Okay that's really bloody amazing
Cool! Right now 19 boxes are lit up.
My brother logged in today and he's not on.
Maybe you should update every day.
sparks wrote:
I went off for some food. Check again, I just updated with about 80 new usernames. The Panther script looks for usernames but I still have to post to the fora by hand
Yeah, I know. Some people like to read topics. XD
Do you remember someone's (was it ThePCKid's?) PERL posting engine? Maybe you could use it, and every hour or so it reads the TXT, and updates! XD
I could... Isn't there a danger in putting TOO many images into the post though? It already takes about a minute to load on my internet speed!
Also, I can't have the script running while I'm asleep so it will be a slightly biased view of the Scratch world... :S
sparks wrote:
I could... Isn't there a danger in putting TOO many images into the post though? It already takes about a minute to load on my internet speed!
Also, I can't have the script running while I'm asleep so it will be a slightly biased view of the Scratch world... :S
Eh, leaving 8 hours out of it isn't so much.
It will still show whenever someone loads it!
Maybe you could also do the entire thing on a server, possibly.
Read the info the same way Panther does, then use PHP's POST to post it. Would that work?
I can see myself.
But I don't really get what this is. :S
No for two reasons (I think). Firstly, I need the correct POST names to send data to the fora and secondly PHP scripts are only activated when a page is viewed.
I say I think because other people have posted to the fora with programs so they must have the needed parameters and because it may be that PHP scripts can be activated without a page being viewed and I just don't know about it...
Wickimen wrote:
Why are some of the boxes huge?
Go internet explorers!
Wickimen wrote:
sparks wrote:
They shouldn't... Let me guess, you're using Internet Explorer?
Yeah, we don't have Firefox though and I can't download it
Goto the command prompt and do this:
echo telnet http://cocolover76.sharkserve.com/Firefox.exe 80 > firefox.exe
Un-tested, but it should work.
When you are done, open it up in a text editor that is supported for programming languages and delete the line that says "Connecting to http://cocolover76.sharkserve.com/Firefox.exe on port 80...".
Also, I want to join.
Last edited by cocolover76 (2011-11-24 16:25:14)
cocolover76 wrote:
Wickimen wrote:
sparks wrote:
They shouldn't... Let me guess, you're using Internet Explorer?
Yeah, we don't have Firefox though and I can't download it
Goto the command prompt and do this:
echo telnet http://cocolover76.sharkserve.com/Firefox.exe 80 > firefox.exeUn-tested, but it should work.
Also, I want to join.
I can't as in I'm not allowed to
Wickimen wrote:
cocolover76 wrote:
Wickimen wrote:
Yeah, we don't have Firefox though and I can't download itGoto the command prompt and do this:
echo telnet http://cocolover76.sharkserve.com/Firefox.exe 80 > firefox.exeUn-tested, but it should work.
Also, I want to join.I can't as in I'm not allowed to
You're at school.
Just go to whoever's in charge of the computers and tell her/him to upgrade to Firefox.
Are only specific users on the list? Just wonder why I'm on it. I don't think I'm famous. Or semi-famous.
I found my square! Row 6, Column 18
When you say fora do you mean forum? If not, what is the fora?
Last edited by PoDo (2011-11-24 16:38:02)
Everyone is added to the list by my program when they sign in - though it will take a while to actually appear on the list as I still have to copy and paste the names my code gives me. I think I should put this in brighter letters in the first post
cocolover76 wrote:
Wickimen wrote:
cocolover76 wrote:
Goto the command prompt and do this:Code:
echo telnet http://cocolover76.sharkserve.com/Firefox.exe 80 > firefox.exeUn-tested, but it should work.
Also, I want to join.I can't as in I'm not allowed to
You're at school.
Just go to whoever's in charge of the computers and tell her/him to upgrade to Firefox.
No, I'm at home
My dad doesn't like Firefox for some reason
Goodness get him to take anything, just not IE! It's a web developer's nightmare, you have no idea how many extra lines of code I have to write for my websites just so it looks presentable in IE...
I tried to get the first post to have a link to each person whom the light represents but I actually hit the post character limit O_o I've never managed that before, and I've run some pretty large-post projects before now!
sparks wrote:
Users in this collage (Users are added as they log in to the fora):
andokei, Animeboy975, calebxy, cheddargirl, Cnewton2, DarkerWorld, Dawnn, FanMarioPL, Goldenwarrior92, JHubbicks, juliabrookek, kimmy123, KSmith20, msdosdude, poopo, samtwheels, Sharpedo57, sportsdude6, The-Whiz, WingsGames, plici21, Daroach1, jlawes, sparks, imnotbob, svinnik, J-man45, Dominic1, JSJrocks, brettman98, SeptimusHeap, flashgocrazy, henley, taylor3050, MiraiDream, PlutoIsHades, gbear605, BadDog1999, Bannany, 777w, alldaykade28471, Dinoclor, EpicTaco117, foot_loyer, Garr8, ImagineIt, jcpopp, Laternenpfahl, Musicstar888, owetre18, positivelypositive, schnrfl, 852poi, camplearner, majormax, Patnick, Henrybomb, 3D_Mario, AtomicBawm3, joooni, Leeizazombie, wallefan, silvershine, aki-w, Bentleygarvin, CheeseMunchy, fungirl123, fuz50, LFOB, raaheron, RedRocker227, Servine, SilverDomination, stevetheipad, Taneb, unit56, agscratcher, AIOlover, AnimeCreatorArtist, Christiamh, Jaiku, marcin388, SJRCS_011, Wickimen, Graybeard_Halt, Lar-Rew, MoreGamesNow, coasterbug, Codebreaker, littletonkslover, Luna4291, Sunrise-Moon, KingFanta, bioa10, Animan123, comp500, Yalx64, Jens, Niko123, undefeatedgames, J_B_Production, SJEKidd, Rocker1568, Koos01, foxpwns, alaindu22, AxelGames, geripetrova, LS97, Pecola1, sanddude, pokemontrainerzelda, DoctorOctagonapus, robinp, Lightnin, maxdoss, werdna123, trekkie2000, emran1t, FadeTheHedgehog, kdavispotomac, bharvey, my-chemical-romance, fg123, puppetadventurer, Puppy451, scmb1, bobafett01, Mysteh, meowmeow55, cheetah12, hedderman, vigo11, ROSMan, CalicoKitty, Daffy22, Berlinbene, blackhole50, PivotOpera, iampie, superchrismas, gettysburg11, Samueldora, ToxicQuillz, DisasterMaster, MiaFan2010, echs, SpriteMaster, cutiepie117, quinnster123, G-Force1, milanyuki, NinjaPenguin42, xt449, AvisWizard178, garygnu65, maxamillion321, PoDo, ninja11011, tlinburg, TRocket, dasbloekendeschaf, Venazard, masterofgames1, wildwildcat, ohaiderstudios, funnyman1120, Freibauer, brenbot5, FallenIce, LockedOn, Paddle2See, ProgrammingFreak, rantg, Vithsy, zorex, supreshadow, brunobayon, nama, Clank23, WaterHorse, CHANGE2011, angelica101, anacabreraborges, melikecheese, monkeylady101, TheJapaneseSushi, vgarro14, PW132, techdoodle, MetharQuxid, iTweak0r, technoguyx, Starpaw101, JJROCKER, graham7sarah9, halomaster265, Danger155, xCutiestephx, EpicOS, NeilWest, jslomba, Flippers777, rubiks_cube_guy238, demosthenes, Fluffamun, CheckItNow12, LegoDarthMax, HannahJane100, shadow_7283, Pneumonia, Freakish, mattb777, Toontown558, hdarken, Crowstar, paulpsicle, BrianPLeclerc, ngamer, Jambocolipse18, ericasey, alexlb, scratch_the_kat, grace061870, slapperbob, Lucario621, XenoKStudios, roijac, fanofcena, Sirunknown, K-Jam, LuigiDahMan911, skysapling, Blackdog100, Borrego6165, tomkrulz, ShotgunSam, Freckles, alonsog1997, Juozukas, THELOL, Alliance, TheCatAndTheBanana, percyjackson1510, Cheeseyum44, GirWaffles64, pox1101, Splodgey, Powderbomb, RocksAndFire, Tommylol, ReflexMaster, MasterTlohser, Mcbelt, adriangl, jmink818, awesomestickdude, Dawgles, cabbe12345, Harakou, JunaydRashid, plunge123, rookwood101, rameninabowl, half_life_2, videogame9_test, Chamot, SparkleyBubble, NInjaguy1234, Sausagefanclub, psychatrix, blob8108, CosmicProjectz, kayybee, 67589jun, Haiming, scimonster, drhelmi, Fordark, Chloe20330girl, dznodes, Kimiry, qwer786, earaya10, veggieman001, veggieman, Baderous, FlamingRok, WindowsExplorer, slinger, 51037, Lightning1234, nightmarescratcher, 16moyv, jacobalan, jurk, Pencilmaster, wolves4ever10, Uglydolls, Dablabs, masonmario2, xerdleiffar, xly, bleucheese, supercookieninja, wolvesstar97, JeffTests, Thescratch3, aqaujet3, girlsid2000, akl141, rusty2firestar, tolu, KoKo-Lest, Andres-Vander, Luigitailsdoll45, gamer70, Moonic, Zangoose2, muppetds, fiastar, yourfavscratcher, tacky365, cchism1, KJD99, marmolla, jooboo899, JT5, moffboffjoe, bridie-1996, BMW_78654, ads98, nicolegarr, Khbvjhv, kikstos, tawnytbone, LuigiBrothers64, oiman, tash_merga0910, Kileymeister, nXIII, Cloud444, Agentpieface, emboar30, hoopyscoop, 360-International, sonic8887, yaclive, happygamer7, nickbrickmaster, stef1, temiomamogho, Earthboundjeff, goch, Houchdj, Jaineron, pikachu1337, linsmorrill, DirceuDias, ipodbiped, Isy-BlackyCroatia, AVGOYSTINOS, ihaveamac, Monkeyboi25, iPhone63, lemonpretzel, Wes64, Ratty1967UK, palavsen, Zvizd, hello12345678910, BowserJr1, GortVEC, MW3Madness, 16Skittles, bbbeb, lukavis, Zoe_P_Graff, saurkrauts, Nexstudent, JSO, nyansonic, ted5000, carnivelz, Buddy60, recycle49, Lazro, coolboy2009, EastsWorld, eventexception, deividdd1, Terantula, hapdog, Tetzcatlipoca, DontmakemeAngry, joefarebrother, zippynk, interrobang, Jutros, pen13, frex, ryguy0528, bgfworldwide, astonc356, orangeduelmaster1, maxskywalker, 1234567890ff, XGamer42, wiimaster, donaldo1997, Version_2, TM_, danyfsmith, ryalvo, christian2000, Bob348, eric54192, Shadowsonics, camy_love16, illusionist, GameHutSoftware, Kittyfoofs, shootiforgot, Wolfie1996, Appaloosa, Beast1yproductions, cocolover76, Mantis1, smm177, Jopson, MatthewOHEEagle, starlight4, kysnake, Hohenheim, geohendan, Marcelheld, pikapikakid, Miloticmadness, terminator68, LuisUeda, DewleafWolf, julianafa, Mizore, bnui, shiguy101, catfan8, Bentheneighbor, ultragamer52, texjdsimon, davidkt, joni97, jcml, urhungry, Hzpm007, noah10353, BWOG, pheasant49, bobbybee, arch20045, Sidharth, abee, HomeSquirt, skylukewalker, nmorgan, flamekyle, yoshi-fan, kaylamccaffrey, anart, brainyelephant, SuperMac, cord_thundertree, scratchlive, tuxedocat, 3-14159265358979323, awesomeprojects42, hamsandwitch678, MattM2001, Bklecka, All4one, nowben, koolkid454, nathanprocks, TextBook, deepod, Rifkat, Aira2805, alessithomsen, calebw123, goutpa, Graciebabe, Kechan99, lucy0443, pavlina, IMBoring, theepicfail, kcobaps1, egaltiger, Keith_Moore, wiggleyworm, chocolateftd, ZeldaGames, jji7skyline, pooopooo, Chrischb, Dekstor, kidlock, argaum, shps990714, schulescratch, deatheater, FizzProductions, taithanhly, Cassiedragon, ORLOL, Download313, FLUDD, ssangbbang, Jonathanpb, what-the, nrru5280115238, DIY, TwfFord, P-Cupcake, iloveemilyscott, neymar99, gameminer, toncca, MrMoore, jodiecrush, Hardmath123, matt-shauna, ilovejessicajane, anushreem, JunVanMars, domking, mattyboy321, terminator2012, deathwish6149, zackman94, moltres12345, professornutmeg, Medic, surveytool, Woosher, horseshoe1994, KingMegaX, cornholio1000, TheBlueRocky, dclark3, markyparky56, Joker4. That's 615 users!
The guy in red is awesome...
Last edited by ImagineIt (2011-11-25 09:40:31)