Hi, I was hoping that you could help me with the Stop button (on the menu bar). I am trying to implement a command where if the user presses the Stop button, the program will reset itself to the beginning. Any suggestions???
There is no current way to set the program back when the stop button is pressed, however, you can reset the program when the green flag is clicked. That's the only way I know. Hope that helps.
please help me fix this! http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/tmaaan/442108
Last edited by tmaaan (2009-03-13 12:56:56)
can you send me a copy of the space game that i can use with vesion 1.2.1 as 1.3.1 wont install andi try opening it on my computer in 1.2.1 it says bad header
how do u get to the place where you make your sprite move and stuff?
Ok, I'm here, lolmonster, what space game? Tygercub, press the "Move" tab in the top-left corner. Over there, you'll see blue-colored blocks that make the sprite move.
Well, windows media player's sample music is stored in WMA files. Scratch is compatible with MIDI and a few others. You'll need a converter to be able to have scratch be compatible with the music you're looking for. Is the music you want windows media player sample music?
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joeyman wrote:
Go here:
The New Users' Handbook!
For all of your tips!
And? I already know that. You said yourself not to spam with topics unrelated to the post.