The Scratch Network may take a moment to load, it adds users to the list when they log into the fora and uses the I-topic'd Scratch API to show how many recent visitors to the fora are online now. Comment with thoughts!
Last edited by sparks (2011-11-25 11:07:31)
Users in this collage (Users are added as they log in to the fora):
andokei, Animeboy975, calebxy, cheddargirl, Cnewton2, DarkerWorld, Dawnn, FanMarioPL, Goldenwarrior92, JHubbicks, juliabrookek, kimmy123, KSmith20, msdosdude, poopo, samtwheels, Sharpedo57, sportsdude6, The-Whiz, WingsGames, plici21, Daroach1, jlawes, sparks, imnotbob, svinnik, J-man45, Dominic1, JSJrocks, brettman98, SeptimusHeap, flashgocrazy, henley, taylor3050, MiraiDream, PlutoIsHades, gbear605, BadDog1999, Bannany, 777w, alldaykade28471, Dinoclor, EpicTaco117, foot_loyer, Garr8, ImagineIt, jcpopp, Laternenpfahl, Musicstar888, owetre18, positivelypositive, schnrfl, 852poi, camplearner, majormax, Patnick, Henrybomb, 3D_Mario, AtomicBawm3, joooni, Leeizazombie, wallefan, silvershine, aki-w, Bentleygarvin, CheeseMunchy, fungirl123, fuz50, LFOB, raaheron, RedRocker227, Servine, SilverDomination, stevetheipad, Taneb, unit56, agscratcher, AIOlover, AnimeCreatorArtist, Christiamh, Jaiku, marcin388, SJRCS_011, Wickimen, Graybeard_Halt, Lar-Rew, MoreGamesNow, coasterbug, Codebreaker, littletonkslover, Luna4291, Sunrise-Moon, KingFanta, bioa10, Animan123, comp500, Yalx64, Jens, Niko123, undefeatedgames, J_B_Production, SJEKidd, Rocker1568, Koos01, foxpwns, alaindu22, AxelGames, geripetrova, LS97, Pecola1, sanddude, pokemontrainerzelda, DoctorOctagonapus, robinp, Lightnin, maxdoss, werdna123, trekkie2000, emran1t, FadeTheHedgehog, kdavispotomac, bharvey, my-chemical-romance, fg123, puppetadventurer, Puppy451, scmb1, bobafett01, Mysteh, meowmeow55, cheetah12, hedderman, vigo11, ROSMan, CalicoKitty, Daffy22, Berlinbene, blackhole50, PivotOpera, iampie, superchrismas, gettysburg11, Samueldora, ToxicQuillz, DisasterMaster, MiaFan2010, echs, SpriteMaster, cutiepie117, quinnster123, G-Force1, milanyuki, NinjaPenguin42, xt449, AvisWizard178, garygnu65, maxamillion321, PoDo, ninja11011, tlinburg, TRocket, dasbloekendeschaf, Venazard, masterofgames1, wildwildcat, ohaiderstudios, funnyman1120, Freibauer, brenbot5, FallenIce, LockedOn, Paddle2See, ProgrammingFreak, rantg, Vithsy, zorex, supreshadow, brunobayon, nama, Clank23, WaterHorse, CHANGE2011, angelica101, anacabreraborges, melikecheese, monkeylady101, TheJapaneseSushi, vgarro14, PW132, techdoodle, MetharQuxid, iTweak0r, technoguyx, Starpaw101, JJROCKER, graham7sarah9, halomaster265, Danger155, xCutiestephx, EpicOS, NeilWest, jslomba, Flippers777, rubiks_cube_guy238, demosthenes, Fluffamun, CheckItNow12, LegoDarthMax, HannahJane100, shadow_7283, Pneumonia, Freakish, mattb777, Toontown558, hdarken, Crowstar, paulpsicle, BrianPLeclerc, ngamer, Jambocolipse18, ericasey, alexlb, scratch_the_kat, grace061870, slapperbob, Lucario621, XenoKStudios, roijac, fanofcena, Sirunknown, K-Jam, LuigiDahMan911, skysapling, Blackdog100, Borrego6165, tomkrulz, ShotgunSam, Freckles, alonsog1997, Juozukas, THELOL, Alliance, TheCatAndTheBanana, percyjackson1510, Cheeseyum44, GirWaffles64, pox1101, Splodgey, Powderbomb, RocksAndFire, Tommylol, ReflexMaster, MasterTlohser, Mcbelt, adriangl, jmink818, awesomestickdude, Dawgles, cabbe12345, Harakou, JunaydRashid, plunge123, rookwood101, rameninabowl, half_life_2, videogame9_test, Chamot, SparkleyBubble, NInjaguy1234, Sausagefanclub, psychatrix, blob8108, CosmicProjectz, kayybee, 67589jun, Haiming, scimonster, drhelmi, Fordark, Chloe20330girl, dznodes, Kimiry, qwer786, earaya10, veggieman001, veggieman, Baderous, FlamingRok, WindowsExplorer, slinger, 51037, Lightning1234, nightmarescratcher, 16moyv, jacobalan, jurk, Pencilmaster, wolves4ever10, Uglydolls, Dablabs, masonmario2, xerdleiffar, xly, bleucheese, supercookieninja, wolvesstar97, JeffTests, Thescratch3, aqaujet3, girlsid2000, akl141, rusty2firestar, tolu, KoKo-Lest, Andres-Vander, Luigitailsdoll45, gamer70, Moonic, Zangoose2, muppetds, fiastar, yourfavscratcher, tacky365, cchism1, KJD99, marmolla, jooboo899, JT5, moffboffjoe, bridie-1996, BMW_78654, ads98, nicolegarr, Khbvjhv, kikstos, tawnytbone, LuigiBrothers64, oiman, tash_merga0910, Kileymeister, nXIII, Cloud444, Agentpieface, emboar30, hoopyscoop, 360-International, sonic8887, yaclive, happygamer7, nickbrickmaster, stef1, temiomamogho, Earthboundjeff, goch, Houchdj, Jaineron, pikachu1337, linsmorrill, DirceuDias, ipodbiped, Isy-BlackyCroatia, AVGOYSTINOS, ihaveamac, Monkeyboi25, iPhone63, lemonpretzel, Wes64, Ratty1967UK, palavsen, Zvizd, hello12345678910, BowserJr1, GortVEC, MW3Madness, 16Skittles, bbbeb, lukavis, Zoe_P_Graff, saurkrauts, Nexstudent, JSO, nyansonic, ted5000, carnivelz, Buddy60, recycle49, Lazro, coolboy2009, EastsWorld, eventexception, deividdd1, Terantula, hapdog, Tetzcatlipoca, DontmakemeAngry, joefarebrother, zippynk, interrobang, Jutros, pen13, frex, ryguy0528, bgfworldwide, astonc356, orangeduelmaster1, maxskywalker, 1234567890ff, XGamer42, wiimaster, donaldo1997, Version_2, TM_, danyfsmith, ryalvo, christian2000, Bob348, eric54192, Shadowsonics, camy_love16, illusionist, GameHutSoftware, Kittyfoofs, shootiforgot, Wolfie1996, Appaloosa, Beast1yproductions, cocolover76, Mantis1, smm177, Jopson, MatthewOHEEagle, starlight4, kysnake, Hohenheim, geohendan, Marcelheld, pikapikakid, Miloticmadness, terminator68, LuisUeda, DewleafWolf, julianafa, Mizore, bnui, shiguy101, catfan8, Bentheneighbor, ultragamer52, texjdsimon, davidkt, joni97, jcml, urhungry, Hzpm007, noah10353, BWOG, pheasant49, bobbybee, arch20045, Sidharth, abee, HomeSquirt, skylukewalker, nmorgan, flamekyle, yoshi-fan, kaylamccaffrey, anart, brainyelephant, SuperMac, cord_thundertree, scratchlive, tuxedocat, 3-14159265358979323, awesomeprojects42, hamsandwitch678, MattM2001, Bklecka, All4one, nowben, koolkid454, nathanprocks, TextBook, deepod, Rifkat, Aira2805, alessithomsen, calebw123, goutpa, Graciebabe, Kechan99, lucy0443, pavlina, IMBoring, theepicfail, kcobaps1, egaltiger, Keith_Moore, wiggleyworm, chocolateftd, ZeldaGames, jji7skyline, pooopooo, Chrischb, Dekstor, kidlock, argaum, shps990714, schulescratch, deatheater, FizzProductions, taithanhly, Cassiedragon, ORLOL, Download313, FLUDD, ssangbbang, Jonathanpb, what-the, nrru5280115238, DIY, TwfFord, P-Cupcake, iloveemilyscott, neymar99, gameminer, toncca, MrMoore, jodiecrush, Hardmath123, matt-shauna, ilovejessicajane, anushreem, JunVanMars, domking, mattyboy321, terminator2012, deathwish6149, zackman94, moltres12345, professornutmeg, Medic, surveytool, Woosher, horseshoe1994, KingMegaX, cornholio1000, TheBlueRocky, dclark3, markyparky56, Joker4, ashkechem, devinturner, IHeartGaming, nuckelavee, ocy123, TheDgdc, Dinosaur-Apocalypse, sdog90000, ProgrammingPro01, efisher82, etix, Survivorduck, annber, gerardcote, dmc989, boo-boo, Gazi, welovezoo, the-evil-puppy, legorulez101, Anonymous_German, cstevens307, DialgaThornshadow, chaitanyamvs2007, SamuelScratch, demon_legendzzz, mastermagi, GamerScience, Jakgoe, Ro_bert, graybatty, wmays, Jinck, CometTheHedge-fox, Babado, TheMagician, RuiMoreira, janik9, Jellybean22, V6_V2-E1_8-V4_HACT, jverdaguer_4cm, laptop97, TotalBiscuit34, Ladder2976, sandy50830, pspdude40, forest, spyroflame5880, kman999911, torgon1, ScratchReallyROCKS, pipercubjl, fireheartocean, Snowdrift, boudrema, TheBajeebas, ethancomputermad, Charlieb124, 77laura, Scratch_name, Yay4catsPwnsYou, peep500, akhof, asdan, Emers14, srx2002, Scratchthatguys, amberk99, beyblade4, GalladeXD, sannost, NATT44. That's 700 users!
Last edited by sparks (2011-11-25 11:08:28)
I have a Panther program doing the adding, so now you're online you should be added.
There isn't much point, I just thought that it would look quite nice as a piece of live-changing art.
Yeah, Internet Explorer has an odd habit of not displaying the images properly all the time, someone else mentioned it a while ago
sparks wrote:
I have a Panther program doing the adding, so now you're online you should be added.
There isn't much point, I just thought that it would look quite nice as a piece of live-changing art.
Yeah, Internet Explorer has an odd habit of not displaying the images properly all the time, someone else mentioned it a while ago
Cool. Does it update the list of people in it too?
And does it auto update the post for you?
seems like a cool little thing
Add meeeee
That is sooooo cool.
Wow, eventually this will grow HUGE! That would be awesome.
I'm gradually updating a page on my website. You can find the page Here
gbear605 wrote:
I'm gradually updating a page on my website. You can find the page Here
Pretty cool! You may want to put the status squares into a div restricting their width, it might look a little nicer. If you count the commas and add 1 in the userlist you can also get the number of squares so you could get it to set the height and width to the closest square or rectangle size...
mattb777 wrote:
It is kind of weird how the boxes are huge... I found myself near the bottom of the list.
You'll be using Internet Explorer then, Unfortunately it often fails to display the boxes at the correct size - no idea why. You will only just have logged in if you're near the bottom of the list