777w wrote:
nightmarescratcher wrote:
Awesome stories here. Too bad I can't write something scary if my life depended on it. =P
neither could i
we're like birds of a feather
birds that cant write scary stories
who both end up getting killed with one stone
we are
oh ya bro
i just stole ur style
bumpity bumpface
owetre18 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:*candle cove edited out*
pretty creepy
No, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.
Cupcakes isn't scary. At all.
nightmarescratcher wrote:
777w wrote:
nightmarescratcher wrote:
Awesome stories here. Too bad I can't write something scary if my life depended on it. =P
neither could i
we're like birds of a feather
birds that cant write scary stories
who both end up getting killed with one stoneapparently,
we are
oh ya bro
i just stole ur style
holy cripes
you did
you stole my style
its a small world after all
how is that previous post logical, you ask?
i got news for you, bro
its not
oooooooh yeeeeeeeah
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:Skyshale033 Subject: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Does anyone remember this kid’s show? It was called Candle Cove and I must have been 6 or 7. I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972. I lived in Ironton at the time. I don’t remember which station, but I do remember it was on at a weird time, like 4:00 PM.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
it seems really familiar to me…..i grew up outside of ashland and was 9 yrs old in 72. candle cove…was it about pirates? i remember a pirate marionete at the mouth of a cave talking to a little girl
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
YES! Okay I’m not crazy! I remember Pirate Percy. I was always kind of scared of him. He looked like he was built from parts of other dolls, real low-budget. His head was an old porcelain baby doll, looked like an antique that didn’t belong on the body. I don’t remember what station this was! I don’t think it was WTSF though.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Sorry to ressurect this old thread but I know exactly what show you mean, Skyshale. I think Candle Cove ran for only a couple months in ‘71, not ‘72. I was 12 and I watched it a few times with my brother. It was channel 58, whatever station that was. My mom would let me switch to it after the news. Let me see what I remember.
It took place in Candle cove, and it was about a little girl who imagined herself to be friends with pirates. The pirate ship was called the Laughingstock, and Pirate Percy wasn’t a very good pirate because he got scared too easily. And there was calliope music constantly playing. Don’t remember the girl’s name. Janice or Jade or something. Think it was Janice.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Thank you Jaren!!! Memories flooded back when you mentioned the Laughingstock and channel 58. I remember the bow of the ship was a wooden smiling face, with the lower jaw submerged. It looked like it was swallowing the sea and it had that awful Ed Wynn voice and laugh. I especially remember how jarring it was when they switched from the wooden/plastic model, to the foam puppet version of the head that talked.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
ha ha i remember now too.do you remember this part skyshale: “you have…to go…INSIDE.”
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Ugh mike, I got a chill reading that. Yes I remember. That’s what the ship always told Percy when there was a spooky place he had to go in, like a cave or a dark room where the treasure was. And the camera would push in on Laughingstock’s face with each pause. YOU HAVE… TO GO… INSIDE. With his two eyes askew and that flopping foam jaw and the fishing line that opened and closed it. Ugh. It just looked so cheap and awful.
You guys remember the villain? He had a face that was just a handlebar mustache above really tall, narrow teeth.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i honestly, honestly thought the villain was pirate percy. i was about 5 when this show was on. nightmare fuel.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
That wasn’t the villain, the puppet with the mustache. That was the villain’s sidekick, Horace Horrible. He had a monocle too, but it was on top of the mustache. I used to think that meant he had only one eye.
But yeah, the villain was another marionette. The Skin-Taker. I can’t believe what they let us watch back then.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
jesus h. christ, the skin taker. what kind of a kids show were we watching? i seriously could not look at the screen when the skin taker showed up. he just descended out of nowhere on his strings, just a dirty skeleton wearing that brown top hat and cape. and his glass eyes that were too big for his skull. christ almighty.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Wasn’t his top hat and cloak all sewn up crazily? Was that supposed to be children’s skin??
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
yeah i think so. rememer his mouth didn’t open and close, his jaw just slid back and foth. i remember the little girl said “why does your mouth move like that” and the skin-taker didn’t look at the girl but at the camera and said “TO GRIND YOUR SKIN”
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
I’m so relieved that other people remember this terrible show!
I used to have this awful memory, a bad dream I had where the opening jingle ended, the show faded in from black, and all the characters were there, but the camera was just cutting to each of their faces, and they were just screaming, and the puppets and marionettes were flailing spastically, and just all screaming, screaming. The girl was just moaning and crying like she had been through hours of this. I woke up many times from that nightmare. I used to wet the bed when I had it.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i don’t think that was a dream. i remember that. i remember that was an episode.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
No no no, not possible. There was no plot or anything, I mean literally just standing in place crying and screaming for the whole show.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
maybe i’m manufacturing the memory because you said that, but i swear to god i remember seeing what you described. they just screamed.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Oh God. Yes. The little girl, Janice, I remember seeing her shake. And the Skin-Taker screaming through his gnashing teeth, his jaw careening so wildly I thought it would come off its wire hinges. I turned it off and it was the last time I watched. I ran to tell my brother and we didn’t have the courage to turn it back on.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i visited my mom today at the nursing home. i asked her about when i was littel in the early 70s, when i was 8 or 9 and if she remebered a kid’s show, candle cove. she said she was suprised i could remember that and i asked why, and she said “because i used to think it was so strange that you said ‘i’m gona go watch candle cove now mom’ and then you would tune the tv to static and juts watch dead air for 30 minutes. you had a big imagination with your little pirate show.”pretty creepy
Wasn't this already posted here a while ago?
But yeah, Candle Cove is still the best creepypasta ever (besides The Rake).
owetre18 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:*candle cove edited out*
pretty creepy
No, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.
Can somebody explain the ending? Doesn't make sense to me.
owetre18 wrote:
owetre18 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:
pretty creepyNo, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.Can somebody explain the ending? Doesn't make sense to me.
owetre18 wrote:
owetre18 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:
pretty creepyNo, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.Can somebody explain the ending? Doesn't make sense to me.
the ending of what, candle cove or cupcakes?
all i know about cupcakes is that rainbow dash died gruesomely at the hand of pinkie pie and that there were organ puns
as for candle cove
thats a mystery
Last edited by 777w (2011-11-22 16:52:38)
banana500 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:Skyshale033 Subject: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Does anyone remember this kid’s show? It was called Candle Cove and I must have been 6 or 7. I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972. I lived in Ironton at the time. I don’t remember which station, but I do remember it was on at a weird time, like 4:00 PM.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
it seems really familiar to me…..i grew up outside of ashland and was 9 yrs old in 72. candle cove…was it about pirates? i remember a pirate marionete at the mouth of a cave talking to a little girl
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
YES! Okay I’m not crazy! I remember Pirate Percy. I was always kind of scared of him. He looked like he was built from parts of other dolls, real low-budget. His head was an old porcelain baby doll, looked like an antique that didn’t belong on the body. I don’t remember what station this was! I don’t think it was WTSF though.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Sorry to ressurect this old thread but I know exactly what show you mean, Skyshale. I think Candle Cove ran for only a couple months in ‘71, not ‘72. I was 12 and I watched it a few times with my brother. It was channel 58, whatever station that was. My mom would let me switch to it after the news. Let me see what I remember.
It took place in Candle cove, and it was about a little girl who imagined herself to be friends with pirates. The pirate ship was called the Laughingstock, and Pirate Percy wasn’t a very good pirate because he got scared too easily. And there was calliope music constantly playing. Don’t remember the girl’s name. Janice or Jade or something. Think it was Janice.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Thank you Jaren!!! Memories flooded back when you mentioned the Laughingstock and channel 58. I remember the bow of the ship was a wooden smiling face, with the lower jaw submerged. It looked like it was swallowing the sea and it had that awful Ed Wynn voice and laugh. I especially remember how jarring it was when they switched from the wooden/plastic model, to the foam puppet version of the head that talked.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
ha ha i remember now too.do you remember this part skyshale: “you have…to go…INSIDE.”
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Ugh mike, I got a chill reading that. Yes I remember. That’s what the ship always told Percy when there was a spooky place he had to go in, like a cave or a dark room where the treasure was. And the camera would push in on Laughingstock’s face with each pause. YOU HAVE… TO GO… INSIDE. With his two eyes askew and that flopping foam jaw and the fishing line that opened and closed it. Ugh. It just looked so cheap and awful.
You guys remember the villain? He had a face that was just a handlebar mustache above really tall, narrow teeth.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i honestly, honestly thought the villain was pirate percy. i was about 5 when this show was on. nightmare fuel.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
That wasn’t the villain, the puppet with the mustache. That was the villain’s sidekick, Horace Horrible. He had a monocle too, but it was on top of the mustache. I used to think that meant he had only one eye.
But yeah, the villain was another marionette. The Skin-Taker. I can’t believe what they let us watch back then.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
jesus h. christ, the skin taker. what kind of a kids show were we watching? i seriously could not look at the screen when the skin taker showed up. he just descended out of nowhere on his strings, just a dirty skeleton wearing that brown top hat and cape. and his glass eyes that were too big for his skull. christ almighty.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Wasn’t his top hat and cloak all sewn up crazily? Was that supposed to be children’s skin??
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
yeah i think so. rememer his mouth didn’t open and close, his jaw just slid back and foth. i remember the little girl said “why does your mouth move like that” and the skin-taker didn’t look at the girl but at the camera and said “TO GRIND YOUR SKIN”
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
I’m so relieved that other people remember this terrible show!
I used to have this awful memory, a bad dream I had where the opening jingle ended, the show faded in from black, and all the characters were there, but the camera was just cutting to each of their faces, and they were just screaming, and the puppets and marionettes were flailing spastically, and just all screaming, screaming. The girl was just moaning and crying like she had been through hours of this. I woke up many times from that nightmare. I used to wet the bed when I had it.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i don’t think that was a dream. i remember that. i remember that was an episode.
Skyshale033 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
No no no, not possible. There was no plot or anything, I mean literally just standing in place crying and screaming for the whole show.
kevin_hart Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
maybe i’m manufacturing the memory because you said that, but i swear to god i remember seeing what you described. they just screamed.
Jaren_2005 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Oh God. Yes. The little girl, Janice, I remember seeing her shake. And the Skin-Taker screaming through his gnashing teeth, his jaw careening so wildly I thought it would come off its wire hinges. I turned it off and it was the last time I watched. I ran to tell my brother and we didn’t have the courage to turn it back on.
mike_painter65 Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i visited my mom today at the nursing home. i asked her about when i was littel in the early 70s, when i was 8 or 9 and if she remebered a kid’s show, candle cove. she said she was suprised i could remember that and i asked why, and she said “because i used to think it was so strange that you said ‘i’m gona go watch candle cove now mom’ and then you would tune the tv to static and juts watch dead air for 30 minutes. you had a big imagination with your little pirate show.”pretty creepy
Wasn't this already posted here a while ago?
But yeah, Candle Cove is still the best creepypasta ever (besides The Rake).
You don't have to copy the whole story
(I'm a hypocrite. Deal with it XD )
You don't have to quote the whole story, guys.
I was introduced to the video game realm a tad late than most other people. For most, if not all, of my early childhood I was isolated from other kids and I had next to no social interactions. My days were spent in a prison like school and my nights rotted away with mind numbing TV. Life was dull and boring, all I had were my stuffed animals and cheap plastic toys to talk to. That’s when I got a Gamecube.
It was the christmas of 2003 I believe. I was overjoyed at having my own video game station. It came with the games Super Mario Sunshine, Pac Man World 2, and Pokemon Channel. Each of those games still hold a special place in my heart today. As soon as the Gamecube was set up and ready to go I began playing it immediately.
The first game I played was Super Mario Sunshine. This game is what got me hooked onto the Mario series. After playing it for hours straight and finally finding a level I just couldn’t get past I turned to Pac Man World 2. Amazingly enough, I got stuck on level two. Infuriated that I couldn’t find the way out even though the answer was literally right in front of my eyes, I quit and started playing my first ever Pokemon game.
Pokemon Channel.
As soon as I turned the game on I knew this game was going to be different from the other two. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the game. When the time came for me to name my Pikachu I unwittingly named him BRVR, short for Brother. What compelled me to give him such a strange nickname that didn’t even sound like a shortened version of brother I’ll never know, but regardless, I still enjoyed playing.
There is no way for me to describe the love I felt towards this game. It was everything that I had ever dreamed of. In this game I had a friend that I could play with. It all took place in the Pokemon world too, which I had already loved before I even got Pokemon Channel. I could watch TV with my best friend BRVR, go fishing with him, play checkers with him, talk to other Pokemon with him, grow a garden with him, build a snow man with him, explore ancient ruins with him, play musicals with him, sit around camp fires and tell stories with him, gaze at the stars with him, all the things I never got to experience in real life I was able to in this virtual world. With BRVR. The best friend I never had.
I was obviously overly addicted to the game, but I had nothing else to use up my time with, so instead I spent it all into this game. Oblivious to all the things happening in the real world, I prefered to live my life in this Pokemon fantasy with my best friend BRVR.
BRVR seemed like more than just a virtual animated 3D model forced to do his actions based on the programming of the game, he seemed real to me. If I was ever sad one day, he would appear to look and act depressed too. If I was ever angry, he would show and express my rage during that play of the game too. If I needed something to cheer me up, he would act silly and leap at me and do other idiotic things too. Later on when I grew older and wiser I just assumed that all of these strange events never really happened and when I was younger I had just simply imagined it, but it was still fun to pretend he was real.
As the years past I got more games. I had acuired a Gameboy, which along with it came more Pokemon games, where I could have more than just a single Pikachu. My interests also floated to different series like Mario and Sonic. After playing Pokemon Channel so many times and doing the same things over and over again it starts to get a bit boring. I started playing it less and less and other games more and more, but I still gave Pokemon Channel a play every now and then.
Eventually I changed schools and my whole life changed. I was moved from a private christian school to a public school and my eyes were opened to reality. I started to learn new things about real life which helped me enjoy it more. People weren’t mean and cruel to me, they would say hi when I passed them in the halls. I discovered I could do more than just play video games, I could draw, there were thousands of songs I could listen to, and my grades started dramatically rising.
But the best part of all was that I got a new friend. A real friend. One who was flesh and blood. She was funny and helped me get used to the school and was someone I could talk to besides my parents. We both had the same immature and mock everything in every possible way kind of minds. I finally had a best friend.
While I started to grow in both body and mind Pokemon Channel was slowly forgotten. I moved on to greater and better games. Almost all the things I could do in the game I was able to do in real life now. BRVR was replaced by my real life best friend. He and the game had become obsolete, forgotten on a dusty shelf in a dark corner of the room.
For the next couple of years life was golden. Each day I would learn something new and I had a ton of fun with my best friend. I made a few other friends too, but no one could top my best friend. Every now and then I’d get a new game, get some money, go do something with my best friend, draw something, listen to music. I never wished for anything more.
Good things never last
Eventually I had to move. I protested and threw a fit but to no avail. Trying to stop the tears from falling down my face, I told my best friend good bye on my last day at that school. For the next few nights I cried myself to sleep at my new house, but eventually I stopped. Having one of my main reasons to live in life ripped away tore a whole in my heart that will never be completely healed, but the pain eventually became less and less.
I still had contact with my best friend though. We both had Youtube accounts and we would talk to each other over the internet. We’d call each other too and have sleep overs and sometimes see a movie together. But it hurt to not have her at school anymore. I made some new friends at my new school, even more than at my old school, but none of them were as funny as my best friend. None of them could replace her.
Just when I thought I could get used to this lifestyle one of the most dreadful things happened. For her sake, I won’t post what my friend did, but she did something horrible and my mom refused to let me speak to or see her ever again. My heart was utterly smashed into thousands of pieces. I felt like I had nothing left to live for. My best and what felt like only friend was now gone from me forever.
I now sunk back into my old habits, playing video games and isolating myself from the rest of the world. I didn’t like to go out anymore. I refused to leave my room except to go to school, eat, use the restroom, and visit my dad every other weekend. Now that my best friend had been snatched away from me, and that I didn’t do anything in real life anymore, I needed something to replace them.
Searching through my ancient shelf of old games, I pulled out Pokemon Channel. I brushed the dust off of the cover. It felt like it had been an eternity since I’ve gazed upon the game. I insterted the game disc into the Gamecube, grabbed my controller, and awaited to greet my old virtual friend, BRVR.
A tear fell down my cheek as memories flooded back while I stared at the title screen. After a moment of soaking in the old nostalgia, I selected continue. I eagerly selected yes when the information appeared of my currently saved game asking if it was correct. As the transition Pokeballs rolled across the screen I just couldn’t wait to see BRVR again.
When the transition was over I appeared to be in my room. The normal cutseen where Pikachu is asleep on top of the shelf and wakes up didn’t play, but at this moment I had almost completely forgotten about that. The only thing on my mind was BRVR. As I searched around the room though, he wasn’t anywhere in sight.
“De bi de? De bi dee!”
The Delibird that deliveres the goods you buy from the Shop ‘N Squirtle channel was at the door. I smiled warmly at the sight. I remembered I bought something from that channel almost every day when I was younger. I thought I must have bought something the last time I played and completely forgotten about it. Curious about what was in the delivery, I eagerly headed for the door.
A deep moaning sound stopped me before I could reach the door. I turned the screen and saw BRVR climbing out from under the bed. He looked beat up and depressed. I had never seen him climb out from underneath the bed before, except for when he’s searching for the Pokemon Mini in the beginning of the game. When he turned and saw me a shocked expression came over his face, like it normally should.
“Hey Brother, it’s me!” I whispered even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. Instead of a joyous look and cheering, “Pika pikaa!!” he aquired an infuriated look on his face. I was a bit confused as to why he was angry, but before I could ponder at the subject, “De bi dee!!” The Delibird called again from the door.
Banishing the whole incident from my thoughts I turned and opened the door. I was comforted when the Delibird handed over the box and BRVR smiled and waved as Delibird flew off. “A package arrived with merchandise from Shop ‘N Squirtle!” I quickly pressed A as that message appeared.
I wondered what was inside as BRVR leaned inside the box and took out the items. “You got a Pikachu TV Z! The Pikachu TV Z has been displayed.” A menacing and quite gruesome looking Pikachu TV was set up in replacement of my old Voltorb TV. It looked like a Pikachu head facing towards you with it’s jaws wide open. Inside it’s mouth was the TV screen with it’s fangs hanging over the top and bottom. It looked like the skin was tearing and ripping apart at places, like the TV screen was too large for it’s mouth. I was a bit shocked at how scary the TV looked.
“You got Red Wallpaper Z! The wallpaper has been displayed.” I gasped when the wallpaper was put up. It was dark red like dried blood. Pikachus with sick, twisted smiles were repeated all across it. They each were bright red like freshly drawn blood. I was beginning to worry.
“You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” I winced with fear when I saw the morbid Pikachu placed on top of one of the shelves. It had the same eerie grin as the Pikachus on the wallpaper except with long fangs. It’s eyes were small, ruby red, and dilated. The tip of it’s tail curved inwards like a hook, and it had sharp looking claws. Numerous dried streaks of blood were all along it’s body.
“You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” “You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” “You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” The same sequence happened over and over until the entire room was filled with the disturbing Pikachu dolls. They replaced all of the other dolls.
BRVR got up and looked around the room. He nodded in satisfaction and walked towards the TV. I sat in my chair stricken with fear. Even though it had been years since I’ve played the game I knew these items were never in it. “Pikaa.” A threatning and commanding call came from Pikachu. He was standing in front of the TV giving me a glare. I knew he wanted me to go over there.
I walked to the TV and turned it on. It opened to the Report channel like normal, but to my horror the screen looked like it had blood dripping down it. I changed the channels and they all looked that way. I quickly opened up my diary, which in this game is the start menu, and clicked on the TVS tab. I chose the Voltorb TV, but as soon as I did my diary closed without me pressing B. BRVR was staring at me with a threatning glare and shook his head dissaprovingly.
BRVR turned back to the TV and changed it to the Fortune Channel. This channel seemed normal except for the blood dripping down the screen. “Choose your cookie!” The words drifted by the bottom of the TV screen. I chose the top one like I always do. The cookie floated down into the Chansey’s hands and cracked open.
“Do you really want to know your fortune?” The words appeared on the screen. I froze with fear. Something about that fortune seemed eerie. It appeared that the Chansey on the screen was laughing.
BRVR changed the channel again. He changed it to the relaxation channel. Instead of the fluffy Mareep, what greeted me where morbid Pikachus that looked just like the dolls jumping over the fence. I quickly pressed B and went back to the center of the room. Normally BRVR would turn around and motion me to came back and watch it with him, but this time he didn’t seem to care.
I walked over to my old painting. A beautifully colored Jirachi surrounded by a cute Pikachu border hung against the wall. I sighed with relief. At least one thing was still normal. I took a few moments to stare at the old painting, mostly just because I didn’t want to look at the gruesome wallpaper or the horrifying dolls.
“BRVR is looking at the painting too”
Chills went through my spine as that message appeared even though it was normal for your Pikachu to stare at your painting with you. I pressed B and sure enough BRVR was standing in front of the painting. It seemed like he had a sad expression, like he was remembering long lost memories. He turned to me, still with the same depressed expression. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt sorry for him and wished there was something I could do to cheer him up.
BRVR walked up to me and asked me a question, which is normal for your Pikachu to ask you a question and every now and then, but what made my blood chill was what he asked, “BRVR wants to know if you still love him.” It had an O (Yes) and X (No) option. BRVR has never asked that before. I immediately clicked O. He smiled, and then bent over laughing. I was a bit confused as to why he was having a laughing fit. When he was done laughing he looked back up at me with an evil smile. A message appeared at the top of the screen, “BRVR knows when your lying.” He turned back to watch the TV.
By this point I didn’t know what to do anymore. I knew for sure that all this wasn’t supposed to be happening. I thought that maybe if I restarted my Gamecube everything would go back to normal. I got up and reached for the restart button, but when I pressed it nothing happened. I pressed it a second time and still nothing.
“The game cannot be reset right now” The message appeared on the screen. My heart stopped beating for a second. After dumbly staring at the screen for a solid minute I sat back down and decided I would continue playing. “Might as well see where this goes…” I whispered to myself.
I just looked around the room for about a minute. Other than the wallpaper, dolls, and TV, everything seemed to be the same. I tried to smile while looking at the old Pokemon Mini and posters, but I couldn’t bring myself too. The normally cute and cheerful music seemed to make the room more dark and distrubing. It looked as if all of the morbid dolls had their eyes focused on me, like they were about to reach out and grab me, then slowly tear apart and devour my flesh…
“BRVR wants to go outside.” The message appeared on the top of the screen. Before I could do anything though, BRVR went outside and the game forced me to follow him.
My breath caught in my throat when I went outside.
The sky was blood red with even darker red clouds swirling in it. Strewn all across the lawn were dead Pokemon corpses. I couldn’t tell what many of them were, most of their limbs were torn off, their faces shredded, entrails everywhere. I felt sick, like I was about to throw up.
BRVR circled around them, then turned to me and gave me an evil grin. He walked up to me and asked a qustion, “BRVR wants to know if you like what’s he’s done to the place.” I immediately clicked X. His sick grin deepened even more. He walked over to a Skitty corpse and threw it at me. It’s body parts broke off and flew everywhere as it bounced off of the screen. After many agonizing minutes of being forced to watch BRVR toy with the dead body parts, he walked over to the garden.
When we stepped into the garden two plants were fully grown. Instead of fruits, they had grown Pikachu heads. BRVR plucked one and started to slowly eat it. My lunch started to rise up my throat but I forced it back down. I tried to turn away from the gruesome sight but something glued my eyes to the screen. After taking his time BRVR walked over and ate the other head. Once he was done he cast me a wicked smile and leaped out of the garden, me forced to follow.
BRVR was aparently done messing around outside for he went straight inside. I was hoping he was done and we would just stay inside, I now much prefered the morbid dolls over the body parts, but he wasn’t done showing me the world he had created yet. Almost as soon as we went inside BRVR went immediately to the back door. Guess who was forced to follow yet again?
When we went outside there weren’t any more corpses much to my relief, but the sky was still an ominous blood red. When I tried to go back inside he wouldn’t let me, BRVR would just turn and give a dissaproving shake of his head, so I was forced to stand there. The Viridian Forest bus pulled up and BRVR walked up to it without me even clicking on it. The transition played normally, the bus riding over the map to the Viridian forest. But when we got there the whole forest was on fire.
Dead Pokemon were laying everywhere as the trees wildly burned, their bodies charred black by the flames. BRVR seemed unaffected by the blazing fire. He skipped over to the patch of mushrooms. They looked like they were bleeding. BRVR ate one without asking for permission and gave a satisfied nod when he was done.
Then he ran over to the bell that starts the Pokemon concert. Instead of BRVR being surrounded by Clefairies, he was surrounded by those morbid Pikachus. Using the bells they played the most haunting and blood chilling tune I had ever heard. I was awestruck. It sounded so beautiful but so horrifying. It was high pitched and made my ears ache, but I was in a trance and couldn’t think to turn the volume down. After what seemed like years the play was finally over.
Glancing around, BRVR seemed satisfied with the burning forest and headed back towards the bus. Again I was forced to stand outside my house while I awaited the next horrors BRVR would inflict upon my eyes. I thought he would want to take the Mt. Snowfall bus, but he had other ideas instead, for he let that bus just pass on by. Instead he decided to take the Cobalt Bus next.
Same simple transition, same horrifying scene. The beach was littered with pieces of the corpses of Pokemon you would normally find roaming around there. The ocean looked like blood, and floating in it were more body parts from the dead Pokemon. It then became aparent to me that BRVR didn’t like other Pokemon.
We then played a game of checkers. Instead of rocks we used internal organs for the pieces. BRVR beat me by a long shot, although that was because I couldn’t think straight using entrails as checker pieces while being surrounded by dead corpses. He laughed when he beat me, like this was all normal and supposed to be happening. Then for a brief moment a look of regret and sadness swept over his face. I felt a longing to reach out and comfort him, so I used the c stick to pet him, but as soon as the cursor touched him his normal infuriated and demented look came back. He ran off over to the fishing area with a little person called me unwillingly following behind.
BRVR stood on his rock and threw out his fishing line into the blood ocean waiting for a bite. I did nothing for there was nothing I could do, but he turned and gave me a menacing glare like I was supposed to be helping him. That’s when I remembered the bait. I clicked on the jar labeled bait, but instead of a chocolate glazed donut I got a rotting brain. It was falling apart and covered in a greenish brown mold, yet it was still throbbing. I quickly tossed it into the ocean.
Shortly afterwards BRVR caught something on his line. With a great yank a creature came flying out of the ocean.
I swear to god this creature shall forever haunt my dreams.
It looked like an oversized dark purple Magikarp, but it was foaming at the mouth while a green acidic blood poured out from numerous gashes all along it’s body. Multiple organs clung to the many spikes sticking out from it’s body. Parts of it’s scales had been scraped away exposing muscle underneath, and some parts of the muscle had been what looks like eaten leaving bones sticking out. It flopped around and gasped for air while disturbing gurgling sounds emmited from it’s mouth.
I screamed when I saw the vile creature. BRVR turned to me as if he had heard me and grinned. He slowly climbed down from the rock, taking as much time as possible to let the wretched creature suffer that much more. Then he started to eat the Magikarp. While it was still alive. I screamed again and covered my mouth as my eyes were forced to watch the gruesome sight. Once he was done with his meal he turned back to me and smiled a happy, playful smile. I couldn’t believe this monster was once my close virtual friend that I looked forward to seeing every day after school.
After that traumatising event BRVR cheerfully skipped along down the beach back to the bus stop singing, “Pi ka Pi ka chu~” His merriment made the situation that much more horrifying. While waiting for the Mt. Snowfall bus BRVR stood in the middle of the walkway staring at me. His face was blank and showed no signs of emotion. Even though I knew he couldn’t hear me, I whispered, “W-Why, why are you doing this..?!” A tear started to fall down my face.
“BRVR made this world to please you.” My blood turned to ice when that message appeared at the top of the screen. BRVR casted me another sick, wicked grin that stretched from cheek to cheek. More tears started to sneak their way down my face. The Mt. Snowfall bus finally arrived. I don’t know if I was happy at the sight or petrified at the thought of facing another gruesome scene.
Same things as before, innocent transitions, not so innocent sights. Frostbitten carcasses lay strewn out ungloriously across the frozen land, most half buried in snow. Surprisingly, there was no blood or entrails laying about. This are had a more sad atmosphere than morbid. BRVR slowly walked over to where Keckleon and Jigglypuff would normally sing, but since they were dead and buried under snow who knows where he took their place.
BRVR sang the most beautiful sad song I had ever heard. His harmonious voice sounded like violins playing the most tear jerking tune I had ever heard. He had a depressed and sorowful yet focused expression while he sang the tune, which is just what the song sounded like. I couldn’t control the tears that started flooding down my face while he sang. My poor emotional heart broke in two listening to this sorrow drenched melody.
After what seemed and eternity BRVR finally finished. He looked me dead straight in the eyes with the most sorrowful, depressed, and utterly hopeless expression anyone had ever seen. I longed so much to hold him in my arms and comfort him, but he quickly turned away and ran towards the second half of Mt. Snowfall.
We stood in front of the Ruins of Truth. For many moments BRVR just stood dead still while staring at the ruins. Then he glanced at me, a deep meaningful look in his eyes, and ran inside. It was jet black inside, like it was supposed to be. He used a thunderbolt to light the electric flowers which caused the entire ruins to light up. All along the walls, ceiling, and floors many different words were written in blood, “Help meeee” “Why?” “I must dieee” “KILL ME” “It’s so cooold” “I’m so lonely” “Where is sheee?” “Come back” “Why can’t I dieeeee”
BRVR walked over to the other side of the ruins where the True or False tablet stood. I was forced to click on it.
“BRVR was abandoned by his best friend years ago to be replaced by a new best friend and was left to rot alone in this virtual world. True or False?”
I finally understood what all of this meant. All those words written on the walls, they were from BRVR. This was all my fault. I left him. My best friend. To die alone. No, he couldn’t even die if he wanted to. He was forced to drag out his misreable existence over the years. I didn’t blame him for wanting revenge on me, I deserved this.
I slapped myself across the face. What was I thinking?! BRVR and Pokemon Channel was just a game, I wasn’t supposed to devote my life to them. They were only meant to be created to amuse and entertain the mind of a child. They weren’t real. I took a minute to ponder over my last statement, they weren’t real. I thought about all the things BRVR had done traumatise me and get revenge for abandoning him for so long.
Hell, this was all just too real.
I selected O for true, because it was. I admitted to abandoning BRVR and leaving him alone to rot. Instead of the tablet sinking back into the ground, it glowed green as if in approval with me. The screen slowly faded to black.
Except for BRVR.
He stood in the center of the screen with a tired, angry, yet sad expression. I didn’t know what to think of him anymore. I hated him and wished I really could kill him, but I felt sorry and wanted with all my heart to help him and make things better.
“BRVR feels the same way about you.”
Those messages didn’t shock me anymore. If anything I was expecting it. After a few long moments of just staring at each other, I finally started to lose it, “What are you going to do with me now?!”
“BRVR wants you to suffer the same way he did.”
He casted me one last wicked grin, the widest and most horrifying I had ever seen, and the screen cut to black. After a moment the title screen appeared. The continue button was gone. I sighed in relief that this horrifying reunion was over. I got up and looked back at my desk.
On it was a Pikachu Doll Z.
Credit to http://fyeahpokemoncreepypasta.tumblr.com/
Last edited by Lightseeker (2011-11-25 15:53:19)
Lightseeker wrote:
I was introduced to the video game realm a tad late than most other people. For most, if not all, of my early childhood I was isolated from other kids and I had next to no social interactions. My days were spent in a prison like school and my nights rotted away with mind numbing TV. Life was dull and boring, all I had were my stuffed animals and cheap plastic toys to talk to. That’s when I got a Gamecube.
It was the christmas of 2003 I believe. I was overjoyed at having my own video game station. It came with the games Super Mario Sunshine, Pac Man World 2, and Pokemon Channel. Each of those games still hold a special place in my heart today. As soon as the Gamecube was set up and ready to go I began playing it immediately.
The first game I played was Super Mario Sunshine. This game is what got me hooked onto the Mario series. After playing it for hours straight and finally finding a level I just couldn’t get past I turned to Pac Man World 2. Amazingly enough, I got stuck on level two. Infuriated that I couldn’t find the way out even though the answer was literally right in front of my eyes, I quit and started playing my first ever Pokemon game.
Pokemon Channel.
As soon as I turned the game on I knew this game was going to be different from the other two. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the game. When the time came for me to name my Pikachu I unwittingly named him BRVR, short for Brother. What compelled me to give him such a strange nickname that didn’t even sound like a shortened version of brother I’ll never know, but regardless, I still enjoyed playing.
There is no way for me to describe the love I felt towards this game. It was everything that I had ever dreamed of. In this game I had a friend that I could play with. It all took place in the Pokemon world too, which I had already loved before I even got Pokemon Channel. I could watch TV with my best friend BRVR, go fishing with him, play checkers with him, talk to other Pokemon with him, grow a garden with him, build a snow man with him, explore ancient ruins with him, play musicals with him, sit around camp fires and tell stories with him, gaze at the stars with him, all the things I never got to experience in real life I was able to in this virtual world. With BRVR. The best friend I never had.
I was obviously overly addicted to the game, but I had nothing else to use up my time with, so instead I spent it all into this game. Oblivious to all the things happening in the real world, I prefered to live my life in this Pokemon fantasy with my best friend BRVR.
BRVR seemed like more than just a virtual animated 3D model forced to do his actions based on the programming of the game, he seemed real to me. If I was ever sad one day, he would appear to look and act depressed too. If I was ever angry, he would show and express my rage during that play of the game too. If I needed something to cheer me up, he would act silly and leap at me and do other idiotic things too. Later on when I grew older and wiser I just assumed that all of these strange events never really happened and when I was younger I had just simply imagined it, but it was still fun to pretend he was real.
As the years past I got more games. I had acuired a Gameboy, which along with it came more Pokemon games, where I could have more than just a single Pikachu. My interests also floated to different series like Mario and Sonic. After playing Pokemon Channel so many times and doing the same things over and over again it starts to get a bit boring. I started playing it less and less and other games more and more, but I still gave Pokemon Channel a play every now and then.
Eventually I changed schools and my whole life changed. I was moved from a private christian school to a public school and my eyes were opened to reality. I started to learn new things about real life which helped me enjoy it more. People weren’t mean and cruel to me, they would say hi when I passed them in the halls. I discovered I could do more than just play video games, I could draw, there were thousands of songs I could listen to, and my grades started dramatically rising.
But the best part of all was that I got a new friend. A real friend. One who was flesh and blood. She was funny and helped me get used to the school and was someone I could talk to besides my parents. We both had the same immature and mock everything in every possible way kind of minds. I finally had a best friend.
While I started to grow in both body and mind Pokemon Channel was slowly forgotten. I moved on to greater and better games. Almost all the things I could do in the game I was able to do in real life now. BRVR was replaced by my real life best friend. He and the game had become obsolete, forgotten on a dusty shelf in a dark corner of the room.
For the next couple of years life was golden. Each day I would learn something new and I had a ton of fun with my best friend. I made a few other friends too, but no one could top my best friend. Every now and then I’d get a new game, get some money, go do something with my best friend, draw something, listen to music. I never wished for anything more.
Good things never last
Eventually I had to move. I protested and threw a fit but to no avail. Trying to stop the tears from falling down my face, I told my best friend good bye on my last day at that school. For the next few nights I cried myself to sleep at my new house, but eventually I stopped. Having one of my main reasons to live in life ripped away tore a whole in my heart that will never be completely healed, but the pain eventually became less and less.
I still had contact with my best friend though. We both had Youtube accounts and we would talk to each other over the internet. We’d call each other too and have sleep overs and sometimes see a movie together. But it hurt to not have her at school anymore. I made some new friends at my new school, even more than at my old school, but none of them were as funny as my best friend. None of them could replace her.
Just when I thought I could get used to this lifestyle one of the most dreadful things happened. For her sake, I won’t post what my friend did, but she did something horrible and my mom refused to let me speak to or see her ever again. My heart was utterly smashed into thousands of pieces. I felt like I had nothing left to live for. My best and what felt like only friend was now gone from me forever.
I now sunk back into my old habits, playing video games and isolating myself from the rest of the world. I didn’t like to go out anymore. I refused to leave my room except to go to school, eat, use the restroom, and visit my dad every other weekend. Now that my best friend had been snatched away from me, and that I didn’t do anything in real life anymore, I needed something to replace them.
Searching through my ancient shelf of old games, I pulled out Pokemon Channel. I brushed the dust off of the cover. It felt like it had been an eternity since I’ve gazed upon the game. I insterted the game disc into the Gamecube, grabbed my controller, and awaited to greet my old virtual friend, BRVR.
A tear fell down my cheek as memories flooded back while I stared at the title screen. After a moment of soaking in the old nostalgia, I selected continue. I eagerly selected yes when the information appeared of my currently saved game asking if it was correct. As the transition Pokeballs rolled across the screen I just couldn’t wait to see BRVR again.
When the transition was over I appeared to be in my room. The normal cutseen where Pikachu is asleep on top of the shelf and wakes up didn’t play, but at this moment I had almost completely forgotten about that. The only thing on my mind was BRVR. As I searched around the room though, he wasn’t anywhere in sight.
“De bi de? De bi dee!”
The Delibird that deliveres the goods you buy from the Shop ‘N Squirtle channel was at the door. I smiled warmly at the sight. I remembered I bought something from that channel almost every day when I was younger. I thought I must have bought something the last time I played and completely forgotten about it. Curious about what was in the delivery, I eagerly headed for the door.
A deep moaning sound stopped me before I could reach the door. I turned the screen and saw BRVR climbing out from under the bed. He looked beat up and depressed. I had never seen him climb out from underneath the bed before, except for when he’s searching for the Pokemon Mini in the beginning of the game. When he turned and saw me a shocked expression came over his face, like it normally should.
“Hey Brother, it’s me!” I whispered even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. Instead of a joyous look and cheering, “Pika pikaa!!” he aquired an infuriated look on his face. I was a bit confused as to why he was angry, but before I could ponder at the subject, “De bi dee!!” The Delibird called again from the door.
Banishing the whole incident from my thoughts I turned and opened the door. I was comforted when the Delibird handed over the box and BRVR smiled and waved as Delibird flew off. “A package arrived with merchandise from Shop ‘N Squirtle!” I quickly pressed A as that message appeared.
I wondered what was inside as BRVR leaned inside the box and took out the items. “You got a Pikachu TV Z! The Pikachu TV Z has been displayed.” A menacing and quite gruesome looking Pikachu TV was set up in replacement of my old Voltorb TV. It looked like a Pikachu head facing towards you with it’s jaws wide open. Inside it’s mouth was the TV screen with it’s fangs hanging over the top and bottom. It looked like the skin was tearing and ripping apart at places, like the TV screen was too large for it’s mouth. I was a bit shocked at how scary the TV looked.
“You got Red Wallpaper Z! The wallpaper has been displayed.” I gasped when the wallpaper was put up. It was dark red like dried blood. Pikachus with sick, twisted smiles were repeated all across it. They each were bright red like freshly drawn blood. I was beginning to worry.
“You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” I winced with fear when I saw the morbid Pikachu placed on top of one of the shelves. It had the same eerie grin as the Pikachus on the wallpaper except with long fangs. It’s eyes were small, ruby red, and dilated. The tip of it’s tail curved inwards like a hook, and it had sharp looking claws. Numerous dried streaks of blood were all along it’s body.
“You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” “You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” “You got Pikachu Doll Z! The doll has been displayed.” The same sequence happened over and over until the entire room was filled with the disturbing Pikachu dolls. They replaced all of the other dolls.
BRVR got up and looked around the room. He nodded in satisfaction and walked towards the TV. I sat in my chair stricken with fear. Even though it had been years since I’ve played the game I knew these items were never in it. “Pikaa.” A threatning and commanding call came from Pikachu. He was standing in front of the TV giving me a glare. I knew he wanted me to go over there.
I walked to the TV and turned it on. It opened to the Report channel like normal, but to my horror the screen looked like it had blood dripping down it. I changed the channels and they all looked that way. I quickly opened up my diary, which in this game is the start menu, and clicked on the TVS tab. I chose the Voltorb TV, but as soon as I did my diary closed without me pressing B. BRVR was staring at me with a threatning glare and shook his head dissaprovingly.
BRVR turned back to the TV and changed it to the Fortune Channel. This channel seemed normal except for the blood dripping down the screen. “Choose your cookie!” The words drifted by the bottom of the TV screen. I chose the top one like I always do. The cookie floated down into the Chansey’s hands and cracked open.
“Do you really want to know your fortune?” The words appeared on the screen. I froze with fear. Something about that fortune seemed eerie. It appeared that the Chansey on the screen was laughing.
BRVR changed the channel again. He changed it to the relaxation channel. Instead of the fluffy Mareep, what greeted me where morbid Pikachus that looked just like the dolls jumping over the fence. I quickly pressed B and went back to the center of the room. Normally BRVR would turn around and motion me to came back and watch it with him, but this time he didn’t seem to care.
I walked over to my old painting. A beautifully colored Jirachi surrounded by a cute Pikachu border hung against the wall. I sighed with relief. At least one thing was still normal. I took a few moments to stare at the old painting, mostly just because I didn’t want to look at the gruesome wallpaper or the horrifying dolls.
“BRVR is looking at the painting too”
Chills went through my spine as that message appeared even though it was normal for your Pikachu to stare at your painting with you. I pressed B and sure enough BRVR was standing in front of the painting. It seemed like he had a sad expression, like he was remembering long lost memories. He turned to me, still with the same depressed expression. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt sorry for him and wished there was something I could do to cheer him up.
BRVR walked up to me and asked me a question, which is normal for your Pikachu to ask you a question and every now and then, but what made my blood chill was what he asked, “BRVR wants to know if you still love him.” It had an O (Yes) and X (No) option. BRVR has never asked that before. I immediately clicked O. He smiled, and then bent over laughing. I was a bit confused as to why he was having a laughing fit. When he was done laughing he looked back up at me with an evil smile. A message appeared at the top of the screen, “BRVR knows when your lying.” He turned back to watch the TV.
By this point I didn’t know what to do anymore. I knew for sure that all this wasn’t supposed to be happening. I thought that maybe if I restarted my Gamecube everything would go back to normal. I got up and reached for the restart button, but when I pressed it nothing happened. I pressed it a second time and still nothing.
“The game cannot be reset right now” The message appeared on the screen. My heart stopped beating for a second. After dumbly staring at the screen for a solid minute I sat back down and decided I would continue playing. “Might as well see where this goes…” I whispered to myself.
I just looked around the room for about a minute. Other than the wallpaper, dolls, and TV, everything seemed to be the same. I tried to smile while looking at the old Pokemon Mini and posters, but I couldn’t bring myself too. The normally cute and cheerful music seemed to make the room more dark and distrubing. It looked as if all of the morbid dolls had their eyes focused on me, like they were about to reach out and grab me, then slowly tear apart and devour my flesh…
“BRVR wants to go outside.” The message appeared on the top of the screen. Before I could do anything though, BRVR went outside and the game forced me to follow him.
My breath caught in my throat when I went outside.
The sky was blood red with even darker red clouds swirling in it. Strewn all across the lawn were dead Pokemon corpses. I couldn’t tell what many of them were, most of their limbs were torn off, their faces shredded, entrails everywhere. I felt sick, like I was about to throw up.
BRVR circled around them, then turned to me and gave me an evil grin. He walked up to me and asked a qustion, “BRVR wants to know if you like what’s he’s done to the place.” I immediately clicked X. His sick grin deepened even more. He walked over to a Skitty corpse and threw it at me. It’s body parts broke off and flew everywhere as it bounced off of the screen. After many agonizing minutes of being forced to watch BRVR toy with the dead body parts, he walked over to the garden.
When we stepped into the garden two plants were fully grown. Instead of fruits, they had grown Pikachu heads. BRVR plucked one and started to slowly eat it. My lunch started to rise up my throat but I forced it back down. I tried to turn away from the gruesome sight but something glued my eyes to the screen. After taking his time BRVR walked over and ate the other head. Once he was done he cast me a wicked smile and leaped out of the garden, me forced to follow.
BRVR was aparently done messing around outside for he went straight inside. I was hoping he was done and we would just stay inside, I now much prefered the morbid dolls over the body parts, but he wasn’t done showing me the world he had created yet. Almost as soon as we went inside BRVR went immediately to the back door. Guess who was forced to follow yet again?
When we went outside there weren’t any more corpses much to my relief, but the sky was still an ominous blood red. When I tried to go back inside he wouldn’t let me, BRVR would just turn and give a dissaproving shake of his head, so I was forced to stand there. The Viridian Forest bus pulled up and BRVR walked up to it without me even clicking on it. The transition played normally, the bus riding over the map to the Viridian forest. But when we got there the whole forest was on fire.
Dead Pokemon were laying everywhere as the trees wildly burned, their bodies charred black by the flames. BRVR seemed unaffected by the blazing fire. He skipped over to the patch of mushrooms. They looked like they were bleeding. BRVR ate one without asking for permission and gave a satisfied nod when he was done.
Then he ran over to the bell that starts the Pokemon concert. Instead of BRVR being surrounded by Clefairies, he was surrounded by those morbid Pikachus. Using the bells they played the most haunting and blood chilling tune I had ever heard. I was awestruck. It sounded so beautiful but so horrifying. It was high pitched and made my ears ache, but I was in a trance and couldn’t think to turn the volume down. After what seemed like years the play was finally over.
Glancing around, BRVR seemed satisfied with the burning forest and headed back towards the bus. Again I was forced to stand outside my house while I awaited the next horrors BRVR would inflict upon my eyes. I thought he would want to take the Mt. Snowfall bus, but he had other ideas instead, for he let that bus just pass on by. Instead he decided to take the Cobalt Bus next.
Same simple transition, same horrifying scene. The beach was littered with pieces of the corpses of Pokemon you would normally find roaming around there. The ocean looked like blood, and floating in it were more body parts from the dead Pokemon. It then became aparent to me that BRVR didn’t like other Pokemon.
We then played a game of checkers. Instead of rocks we used internal organs for the pieces. BRVR beat me by a long shot, although that was because I couldn’t think straight using entrails as checker pieces while being surrounded by dead corpses. He laughed when he beat me, like this was all normal and supposed to be happening. Then for a brief moment a look of regret and sadness swept over his face. I felt a longing to reach out and comfort him, so I used the c stick to pet him, but as soon as the cursor touched him his normal infuriated and demented look came back. He ran off over to the fishing area with a little person called me unwillingly following behind.
BRVR stood on his rock and threw out his fishing line into the blood ocean waiting for a bite. I did nothing for there was nothing I could do, but he turned and gave me a menacing glare like I was supposed to be helping him. That’s when I remembered the bait. I clicked on the jar labeled bait, but instead of a chocolate glazed donut I got a rotting brain. It was falling apart and covered in a greenish brown mold, yet it was still throbbing. I quickly tossed it into the ocean.
Shortly afterwards BRVR caught something on his line. With a great yank a creature came flying out of the ocean.
I swear to god this creature shall forever haunt my dreams.
It looked like an oversized dark purple Magikarp, but it was foaming at the mouth while a green acidic blood poured out from numerous gashes all along it’s body. Multiple organs clung to the many spikes sticking out from it’s body. Parts of it’s scales had been scraped away exposing muscle underneath, and some parts of the muscle had been what looks like eaten leaving bones sticking out. It flopped around and gasped for air while disturbing gurgling sounds emmited from it’s mouth.
I screamed when I saw the vile creature. BRVR turned to me as if he had heard me and grinned. He slowly climbed down from the rock, taking as much time as possible to let the wretched creature suffer that much more. Then he started to eat the Magikarp. While it was still alive. I screamed again and covered my mouth as my eyes were forced to watch the gruesome sight. Once he was done with his meal he turned back to me and smiled a happy, playful smile. I couldn’t believe this monster was once my close virtual friend that I looked forward to seeing every day after school.
After that traumatising event BRVR cheerfully skipped along down the beach back to the bus stop singing, “Pi ka Pi ka chu~” His merriment made the situation that much more horrifying. While waiting for the Mt. Snowfall bus BRVR stood in the middle of the walkway staring at me. His face was blank and showed no signs of emotion. Even though I knew he couldn’t hear me, I whispered, “W-Why, why are you doing this..?!” A tear started to fall down my face.
“BRVR made this world to please you.” My blood turned to ice when that message appeared at the top of the screen. BRVR casted me another sick, wicked grin that stretched from cheek to cheek. More tears started to sneak their way down my face. The Mt. Snowfall bus finally arrived. I don’t know if I was happy at the sight or petrified at the thought of facing another gruesome scene.
Same things as before, innocent transitions, not so innocent sights. Frostbitten carcasses lay strewn out ungloriously across the frozen land, most half buried in snow. Surprisingly, there was no blood or entrails laying about. This are had a more sad atmosphere than morbid. BRVR slowly walked over to where Keckleon and Jigglypuff would normally sing, but since they were dead and buried under snow who knows where he took their place.
BRVR sang the most beautiful sad song I had ever heard. His harmonious voice sounded like violins playing the most tear jerking tune I had ever heard. He had a depressed and sorowful yet focused expression while he sang the tune, which is just what the song sounded like. I couldn’t control the tears that started flooding down my face while he sang. My poor emotional heart broke in two listening to this sorrow drenched melody.
After what seemed and eternity BRVR finally finished. He looked me dead straight in the eyes with the most sorrowful, depressed, and utterly hopeless expression anyone had ever seen. I longed so much to hold him in my arms and comfort him, but he quickly turned away and ran towards the second half of Mt. Snowfall.
We stood in front of the Ruins of Truth. For many moments BRVR just stood dead still while staring at the ruins. Then he glanced at me, a deep meaningful look in his eyes, and ran inside. It was jet black inside, like it was supposed to be. He used a thunderbolt to light the electric flowers which caused the entire ruins to light up. All along the walls, ceiling, and floors many different words were written in blood, “Help meeee” “Why?” “I must dieee” “KILL ME” “It’s so cooold” “I’m so lonely” “Where is sheee?” “Come back” “Why can’t I dieeeee”
BRVR walked over to the other side of the ruins where the True or False tablet stood. I was forced to click on it.
“BRVR was abandoned by his best friend years ago to be replaced by a new best friend and was left to rot alone in this virtual world. True or False?”
I finally understood what all of this meant. All those words written on the walls, they were from BRVR. This was all my fault. I left him. My best friend. To die alone. No, he couldn’t even die if he wanted to. He was forced to drag out his misreable existence over the years. I didn’t blame him for wanting revenge on me, I deserved this.
I slapped myself across the face. What was I thinking?! BRVR and Pokemon Channel was just a game, I wasn’t supposed to devote my life to them. They were only meant to be created to amuse and entertain the mind of a child. They weren’t real. I took a minute to ponder over my last statement, they weren’t real. I thought about all the things BRVR had done traumatise me and get revenge for abandoning him for so long.
Hell, this was all just too real.
I selected O for true, because it was. I admitted to abandoning BRVR and leaving him alone to rot. Instead of the tablet sinking back into the ground, it glowed green as if in approval with me. The screen slowly faded to black.
Except for BRVR.
He stood in the center of the screen with a tired, angry, yet sad expression. I didn’t know what to think of him anymore. I hated him and wished I really could kill him, but I felt sorry and wanted with all my heart to help him and make things better.
“BRVR feels the same way about you.”
Those messages didn’t shock me anymore. If anything I was expecting it. After a few long moments of just staring at each other, I finally started to lose it, “What are you going to do with me now?!”
“BRVR wants you to suffer the same way he did.”
He casted me one last wicked grin, the widest and most horrifying I had ever seen, and the screen cut to black. After a moment the title screen appeared. The continue button was gone. I sighed in relief that this horrifying reunion was over. I got up and looked back at my desk.
On it was a Pikachu Doll Z.
Credit to http://fyeahpokemoncreepypasta.tumblr.com/
There's a user called BRVR
owetre18 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:*candle cove edited out*
pretty creepy
No, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.
Candle Cove isn't creepy.
barelybreathing.exe is what is scary.
samid11 wrote:
Lightseeker wrote:
Pokemon Dead Channel
There's a user called BRVR
Really? ._. I ought to look them up in the search bar... *looks up the user* .........
samid11 wrote:
Lightseeker wrote:
cut out due to longness
There's a user called BRVR
I'm pretty sure he's a Pikachu
owetre18 wrote:
owetre18 wrote:
777w wrote:
canlde cove was pretty creepy
in fact, it was so creepy, that i cant read it again to remove any possible swears or anything
mods please do that for me
here it is:
pretty creepyNo, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.Can somebody explain the ending? Doesn't make sense to me.
The ending of Candle Cove was that the show itself wasn't real at all. It was only a figment of their imaginations. Or was it? Maybe the show was sort of haunted, and that only kids could see it, and all adults saw was static. Candle Cove's ending is a real mystery, and I think that its ending is its real charm.
Lightseeker wrote:
samid11 wrote:
Lightseeker wrote:
Pokemon Dead Channel
There's a user called BRVR
Really? ._. I ought to look them up in the search bar... *looks up the user* .........
He's on my friends list >:3
samid11 wrote:
Lightseeker wrote:
samid11 wrote:
There's a user called BRVRReally? ._. I ought to look them up in the search bar... *looks up the user* .........
WHAT.He's on my friends list >:3
(This one isn't as famous, but it's still pretty good. There's a little blood, by the way.)
Together at Last
It happened so fast, she couldn’t even comprehend what had happened until she got home days after the accident.
But that’s not where it started. No, this story begins eight years prior to the events that had happened that night. Finishing up her last year in elementary school, little Carol befriended a young boy named James. Carol was quite the opposite of the boy. She had knotty red hair and tons of freckles on her face, classic to her Irish bloodline, while James had crisp black hair and sparkling blue eyes. And because of just how her face looked, she was a loner her entire elementary school years, watching James on the sidelines as her acquired many friends.
One day, she sat down on a bench during recess and decided to play her Red version that day. She had brought her Gameboy by sneaking it into her bag so that her teacher didn’t know about it. Generally, video games were banned on school premises. Carol had only recently gotten into the series, and this was her first game. She had just gotten her Charmander from the professor when James walked up to her with his own backpack.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
Carol put her legs up on the bench and brought them close to her chest so that she could hide her face.
“Pokemon…you’re not going to tell, are you?”
James sat down next to her. “Why would I?” Right then, he pulled out his own Gameboy and turned it on. “Which game do you have?”
The girl looked at him and smiled. He was really talking to her and was interested in what she was doing. Her first friend.
“I have Red!” she squealed.
“Cool, I have Blue! That means we both have different Pokemon…did you just start?”
“Well, I’m a little ahead of you. We’ll trade in a little bit once you get stronger. Here, let me give you some hints…”
At that moment, something sparked, where a strong bond of friendship was bound between the two souls. James helped Carol out with her game, and they both traded Pokemon back and forth between each other. And once new games came out, they would get them too and do the same. Pokemon was the center of their lives.
But after a few years, things had changed. As they entered high school, they moved on to different interests, such as music, novels, movies, and other teenage-related material. And Carol wasn’t a little girl anymore; she was a young woman, who took care with her hair and was proud of her freckles, all through the encouragement of her friend James. The friend she secretly loved. Pokemon was pushed to the shadows of childhood.
Upon the night of prom, James and Carol had gone together. One of their friends snuck a twelve pack in a stowed it in their car, so that afterwards, they could all hang out for a while and “knock back a few”. James and Carol joined the small group at a park and sat under a tree with them. James wasn’t fond of drinking, but Carol was. Once it was passed midnight, James offered to drive Carol to his place so that her parents would be upset with her coming home drunk. The both of them didn’t expect that the sober driver would have a side-on collision with his sedan and a pick-up.
James died last night. The other driver hit his side of the car. The news didn’t really sink in until the drive home from the hospital for Carol. She sobbed and cried in the back seat, with her parents giving her sympathetic comments from the front. She hadn’t even told him she loved him.
Going through survivor’s guilt, Carol locked herself up in her room as soon as she got home. She sat on her bed, put her knees up to her face like she would as a little girl, and just cried. Her heart was broken. The posters on her wall were blurred from her tears. She looked over to her dresser to see the poor reflection of her red face and her cut-up arms in the attached mirror. But then she noticed something. A purple rectangle laying right there on the top of her dresser. Wiping away her tears, it became clear to her that it was her old Gameboy.
She got off her bed and walked on over to the unit and picked up the console. It was a little dusty from no use, but she held it with such familiarity, that it was like she had only played with it just the other day.
“Where did you come from?” Carol asked herself, brushing off the screen. “I haven’t seen you in years.” She turned the Gameboy around and saw that her Red version was inserted. “Hey, I still have it!”
Here was the game James had helped her play, the game that had started everything. Carol smiled. She sat back down on her bed and turned it on. The start-up screen appeared, along with the usual animation. She looked at the saved data that was there, and was glad to see that her player, R, was still there along with his complete set of badges. Carol started the game and saw that she was in Pallet Town, right outside her house. She didn’t have a clue as to why she was there, but figured this is where she had last saved. She went to the menu and looked at her Pokemon. To her confusion, there was only her level 55 Charizard. The other Pokemon she had had in her party were Pokemon James had traded her, she knew that for a fact.
“Where’s everyone else?” asked Carol. She pondered to herself and came to a conclusion. “I’ll just go to Viridian City and go to the Pokemon Center there and see what I can do.”
She exited out of the box and continued her way up into the grassy fields. Suddenly, her character froze. A sprite was walking towards her from the opposite direction. It stopped at her and a textbox came up.
Carol, it’s me, James.
The Gameboy dropped to the floor. A wave of emotion came over her, and Carol felt something tugged at her back of her throat. Was this trauma from the accident? Or was she losing her mind? Another textbox came up, and she picked the game up again to read it.
Carol, you have to help me…he wants to take me away…
“Who?” she whispered, crying to her game. “Who does?”
Death…DJ…“Dead James”…he wants me to leave…my Pokemon weren’t strong enough…please help me…
“I’ll do whatever I can!” cried Carol. “I want to help you! I love you!”
Another sprite appeared at the top of the screen, shrouded in black. James’ sprite ran behind R, Carol’s player. The black sprite stepped up to R and a battled screen initiated. The opposing trainer was nothing but a black profile of a boy with white holes for eyes. The textbox said:
DJ wants to battle! DJ sends out Gengar!
“Go, Charizard!”
The Gengar was at level 70. The chances of Carol winning were slim. She looked at Charizard’s move-set—-it only contained Flamethrower, Slash, Fire Spin, and Dragon Rage. Flamethrower seemed the most powerful to her, so she chose that.
Gengar used Hypnosis! Charizard has fallen asleep!
Charizard is sleeping!
Carol looked through her bag of items. Nothing was in there. All she could do was try to wake Charizard up by selecting moves. She chose Flamethrower again.
Gengar used Dreameater!
Carol watched as Charizard’s health bar started to drain. This went on for a few more turns, turns that felt like forever. She started to cry again just as Charizard hit the red mark on his health bar.
“Charizard, you’re my only hope!” she sobbed. “Wake up! Save James!”
Suddenly, Charizard woke up from his sleep on that turn and used Flamethrower on DJ’s Gengar. Carol watched in amazement as Gengar’s bar slowly, but surely, as this one move turned into a critical hit. The Gengar disappeared off the screen and was replaced by DJ. The screen then flashed white and brought Carol to look at the field again. James’ sprite was standing in front of her again as a new textbox came up.
Thank you for saving me. Did you say you loved me before?
Carol wiped her tears away. “He heard me?”
I love you too. And if you really love me, than let’s be together. All you have to do is die.
Carol stopped everything she was doing and re-read the message. It clearly told her to die. She sniffed as a new box appeared.
Come. Join me.
It was such a tempting invitation. Carol looked around the room at the posters that were up of bands she and James both listened to. Her eyes drifted to the bookshelf where the novels that read together were, along with DVDs they had watched. She heard children playing just outside her window from the neighbor’s yard, and remembered the jubilant times where she and James were just mere children, playing games of pretend and sitting next to each other with their Pokemon games. There really wasn’t anything of her life that didn’t involve James.
The gun her father carried was in an accessible place. Carol snuck into the master bedroom and drew it out of the nightstand drawer. She brought it back into her bedroom, closing the door behind her, and sat down next to her Gameboy on the bed. She held the gun up to her head, looked at the game’s screen, and smiled.
The bang was so loud that her parents instantly came running into her bedroom. The blood splatter was all over the walls adjacent to her bed. Specks of blood were seen on the screen of the Gameboy, where a new sprite popped up, that of a girl, next to James. They both walked away holding each other’s hands.
Credit to http://fyeahpokemoncreepypasta.tumblr.com
Lightseeker wrote:
(This one isn't as famous, but it's still pretty good. There's a little blood, by the way.)
Together at Last
Why are there so many love stories that involve Pokemon and suicide?
Last edited by P-Cupcake (2011-11-26 06:56:33)
banana500 wrote:
owetre18 wrote:
owetre18 wrote:
No, it's not. It's not scary at all. Learn scary.
Cupcakes was scarier.Can somebody explain the ending? Doesn't make sense to me.
The ending of Candle Cove was that the show itself wasn't real at all. It was only a figment of their imaginations. Or was it? Maybe the show was sort of haunted, and that only kids could see it, and all adults saw was static. Candle Cove's ending is a real mystery, and I think that its ending is its real charm.
yup. you know, earlier in this thread's life i saw a bad creepypasta about a pokemon card that stole the static part from candle cove but didnt even use it for an interesting effect. that creepypasta was so stupid
The Creepy Santa Tape
Many people believe Santa is real, and same don't. Many argue about it, so people started to set up cameras on Christmas Eve to see if he is real.
Many were fake, but an interesting one was found just last year.
We see the normal camera frame, but we hear a loud noise.
Writing the rest of it later.
Top Percentage
When I first bought it, I played SoulSilver obsessively for weeks. I loved everything; the pokemon, the people, and the storyline. My beloved team consisted of Meganium, Espeon, Misdreavus, Ampharos, Vulpix, and Poliwhirl. I loved them all dearly, and thanks to my pokewalker, I leveled them all up easily. Another source of amusement for me was the pokegear. I loved that people you had met could ring you up and request a battle, or just rattle on about nothing. My favorite of the regular callers was, of course, the infamous Joey.
“Hey, you know my super-cool RATTATA? My RATTATA is different from regular RATTATA. It’s like my RATTATA is in the top percentage of all RATTATA, you know what I’m saying?” he’d always say.
Then, one day, he called me for a battle. Well this was new. He’d never asked for a rematch before. As I remembered, he only had his rattata. Suspecting that his rattata had maybe risen a few levels, I traveled back to where Joey stood.
“I’ve been waiting,” the text read. “wait until you see how much RATTATA has changed!”
The battle music started and the screen split. To my surprise, rattata had become a raticate! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something different about its claws. They were yellowish and had a brick pattern, like they belonged to another pokemon, but at the time I didn’t give it much thought.
As I expected, Joey’s Raticate had grown to level 30. I sent out Espeon. Raticate attacked first, and used dig. That was strange, I didn’t think raticate could learn dig. Anyway, it was no match for my Espeon, who creamed him with Psychic. Raticate fell with a scrambled cry that was different to how I remembered it, but again, I didn’t think much of it. The screen returned to the over world.
“Oh, all right,” Joey’s text read. “But I won’t lose to you again! RATTATA will be stronger next time we meet!” and handed me an iron.
I giggled. Joey was still calling his Raticate a Rattata.
It was a few days later and I had beaten the final gym before the elite four. I was about to head into victory road when I got a call from Joey. He wanted to battle again. I thought it’d be some okay EXP, so I flew back to route 30 and talked to Joey.
The battle started and this time, I knew something was horribly wrong. Raticate was sporting an orange, fiery tail, like that of a Rapidash. In addition, the area around its new tail was a purplish-red color, like it was bruised or bleeding, and could see grotesque stitches holding the tail on. What had Joey done to it? It was like he’d sewn a Rapidash’s tail onto Raticate.
When the raticate used flamethrower, I realized with horror that that was exactly what he’d done. Raticate let out a scrambled noise. It sounded like it was in pain. ‘RATICATE was hurt!’ the text read. Raticate’s health went down by a quarter. Flamethrower didn’t affect the user, so I was confused until I realized that Raticate was not used to using fire attacks, and its body was being damaged by the foreign attack type.
I didn’t want to hurt the raticate further, but I had to. I sent out Poliwhirl and used surf. It was super-effective, and raticate fainted. When we returned to the overworld, Joey said, “And yet another loss….no doubt about it - you’re tough! Being beaten this often actually feels good now! Still, I sure wish RATTATA was stronger!”
‘It’s a Raticate!” I screamed at the DS. “Stop calling it that! Stop hurting it!”
Joey, of course, didn’t hear me. Instead, he gave me an iron.
I promised myself that I would never battle Joey again, even if he called me. A couple of weeks passed, and I had entered the Kanto region. I had almost forgotten about Joey when I received his call, inviting me to battle. I ignored it and continued down route 5. After a few steps, however, he called me again. This time, when I picked up, I heard Raticate’s cry. “WhEre are YoU goIng? ROutE 30 iS the oTHer waY!”
I shrieked and threw my DS away from me. It clattered onto the floor and stayed there. Afraid I had broken it, I picked it up again after a few minutes. It hadn’t, so I continued playing. No matter where I tried to go, I would only go a few steps before Joey called me with the same freaky massage. I decided to face the music and battle him. Steeling myself for what I might see, I entered the battle.
Raticate had a pair of white-blue wings attached to his sides as well as the Rapidash tail. Maybe from a Pelipper. The area around where the wings were stitched on was horribly messy and red. Raticate went first and used Water Pulse. It hardly harmed my Misdreavus, but the words “RATICATE was hurt!’ flashed across the screen and took a third of its health. I took the rest with Psybeam.
I got called back two more times during that month. And each time, the attacks it used (Electric Shock and Razor Leaf) would take off more of its health until I knew the next time we fought, I wouldn’t have to attack at all. When he did call me, I knew couldn’t escape so I just went along with it. By now, Raticate was so gory and full of stitches that I could hardly recognize it. I felt like crying. Raticate now wore an obi-like sash around its waist and its eyes were blue and had a purple-ish hue around them. I had no idea what new pokemon had died to disfigure the * Raticate further, but I decided it didn’t matter. Raticate used Ice Beam. This did a surprising amount of damage to my Ampharos, but as I suspected, the damage Raticate took depleted its health bar completely.
Raticate let out an anguished yowl and disappeared from the screen. Expecting to see the words ‘RATICATE fainted,’ I was shocked and horrified to read the words ‘RATICATE has died!’ instead. I stared at the screen. Dead? Raticate can’t be dead. You can’t die in a pokemon game. That’s not how it worked. Joey said something different too. “RatTaTA? WhATs WrOnG?” When I tried talking to him again, nothing happened.
Thoroughly spooked, I left for Kanto again. I wanted nothing more than to forget this incident. I was convinced that I would never have to battle Joey again, his only pokemon having apparently…died.
I was wrong.
I was just about to enter Mt Silver when I got the call. I swore when I saw it was Joey. What more could he do with a dead Raticate? Knowing it was useless to ignore the call, I flew all the way back to where he stood. For some reason, his sprite had changed. I couldn’t see what it was because the sprite was too small. I also noticed that the trainer that used to stand next to Joey was nowhere to be seen. I talked to Joey. The text read, ‘I’Ve BeCoMe OnE WIth RATTATA aNd BEcomE MucH STrOnGeR! ArE YOu REadY?” The battle began.
I almost threw up.
Joey, or what was left of him, stood in the place where his Raticate once stood. His hair was matted with blood and his face horribly disfigured by his new buckteeth, furry body, and mangled claws. The stitches holding his body together were badly sewed, and every time his nose twitched, a fresh drop of blood fell from the tip of his snout.
Joey had sewn the parts he had hacked off Raticate into himself. The image was so terrifying, so horrible, that I could barely look at him. Joey used Hyper Fang. The attack hit my Ampharos, but did *-all damage. Joey’s health went down one fifth. It was my turn to attack. I used Thunder, hoping I’d get lucky on my first try. However, a textbox appeared on the screen. ‘AMPHAROS is too terrified to move!’ I cursed. Joey attacked again, this time with Crunch. This did a lot more damage; more than half of Ampharos’ health was gone now. Joey’s health depleted a little more. When I tried to attack, Ampharos was again too terrified to move. Hoping I could wait it out until he killed himself, I mashed the A button.
Joey used Crunch again. Ampharos’ health bar ran out and he fainted. I brought out Misdreavus so that it wouldn’t be affected by any normal moves. This turned out to be a good move, as Joey used Double-Edge.
‘MISDREAVUS was unaffected! JOEY was hurt!’
They was an ungodly cry as Joey fell from the screen.
‘JOEY has died!’
My player was sent back to the overworld. Joey’s mangle sprite was in front of me, Raticate features still visible. I realized that I was silently crying, my tears splattering onto the touchpad. In a state of shock, I stood there, not moving, for a full five minutes. I was unable to draw a coherent thought in my mind.
Eventually, I brought my Ampharos to the pokemon centre. When the nurse gave him back, she said, “Whatever happened to this pokemon, don’t let it happen again.” From then on, Ampharos could never fight a Raticate again. He would always be too terrified to move.
I don’t know why a headed back to where Joey once stood. I just felt I had to do it. When I arrived, Joey was nowhere to be seen. In his place was an item. I picked it up.
It was an iron.
Credit to http://fyeahpokemoncreepypasta.tumblr.com/
Lightseeker wrote:
Top Percentage
When I first bought it, I played SoulSilver obsessively for weeks. I loved everything; the pokemon, the people, and the storyline. My beloved team consisted of Meganium, Espeon, Misdreavus, Ampharos, Vulpix, and Poliwhirl. I loved them all dearly, and thanks to my pokewalker, I leveled them all up easily. Another source of amusement for me was the pokegear. I loved that people you had met could ring you up and request a battle, or just rattle on about nothing. My favorite of the regular callers was, of course, the infamous Joey.
“Hey, you know my super-cool RATTATA? My RATTATA is different from regular RATTATA. It’s like my RATTATA is in the top percentage of all RATTATA, you know what I’m saying?” he’d always say.
Then, one day, he called me for a battle. Well this was new. He’d never asked for a rematch before. As I remembered, he only had his rattata. Suspecting that his rattata had maybe risen a few levels, I traveled back to where Joey stood.
“I’ve been waiting,” the text read. “wait until you see how much RATTATA has changed!”
The battle music started and the screen split. To my surprise, rattata had become a raticate! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something different about its claws. They were yellowish and had a brick pattern, like they belonged to another pokemon, but at the time I didn’t give it much thought.
As I expected, Joey’s Raticate had grown to level 30. I sent out Espeon. Raticate attacked first, and used dig. That was strange, I didn’t think raticate could learn dig. Anyway, it was no match for my Espeon, who creamed him with Psychic. Raticate fell with a scrambled cry that was different to how I remembered it, but again, I didn’t think much of it. The screen returned to the over world.
“Oh, all right,” Joey’s text read. “But I won’t lose to you again! RATTATA will be stronger next time we meet!” and handed me an iron.
I giggled. Joey was still calling his Raticate a Rattata.
It was a few days later and I had beaten the final gym before the elite four. I was about to head into victory road when I got a call from Joey. He wanted to battle again. I thought it’d be some okay EXP, so I flew back to route 30 and talked to Joey.
The battle started and this time, I knew something was horribly wrong. Raticate was sporting an orange, fiery tail, like that of a Rapidash. In addition, the area around its new tail was a purplish-red color, like it was bruised or bleeding, and could see grotesque stitches holding the tail on. What had Joey done to it? It was like he’d sewn a Rapidash’s tail onto Raticate.
When the raticate used flamethrower, I realized with horror that that was exactly what he’d done. Raticate let out a scrambled noise. It sounded like it was in pain. ‘RATICATE was hurt!’ the text read. Raticate’s health went down by a quarter. Flamethrower didn’t affect the user, so I was confused until I realized that Raticate was not used to using fire attacks, and its body was being damaged by the foreign attack type.
I didn’t want to hurt the raticate further, but I had to. I sent out Poliwhirl and used surf. It was super-effective, and raticate fainted. When we returned to the overworld, Joey said, “And yet another loss….no doubt about it - you’re tough! Being beaten this often actually feels good now! Still, I sure wish RATTATA was stronger!”
‘It’s a Raticate!” I screamed at the DS. “Stop calling it that! Stop hurting it!”
Joey, of course, didn’t hear me. Instead, he gave me an iron.
I promised myself that I would never battle Joey again, even if he called me. A couple of weeks passed, and I had entered the Kanto region. I had almost forgotten about Joey when I received his call, inviting me to battle. I ignored it and continued down route 5. After a few steps, however, he called me again. This time, when I picked up, I heard Raticate’s cry. “WhEre are YoU goIng? ROutE 30 iS the oTHer waY!”
I shrieked and threw my DS away from me. It clattered onto the floor and stayed there. Afraid I had broken it, I picked it up again after a few minutes. It hadn’t, so I continued playing. No matter where I tried to go, I would only go a few steps before Joey called me with the same freaky massage. I decided to face the music and battle him. Steeling myself for what I might see, I entered the battle.
Raticate had a pair of white-blue wings attached to his sides as well as the Rapidash tail. Maybe from a Pelipper. The area around where the wings were stitched on was horribly messy and red. Raticate went first and used Water Pulse. It hardly harmed my Misdreavus, but the words “RATICATE was hurt!’ flashed across the screen and took a third of its health. I took the rest with Psybeam.
I got called back two more times during that month. And each time, the attacks it used (Electric Shock and Razor Leaf) would take off more of its health until I knew the next time we fought, I wouldn’t have to attack at all. When he did call me, I knew couldn’t escape so I just went along with it. By now, Raticate was so gory and full of stitches that I could hardly recognize it. I felt like crying. Raticate now wore an obi-like sash around its waist and its eyes were blue and had a purple-ish hue around them. I had no idea what new pokemon had died to disfigure the * Raticate further, but I decided it didn’t matter. Raticate used Ice Beam. This did a surprising amount of damage to my Ampharos, but as I suspected, the damage Raticate took depleted its health bar completely.
Raticate let out an anguished yowl and disappeared from the screen. Expecting to see the words ‘RATICATE fainted,’ I was shocked and horrified to read the words ‘RATICATE has died!’ instead. I stared at the screen. Dead? Raticate can’t be dead. You can’t die in a pokemon game. That’s not how it worked. Joey said something different too. “RatTaTA? WhATs WrOnG?” When I tried talking to him again, nothing happened.
Thoroughly spooked, I left for Kanto again. I wanted nothing more than to forget this incident. I was convinced that I would never have to battle Joey again, his only pokemon having apparently…died.
I was wrong.
I was just about to enter Mt Silver when I got the call. I swore when I saw it was Joey. What more could he do with a dead Raticate? Knowing it was useless to ignore the call, I flew all the way back to where he stood. For some reason, his sprite had changed. I couldn’t see what it was because the sprite was too small. I also noticed that the trainer that used to stand next to Joey was nowhere to be seen. I talked to Joey. The text read, ‘I’Ve BeCoMe OnE WIth RATTATA aNd BEcomE MucH STrOnGeR! ArE YOu REadY?” The battle began.
I almost threw up.
Joey, or what was left of him, stood in the place where his Raticate once stood. His hair was matted with blood and his face horribly disfigured by his new buckteeth, furry body, and mangled claws. The stitches holding his body together were badly sewed, and every time his nose twitched, a fresh drop of blood fell from the tip of his snout.
Joey had sewn the parts he had hacked off Raticate into himself. The image was so terrifying, so horrible, that I could barely look at him. Joey used Hyper Fang. The attack hit my Ampharos, but did *-all damage. Joey’s health went down one fifth. It was my turn to attack. I used Thunder, hoping I’d get lucky on my first try. However, a textbox appeared on the screen. ‘AMPHAROS is too terrified to move!’ I cursed. Joey attacked again, this time with Crunch. This did a lot more damage; more than half of Ampharos’ health was gone now. Joey’s health depleted a little more. When I tried to attack, Ampharos was again too terrified to move. Hoping I could wait it out until he killed himself, I mashed the A button.
Joey used Crunch again. Ampharos’ health bar ran out and he fainted. I brought out Misdreavus so that it wouldn’t be affected by any normal moves. This turned out to be a good move, as Joey used Double-Edge.
‘MISDREAVUS was unaffected! JOEY was hurt!’
They was an ungodly cry as Joey fell from the screen.
‘JOEY has died!’
My player was sent back to the overworld. Joey’s mangle sprite was in front of me, Raticate features still visible. I realized that I was silently crying, my tears splattering onto the touchpad. In a state of shock, I stood there, not moving, for a full five minutes. I was unable to draw a coherent thought in my mind.
Eventually, I brought my Ampharos to the pokemon centre. When the nurse gave him back, she said, “Whatever happened to this pokemon, don’t let it happen again.” From then on, Ampharos could never fight a Raticate again. He would always be too terrified to move.
I don’t know why a headed back to where Joey once stood. I just felt I had to do it. When I arrived, Joey was nowhere to be seen. In his place was an item. I picked it up.
It was an iron.
Credit to http://fyeahpokemoncreepypasta.tumblr.com/
i read that story once
i didnt find it scary so much as i found it interesting