27

Registered: 2011-10-19
Posts: 78

Re: How do you make a game?

Well, it depends on the game, right? What game are you trying to make?

Check out my projects!  roll   roll   roll   roll   roll   roll   roll   roll   roll   roll   roll



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