Is the bottleneck with your Internet Service provider, at MIT, or at some link between your ISP and MIT? If the bottleneck is at your ISP, you'll have to talk to them. If it is between your ISP and MIT, there may be nothing you can do. If it is at MIT, the scratch team will already know about the problem and be working on solutions.
Gioman wrote:
Is there a way to download Scratch faster? I've waited half an hour and it has only downloaded 1.70MB.
wow. your computor must be, like, the slowest one ever. or, maby your downloader is defective. you could try to get a new one...
Gioman wrote:
Well, I have dial-up [blocks]<play sound[ wahhhhhhh!<forever>[/blocks]
If the bocks didn't go well forgive me. It's my first time.
me too. hey, what program do you use for the "support" things? it might be a mac thing or a store bought item or just a program from a later version of windows than my old '98, but I think it can be obtained or used by me.
hey, what program do you use for the "support" things? it might be a mac thing or a store bought item or just a program from a later version of windows than my old '98, but I think it can be obtained or used by me.